The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • New TV season

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #100642  by Zeus
 Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:20 pm
So, what's everyone lookin' forward to now that the new TV season has started? I'm sure some of you have been watching Prison Break (personally don't like the show) and are probably eagerly anticipating the Bones premiere tonight, but what else?

For me, the only shows starting up this year are My Name is Earl on Sept 21 and Veronica Mars on October 3rd. 24 doesn't start until January and the last eps of Sopranos isn't until March. Man, HBO is making us wait a while for this show to end. I wasn't overly enamoured with Season Six as I thought it dragged a lot but let's hope they end it well.

 #100644  by Imakeholesinu
 Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:45 pm
Battlestar Galactica.

 #100646  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:41 pm
House season 3 and The Ultimate Fighter 4. That's it.

 #100653  by Anarky
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:37 am
I'm personally enjoying Prison Break 2nd season. I just watched all of the first like a week ago.

I look forward to Lost seaon 3 the most though.

I also will watch My Name is Earl, Desperate Housewives, Venture Brothers, Metalocolypse, SouthPark, and probably Scrubs. I watch a lot of trendy shows, what can I say.
Last edited by Anarky on Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #100655  by Eric
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:57 am
Smallville, even if it is getting slightly ridiculous.

 #100665  by Zeus
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:02 pm
Eric wrote:Smallville, even if it is getting slightly ridiculous.
What's going on with that show now? I never really watched it, so what's making it ridiculous? Are they selling Kryptonite on Ebay? :-)

 #100666  by Lox
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:05 pm
My Name is Earl
The Office
24 (not until January, though)

That be it, I think.

 #100667  by Flip
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:30 pm
and Kim likes Gray's Anatomy

 #100668  by Oracle
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:42 pm

 #100675  by Imakeholesinu
 Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:58 pm
Yeah I'm sorry I forgot the rest of the titles...

Grey's Anatomy (I liked it better when we watched together... :( )
Scrubs (Two medical shows? And I work for a hosptial? Brainwashing...)
The Soup

There are probably others I just can't think of them now.

 #100691  by Chris
 Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:50 pm
the next season of smallville from the stuff I have seen and talked to people on the crew about is shaping up to bring it back to where it should be.....although noone but terrence stamp should ever say kneel before zod.....Plus my green arrow fetish will be sated in 9 episodes.....

Heroes - of the episodes I have seen is fantastic and well worth watching. episodic like lost with early set-up episodes then turning off into individual subplots in a similar veign. fantastic show so far. (Comicon ruled)


Veronica Mars I think will have a great season.

 #100692  by Eric
 Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:07 pm
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:Smallville, even if it is getting slightly ridiculous.
What's going on with that show now? I never really watched it, so what's making it ridiculous? Are they selling Kryptonite on Ebay? :-)
Lex Luthor got into a fist fight with Superman, and no I'm not kidding. ;p

 #100694  by Chris
 Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:28 pm
yeah terrence stamp took over his mind and body.....KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!

 #100697  by Zeus
 Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:46 pm
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:Smallville, even if it is getting slightly ridiculous.
What's going on with that show now? I never really watched it, so what's making it ridiculous? Are they selling Kryptonite on Ebay? :-)
Lex Luthor got into a fist fight with Superman, and no I'm not kidding. ;p
So, it's jumped the shark or was it just one ridiculous scene?

 #100698  by Eric
 Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:00 am
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote: What's going on with that show now? I never really watched it, so what's making it ridiculous? Are they selling Kryptonite on Ebay? :-)
Lex Luthor got into a fist fight with Superman, and no I'm not kidding. ;p
So, it's jumped the shark or was it just one ridiculous scene?
I mean there's reason behind it, but come on, Lex Luthor with Kryptonian powers at that age, he should of had a freakin battle plan when Superman appears in Metropolis years down the line.

 #100700  by Zeus
 Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:00 am
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote: Lex Luthor got into a fist fight with Superman, and no I'm not kidding. ;p
So, it's jumped the shark or was it just one ridiculous scene?
I mean there's reason behind it, but come on, Lex Luthor with Kryptonian powers at that age, he should of had a freakin battle plan when Superman appears in Metropolis years down the line.
Yeah, I agree, but that wouldn't help the show now. It's the same thing I've been bitching about with the Transformers movie, they just take parts of an already established story and do what they want with it without regard to the source material. It would have been nice for them to use the first two movies as canon, which it looked like they were going to do, but then you start worrying about ratings, etc., and all that goes out the window.

 #100714  by Chris
 Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:08 am
Zeus wrote:
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote: So, it's jumped the shark or was it just one ridiculous scene?
I mean there's reason behind it, but come on, Lex Luthor with Kryptonian powers at that age, he should of had a freakin battle plan when Superman appears in Metropolis years down the line.
Yeah, I agree, but that wouldn't help the show now. It's the same thing I've been bitching about with the Transformers movie, they just take parts of an already established story and do what they want with it without regard to the source material. It would have been nice for them to use the first two movies as canon, which it looked like they were going to do, but then you start worrying about ratings, etc., and all that goes out the window.
if you think they were trying to tie it into the movies or comics in anyway you definitely don't know em. never the intention. it's the same thing with the new all star comic line. it's just their own the comic orgin. the only thing they really take from the comics are names and personalitlies

 #100722  by Zeus
 Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:15 am
If that's the case, that would be a big problem for me. You can't ignore the comics and just do what you please with it. It actually sounded like a good idea going through the early years of Superman, but not at the expense of destroying the history. Lois and Clark started out as a gay side-story of Superman, Smallville should have been different. If it wasn't, then I may not start watching it. It was one of the ones I was thinking of trying soon.

 #100725  by Kupek
 Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:47 am
Zeus wrote:If that's the case, that would be a big problem for me. You can't ignore the comics and just do what you please with it.
What's so sacred about canon? Some of the best <i>comics</i> I've read where ones where they turned the canon up on its head. You seem to care more about staying true to canon than appreciating a story for what it is, and I don't understand that.

 #100727  by Zeus
 Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:57 pm
Kupek wrote:
Zeus wrote:If that's the case, that would be a big problem for me. You can't ignore the comics and just do what you please with it.
What's so sacred about canon? Some of the best <i>comics</i> I've read where ones where they turned the canon up on its head. You seem to care more about staying true to canon than appreciating a story for what it is, and I don't understand that.
There's a big difference between the creators or curators of a franchise turning on its head and some execs who don't know and don't care about anything that was done in the past with respect to the franchise screwing it up hoping to make a quick buck.

I have no issues with changing things; in fact, I rather enjoy it. But it has to be good and there has to be a reason for it. Christopher Gans changed the end of Silent Hill 'cause he though the devil ending wouldn't work in a film setting, but otherwise, much of Silent Hill was kept in tact 'cause it did work. Harry was changed to a woman (didn't really affect anything) and they changed Dhalia and her group to give them a different role to fit the ending better, but that's about it. The atmosphere - the most important part of the game IMO - and many of the plot elements and even the locations were the same. To me, these changes were fine 'cause we are talking about two different forms of entertainment here. Dark Knight was similar for a comic book series.

The RE movie makers thought a lot of stuff was just silly so they updated it by using very basic elements of the franchise and just doing what they please with it. This is stupid, IMO, and only proves that the execs on this film care to use the name and some very basic elements SOLELY to play to those who played the game and just do whatever they want with it. They've got all these story elements and built up audience for these elements, they don't have to change it. The entire freakin' reason they paid for the rights is 'cause there's an audience they feel is there from playing the game which is substantial enough to watch the film, so why completely screw it up?

It's 'cause they think they can plop formulaic movie elements into a licence to make it better. They're not doing it because the canon needs a change, they're doing it because they want to make money ONLY and are doing what they've done in the past without caring how it fits. This is often the case and you end up with just complete drudge (see Doom or Wing Commander). There was no reason for the change other than to fit some pre-conceived notion of what makes a good film so the change was completely useless.

Now, that doesn't mean that these changes will always turn out to make a shit film. I've never made it a secret (mostly 'cause of my relentless teasing of Eric, who's relishing in the fact that my beloved cartoon is getting the treatment his beloved game did) that I liked RE and think it was a good movie, better than Silent Hill...even though the reason for the changes were stupid and useless and Silent Hill was as close to the video game as a licenced film I've seen. But what it does mean is that there's an extremely good chance that it will be shitty. Look at the other shitty video game movies (Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, Doom, Wing Commander, etc.) versus the good ones (umm, Mortal Kombat 1, Silent Hill...maybe?) and you'll see the ratio HEAVILY favours it turning out shitty.

This is the basis of all my bitching about the Transformers movie. From the changes I've heard about ("We will NOT have any robots turning into guns, that I can assure you" - Michael "Motherless Fuck" Bay) and the plot elements released, my favourite cartoon is getting the RE treatment, no doubt about it. And with Bay at the helm and Speilberg producing (he's been on a slump for a decade), there's extremely little hope of it turning out as good as RE.

Like Eric and RE, I'm not happy about it, and now you at least know why the parody of himself thinks that way.

 #100747  by Nev
 Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:17 pm
I think the show I'm looking forward to most is "Final Fantasy XII".

Ooooh! And Smash Brothers Brawl, too!!!!


 #100788  by SineSwiper
 Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:28 pm
Barret wrote:Battlestar Galactica.
Yeah, like when the fuck is it going to come back on? I hope they didn't go do a SeaQuest on us with that last episode.

Oh, and ditto with what Zeus said. Sin City was badass because it had motherfucking Frank Miller as co-director. Stick to the plot of the material and you get a good movie that makes money.