The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Naruto - use more explosives

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #148806  by Don
 Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:44 am
Back when I was in college I saw this Anime called Black Lion during the worst Anime marathon or something. In Black Lion it's about a bunch of ninjas trying to fight this cyborg-demon guy named Ginai (the ninjas aren't aware of this). The ninjas would try to stab him and use nijitsus on Ginai for no effect, and then later they decided they'll use explosives because: "No way Ginai expects us to use explosives." Of course, after the smoke clears Ginai gets up and kills a bunch of ninjas, so what do the ninjas do? Use MORE explosives, because not even Ginai can withstand this many explosives. Repeat this about 5 times, and they eventually took Ginai out usually a lot of explosives (more than the last 5 tries), at least I think that's what happened. Now, the Anime was bad in terms of animation quality and the gratitous violence, but the ninjas' plan was fundamentally sound. Whereas their ninja weapons were obviously of no use against Ginai, the explosives at least slowed him down a bit, and it turned out they just didn't use enough. It's a plan you know that cannot possibly work because no villian in the history of fiction has been defeated by "MORE EXPLOSIVES" but you can't really fault the protagonists for being stupid, since it was their most effective way of doing damage, so while to the reader it's funny that these ninjas would keep on try something you know that cannot possibly work, it's not a plot issue.

Well in the latest weekly of Naruto we just have exactly the same thing. In pretty much all the fights you'll notice that any non-tails entity at least is bothered by the explosive spells (the pieces of paper that blows up when you touch it). It might not do serious damage to a high end ninja but certainly they are not going to just walk through a bunch of explosives on purpose. Even the Akatasuki guys who are said to be immortal takes damage from these things (they just don't die from it). So this week one of the fight features the use of MORE EXPLOSIVES, or actually 6000 billion more of them. Again, as a reader you'd have to shake your head since you know there's no possible way this strategy can work, and yet you can't fault the characters because explosives clearly DO work in Naruto until you try to mass them.

As an aside, if someone has 6000 billion explosive spells, I'm sure that's more than enough to take out the world multiple times let alone any Naruto entity. Similar to One Piece, it pays to be wealthy in Naruto. There's a lot of awesome equipment with no drawback whatsoever that you can use if only you can afford them.