well twilight came out this week to shit ass reviews....which if it's anything like the books is an improvement. But another vampire flick came out here and damn. it's 2 things. a great horror film and a great film. fantastic. so if you've got Let the Right one in playing in a theatre near you or have a chance to see it, do. because it's absolutly fantastic. sweedes are awesome
Thank GOD! I was afraid of this massive tidal wave of shitty "chick flick" vampire movies. Hopefully, this will shun the producers away from the planned trilogy.
While I'm thinking of it, Alan Ball can suck a dick for trying to capitalize on this craze. I used to really like the guy, too. American Beauty is still one of my favorite movies.
EDIT: Fuck! They are already planning on the sequel, and reviews are actually mixed. (A 44% at Rotten Tomato, so not universally panned.)