The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • And Tess saw Episode II and said it was good, very good (but Tess noticed things he bets you didn't)

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #49376  by Tessian
 Mon May 20, 2002 10:35 pm
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>These were minor things, really... negligable and not really able to be done otherwise. During the movie I coulda sworn I had more problems with things, but as I recount all I can remember really are 2 problems: Slave One & lightsabers.

Both are minor grievances that only someone as well read in Star Wars lore would have noticed. Bobba Fett did not get his ship from his father. While the trilogy about Fett starts in the middle of his bounty hunter career (making the whole cloned thing completely possible), it does describe how Bobba Fett had Slave One custom made for him by Kuat of Kuat himself in the Kuat Drive Yards (the largest Imperial Shipyard). Of course, it is also totally possible that the ship flown was not Slave One but just your average Firespray Attack Ship and the reason Bobba picked that type of ship. This would make my argument nullified, of course...

The other is the lighstaber... this is also a minor complaint and can be nullified, but once again these are just things I NOTICED, I don't necessarily have a problem with them. Lightsabers, as described in "I, Jedi" by my man Timothy Zahn (as well as a little bit in the movie) as an extension of yourself; it is a part of you. A lighstaber takes months to complete and it is a delicate and difficult process of bonding every piece together in the Force and you. This makes the lighstaber that much more deadly; it is possible to weild another's saber, but it isn't the same. However, in Ep 2 it seemed they tossed and broke lighstabers like you could buy them at a chain of vendors on a number of planets :) Jedi don't carry or make spare lighstabers. Now, I know you're already bitching at me for over analysing, but I understand that there really was no other way to get their sabers back so I understand.

Don't get me wrong, of course, I LOVED the movie! It was Much better than the first and the whole foreshadowing was almost too much, but done well. They showed well how smart and powerful Palpatine is, how EVERYTHING is orchestrated as part of his plan. The galaxy is his chess board and his opponent doesn't even know they're playing. The death star plans were nice, but there is also the aspect to take into account that the Emperor had MANY super weapons lying aruond and MANY hidden bases and storerooms (Mount Tariss (sp?) held spare cloning vats and experimental cloaking technology that Admiral Thrawn used to nearly bring the Empire back: "Heir to the Empire" also by my man Zahn) so I hope they throw in some of that too. They've got a lot to squeeze in in the last one: Skywalker has to turn into Vader and hunt down all of the Jedi. Also, it'll be interesting to see how they get rid of the Clones. Stormtroopers in IV -- VI aren't clones.

I must see it again, cause the movie overall ROCKED! Ohh, and Yoda's fighting was worth the price of admission alone :) Don't let that cane fool you, like a jackrabbit, Yoda was :)</div>
 #49377  by Tessian
 Mon May 20, 2002 10:38 pm
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>Lucas has GUTS. He listened to the public and kept Jar Jar largely out of the movie, but he also threw salt into their eyes :) He was in less than 10 minutes of the movie, but he could be pinned to be responsible for screwing over the entire galaxy :P Of course, he was under the influence of Palpatine... but still, GO LUCAS!! :)</div>
 #49379  by WolfSamurai
 Mon May 20, 2002 11:47 pm
<div style='font: 14pt Agatha; text-align: left; '>"Only the movies are cannon."

When it comes down to it, only the movies matter when you talk contradictions and the like. They are the pure 100% official Star Wars storyline according to the man, the myth, the legend George Lucas who of course created and owns the bloody thing. Anything that doesn't agree with it is in fact the ~book/game/comic~ that has the inconsistancies in the Star Wars Universe, not the other way around. The fact that these things were written years before Episode 2 is a mitigating factor of course, but the movies are cannon, even if we don't like the things that they change. Episodes 1 and 2 made invalid quite a number of books that were written (thank god, in the case of that vile trash Black Fleet Crisis trilogy).</div>
 #49380  by Tessian
 Tue May 21, 2002 12:11 am
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>Read the Star Wars website. Go to the Databanks and under species pick the <a href="" Target="new">Noghri</a>. This is a race that Timothy Zahn created and fitted into his Thrawn Trilogy. Under the Behind the Scenes section it says this:

"In the development of his Thrawn Trilogy of novels, author Timothy Zahn drafted out a number of ideas that were disapproved for treading too close to material that George Lucas was to address in the prequel trilogy.

One idea that Zahn postulated was that the Sith were a species of killers in servitude to Darth Vader -- Dark Lord of the Sith. The idea was that Vader's gruesome mask was a stylized depiction of a Sith face. The idea was abandoned, and Zahn's Sith became the Noghri. Although not said in the text, it is hinted that the Noghri bear more than a passing resemblance to Vader's facemask."

Authors of Star Wars books have always had to get their shiznit approved before they write it. Proof is right here, as well a the fact that Lucas never let anyone talk about the Clone Wars even though it was always mentioned as being the start of everything that happened (which pissed me off, but now I'm good :P).

All I said is Lucas should read some of his own approved Lore of Star Wars before he made the movie scripts.

But whatever, the point was that I LOVED the movie, and the fact that those are the only thing I have to complain about shows just how good it turned out. Now I gotta wait another 3 years... :|

hehe, and the whole time while watching Christopher Lee all I could think about was "Saruman" :P</div>
 #49398  by Chockboard
 Tue May 21, 2002 6:18 pm
<div style='font: ; text-align: left; '>You know Yoda would've taken him if it wasn't for that whole saving Obi Wan and Anakin bit. Lucas definitely got the reaction he was looking for with the Yoda bit, the whole theater errupted in cheers when he got in his fighting stance =).

Episode II would've been fantastic if it wasn't for all the parts with Anakin and Amidala...the dialogue was sooooooo bad...I don't blame Natalie Portman though, if that's what I had to work with, I wouldn't put much effort into it either. Plus she's hot.</div>
 #49400  by Darx
 Tue May 21, 2002 7:13 pm
<div style='font: ; text-align: left; '>Yoda woulda taken him.
I swear as soon he came around that corner, everyone in the theater sat forward. You could hear people whispering "Oh my God..."

I thought the movie was great, I didn't even mind too much that dude playing Anakin. Maybe Anakin is supposed to be a whiny bitch, and then he achieved his goal. His character wasn't very cool in Episode 1 either. The problems I had with Jar Jar weren't really gone, just switched over to C-3PO. Someone needs to tell Lucas none of those lines were funny.

And yes, Natalie Portman is hot. And the things she was wearing during the film were just right.

From what I hear, she's some type of genius too.</div>

 #49402  by Tessian
 Tue May 21, 2002 9:39 pm
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>makes you wonder how someone could go to the darkside when they're married to that sweat piece ;)</div>
 #49404  by Lox
 Tue May 21, 2002 11:09 pm
<div style='font: bold 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Man, part of me wants to drive to Harvard(6 hours from here) and "accidentally" run into her. hehe

She's single, and looking for a guy(said so on Letterman) and she is the most beautiful woman in the world, at least I think. She just happens to fit the exact body type and personality that I always go for in a girl. Shorter, dark brown hair, beautiful face, nice legs, not too big chest, great smile, etc etc etc.


 #49409  by Torgo
 Wed May 22, 2002 9:04 am
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>I knew a few FOAF's who have met/dated her, and they all say she's a bitch. Of course, I can't say for sure myself, but there may be a grain of truth since these guys were from different groups, went to different schools, etc.</div>

 #49413  by Lox
 Wed May 22, 2002 6:12 pm
<div style='font: bold 9pt ; text-align: left; '>FOAFs? And I'd most likely use her as do-material anyway. hehe j/k</div>

 #49415  by Torgo
 Wed May 22, 2002 8:51 pm
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Friend of a friend.</div>

 #49532  by Kupek
 Thu May 30, 2002 12:01 pm
<div style='font: 10pt verdana; text-align: left; padding: 0% 10% 0% 10%; '>It gets approved, but not approved as offical Star Wars canon. There are levels of it, and the movies are the end-all-be-all. If secondary material contradicts a movie, then the secondary material is wrong.</div>