Here's my situation. I'm a lab assistant on campus from about 5-7pm on mondays and wednesdays. Usually I leave my apartment about 12 to visit Natsumi before I have class at 2. Then I pick her up after my class at 3:15 and spend her break with her since she usually has things to since she does not have a car and I am her primary mode of transportation. Then I drop her off at work and I go to work in the lab about 5:00pm. I was curious if anyone knew of any software that would allow me to access my PC at home while I am on campus. Bandwidth I don't think should be a problem on the school's side, but I have the basic DSL package that SBC offers. So I'm wondering if this is at all possible or in the realm of actually being feesible. The reason being is usually on Monday and Wednesday, especially now since it's getting colder out, I'll stay at Natsumi's place (devoid of a working computer and internet connection at the moment) and I don't usually get to use my PC for 2 or 3 days usually resulting in a bunch of e-mails missed in Outlook and such. I used to have a program that AT&T developed that would allow me to view my desktop via an IE window but lost it during the great hard drive and IDE channel crash of 2002. Any help would be appreciated.
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.