The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • TV Polling

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #51227  by Slappy White
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 11:53 am
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>So, what do you watch on the TV? Just list what you watch and if you are a casual or a religious viewer of said shows. They don't have to be in any order.

Mine are: (r) = religious, (c) = casual
Simpsons (r)
Real World (c)
Road Rules (c)
Will and Grace (r)
Just Shoot Me (r)
DBZ (r)
Dragonball (c)
Dexter's Lab (c)
Powerpuff Girls (c)
Soprano's (r)
SNL (r)
7th Heaven (c)
Grounded For Life (r)
That 70's Show (r)
Who's Line is it Anyway? (the BBC version) (r)
Late Night With Conan (c)

I'll add more later since I am sure I am forgetting some.</div>
 #51229  by the Gray
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 12:08 pm
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>Religously,

3rd Watch
Law and Order
West Wing

Casually or occasionally

TSN sportsdesk</div>

 #51230  by Derithian
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 12:38 pm
<div style='font: italic bold 14pt ; text-align: center; '>religiously the simpsons, hockey, six feet under. casually - whatever is on when I'm really bored</div>


 #51232  by Torgo
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 1:27 pm
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Futurama, King of the Hill, Simpsons (r)
Andy Richter Controls the Universe (r) When it comes back on, of course.
Daily Show (r)
SNL (c)
Malcom in the Middle (c)
Seinfeld (c)
Iron Chef (c)
Twilight Zone (c)
MST3K (c) I have most of the episodes on tape, anyway.
Farscape (c)
Sportcenter (c)
NOVA (c)
History Channel, CNN, any given time (c)
Leno, Letterman, Conan (c) Sorry, Kilborn.</div>
 #51234  by Lox
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 1:55 pm
<div style='font: bold 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Sunday-The Simpsons(r)
Malcolm in the Middle(r)
The Practice(r)
Tuesday-NYPD Blue(r)

I also watch That 70's Show whenever I see it(gotta love it being syndicated now), Seinfeld, Star Trek:TNG, Star Trek:Voyager, DBZ(I watch the tapes mostly but I'll watch it on TV if it's on), Crank Yankers, Whose Line is it Anyway?, etc. These I'll watch casually.

There may be more, I just don't care.</div>
 #51235  by Tortolia
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 2:16 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Farscape (r)
Alias (r)
The Practice (r)
Football - any game (r)
24 (r)
Six Feet Under (r)
Simpsons (c)

Not much I can think of offhand. Most of the shows I watched religiously have been cancelled (I-Man, Lexx, etc), or I'm not in a position to watch them religiously (I missed the first two seasons of the Sopranos, so until I get those DVDs and watch them I'm not gonna bother with S4).</div>
 #51236  by Gentz
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 2:37 pm
<div style='font: 11pt arial; text-align: left; '>I don't know how many shows I really watch "religiously" per se, but these are the shows I make sure to catch:

1. <B>Adult Swim (the one on Sunday Night)</b>: Sealab, Aquateen, and Home Movies are hilarious. Mission Hill is good too, as is Harvey Birdman (though Harvey's usually hit or miss).

2. <B>Newsradio</b>: Does anyone else know that this show runs in syndication on A&E? They have two back-to-back ep's M-F starting at 2pm. Such an awesome show, and my favorite sitcom besides Seinfeld and Simpsons.

3. <B>Simpsons</b>: Natch!

4. <b>Daily Show</b>: Still funny as hell, but I wish Steve Carrell and Steven Colbert would appear more. Rob Corrdry and Ed Helms are basically just impersonating them, and although they do a damn fine job, it's still just not the real thing.

And shows I try to catch when I can...

- <b>Saturday Adult Swim</b>: Inu Yasha is cool and that MS-Team 0083 or whatever it's called has some amazing animation. Though I can't stand YuYu Hakusho or that really old and crappy Gundam show
- <B>Mobile-Fighter G-Gundam</b>: This show has some badass action scenes.
- <b>Hamtaro</b>: Hilarious show! Everytime someone talks I crack up.
- <B>Seinfeld</b>: I usually try to watch it but for some reason I'm always busy when it comes on
- <B>Iron Chef</b>: The greatest (and funniest) cooking show ever, plus the greatest host of all time! I love how it seems that for every theme ingredient some master chef has always imparted on the host some eternal words of wisdom on how to prepare it. "Let the sun stew the octopus brain."
- <b>Unwrapped</B>: I really don't watch the Food channel for any reason beside watching this show and Iron Chef. Who <i>isn't</i> interested in seeing how they wrap Clark Bars? Or how they fill Coke bottles? Or whatever.
- <B>Conan O'Brien</b>: I really never watched it that much on NBC, but now that it's on Comedy Central I'm all about it. I just wish they'd picked up some reruns with Andy Richter instead of going for the current episodes. I guess that would have been a raw deal for NBC though.</div>

 #51240  by Zeus
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 5:25 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Simpsons reruns, 24, Enterprise, occasionally Fear Factor, occasionally Beyond Belief, sports, and SportsCentre (which should still be called SportsDesk.....)</div>

 #51241  by Zeus
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 5:26 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Boy, I gotta slap some sense into you. Survivor?!? Dear Lord</div>

 #51245  by Blotus
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 5:55 pm
<div style='font: 10pt "arial narrow"; text-align: left; padding: 0% 5% 0% 5%; '>Not too much lately. Simpsons reruns and Ed.</div>

 #51247  by Derithian
 Fri Sep 27, 2002 11:40 pm
<div style='font: italic bold 14pt ; text-align: center; '>yeah no shit.....what the hell grey. I had respect for you../... :p</div>
 #51249  by EsquE
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:26 am
<div style='font: 12pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>Let's see...

-Angel (r)
-Simpsons (r)
-Home Movies (r)
-G Gundam (r)
-Dragonball Z (r)
-Monday Night Raw (r)
-Conan O'Brien (c)
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer (r)
-WWE Smackdown (r)
-Farscape (r)
-Samurai Jack (c)
-Justice league (c)
-Iron Chef (c)
-Emeril Live (c)
-Saturday Night Live (c)
-M*A*S*H* reruns (c)

...I also watch a lot of old movies on TCM...</div>
 #51256  by Imakeholesinu
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 9:50 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Real World (semi-r, but not c)
Road Rules (c)
Friends (r, who doesn't?)
Scrubs (c) but has hella potential and I wish I could watch it more. Damn I sound like I'm making excuses to my girlfriend again with statements like that.
Sopranos (r) when I get tapes from mom
Sorority Life (c) dumb drunk unattractive bitches. Only one of them was hot and she wasn't even a pledge. I've got more hot women on campus that are sorority girls that look 200 times better than those hoes.
The Sunday Night Sex Show (r) No comment
Farscape (r) if only Sci-fi would take the stick out of their asses and start re-running the seasons like they have in the past.
Football (r) I'm 3 - 0 in my other fantasy team. I'll be 2-2 this week in the tows league.
Hockey (r) cause it's the best sport ever
The Daily Show (c) Come on, it's the daily show!
Six Feet Under (c) I wish I got HBO on campus. I need a dish.
All Things Rock (r) Benji and Joel from Good Charolette host, music videos that don't always blow but are decent 66% of the time.
Insomniac with Dave Attel (c) poor guy got thrown off a plane for looking arab. Idiotic people can't tell a Jew from an Arab, on the next...
...Howard Stern (c) to bad they blur out the tits and ass
Homicde: Life on the Street (c) one of the most unappreciated shows that was on NBC for so long, now they run it at midnight on Court TV
Wild On (c) Brooke's gone, but I'd still bone her
The Sheild (c) if I wasn't studying I'd be watching this
Pardon The Interruption (r) Best thing to watch before I go eat dinner.

You know what I was thinking of this morning as I sat down to watch saturday morning cartoons? You know all those sports shows like Inside Stuff, This week in baseball, Under the Helmet and other one with summer sanders, some other NBA thing. They don't have a fucking show for Hockey AT ALL on network TV in the morning. That pisses me off.</div>
 #51259  by Slappy White
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 10:27 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>...COOL! Watching old movies! It's a rarety I feel, among the 30- crowd (under 30). One I highly recomend is "The Seven Year Itch" with Marilyn Monroe, it's friggin hilarious! Another, going older even, would be the Marx brothers "A Night at the Opera" or "Duck Soup". Those guys are !!!AMAZINGY!!! talented. (Yea I highlighted the 'amazing' part but seriously those 3 (or 4 depending on your view point) were unreal in the talent department! Just watch Chico play the piano or Harpo play the harp... Unreal! OR just listen to Groucho speak...!)

And then just to list some good "older" movies...
12 Angry Men. Uber! Just a great "dialog" movie. Like a good story? look no further...
North By Northwest. Some awesome cinematography in this biatch! Cary Grant was just an awesome actor. He had no range but he ruled in what he did!
Psycho - So so so awesome! Way ahead of it's time. Filled with "firsts" for a film. i.e. the first film to show a toilet...
Some Like it Hot. Yea yea, another Marilyn Monroe flick... but she truly was marvelous...
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Audrey Hepburn was hot! and Blake Edwards is a master film maker...
That Darn Cat. - Just for fun, a good older disney flick... ;)
Rosemary's Baby - Roman Polanski man. Controversial? Well shit he made this in 1968. Talk about fucked up!

If you've seen any of these or have some suggestions of your own man, TELL ME!!!

But you can't fail with the ones I listed.

P.S. I wanted to list "Rear Window" but I had 2 Hitchcock movies listed all ready.</div>

 #51260  by Slappy White
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 10:30 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Man, what is MSTDS and yea, Insomniac with Dave Attel is great!</div>
 #51263  by Zeus
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:05 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Saw the last half of The Candidate today. Great movie, gotta see the rest. Others on my list include:

The Natural (Redford)
A Bridge Too Far (great cast)
Citizen Kane (no, I haven't seen it yet)
Magnificent Seven/Seven Samurai
French Connection
Tora, Tora, Tora!

Some of the ones I've seen that are great that I recommend:

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Cyrano de Bergerac (sp?) - with Lawrence Olivier
Lawrence of Arabia - only saw the first half, but it ruled

Not a comprehensive list, but I 'm starting out, so I gotta hit the big ones first. I also have the original Metropolis that I really want to see</div>
 #51267  by Slappy White
 Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:34 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '> actually own Metropolis on DVD and have never seen it? I've neever seen it either, although I've heard good things about it. What makes you buy something without seeing it first? Especially something like that? Risky...

Now don't get me wrong, I've purchased movies/music without ever really seeing or hearing it first but i have been burned by doing that more than being rewarded probably 75% of the time. Things I have purchased on a whim and loved have been Blade 2 (no need to discuss this again, but I think it rules), albums by a band called N17, a band caled No One, Dark City and 8mm (ok, this movie is not the best but I love the subject matter and it had a great cast but it could have been much better...) Those are the one I can think of that I did in the last 2 years or so. But many times I buy stuff that just sucks total shit. Like the Gorillas CD. That one song rules but the rest of the album isn't that good...</div>
 #51268  by EsquE
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:12 am
<div style='font: 12pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>...That Darn Cat. A Night at the Opera is pure brilliance and hilarious. Any Marx Brothers movie is worth watching. Also check out TCM late Sunday nights. They show restored silent films, including a ton of Buster Keaton stuff that is just brilliant. 12 Angry Men I've seen about 7 times...same with Some Like it Hot, gotta love Marilyn and Jack Lemmon is one of my all time-favorite actors.

As for stuff to recommend, I'm a huge Bogart fan and I highly recommend:

- Casablanca (if you haven't seen this, I feel sorry for you)
- Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep (Bogart as Same Spade, brilliant pulp crime dramas)
- Key Largo
- The Petrified Forest (one of the most unique films I've ever seen)
- Angels with Dirty Faces

Some Jack Lemmon favorites include:

- Days of Wine & Roses (see this as soon as you can...unbelieveable)
- The Apartment
- anything with him and Walter Matheau pre-1990
- Mr Roberts

Some others:

- Man of a Thosand Faces
- Roman Holiday
- My Darling Clementine
- The Searchers & The Quiet Man (both John Wayne at his best)

....jeez, there's a lot more but I'm drawing a blank for some reason...I always try to catch the Essentials on Sundays as well...</div>
 #51270  by EsquE
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:18 am
<div style='font: 12pt Garamond; text-align: left; '> Metropolis....NOW!!!'s an awesome movie and really one of the major inspirations for just about every film that followed it. Remember when it was made when you're watching it and see how those techniques that were invented in this movie are stil used to day in terms of pacing, camerwork, etc.

...gotta love those crazy Germans...check out Nosferatu as well if you haven't already...</div>

 #51271  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:36 am
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>I watch WWE RAW and Smackdown, and sometimes NHL Hockey and sometimes Golf or the Manshow, that's about it. I never watch TV alone, I find it takes all the fun out of it.</div>
 #51272  by Ishamael
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:21 am
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Regulars:
Simpsons reruns
Sex and the City
...and football. Lots of football.

Alias (should change since X-files no longer on)
Firefly (saw one ep and am interested)
DBZ (not always around when it's on, but I like it) Super Sayan level 3 is sweet!
Just Shoot Me. (love this show )
West wing. Another option show.

There is only so much TV I will let myself watch in a week. I've been weaning myself off of it. It's kind of a waste of time and a brain drain....</div>
 #51277  by Ishamael
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:46 am
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Virually any movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the greatest director of all time (and yes, that includes Orson Wells).
Wizard of Oz.
12 Angry Men.
Quo Vadis
(hell, I love a bunch of those old school historical pieces)
Cape Fear (old school)
STILL haven't seen Citizen Kane. Unbelievable. What's wrong with me?

I know I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff. Practically everything you guys listed is on the list too.</div>

 #51282  by G-man Joe
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:29 pm
<div style='font: 11pt "Fine Hand"; text-align: left; '>Man....I can list only four : TLC, History, Discovery and Speed channel. And that's after 10 pm. =8^)</div>

 #51283  by EsquE
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 5:56 pm
<div style='font: 12pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>I watch that version of Scrooge every christmas eve without fail...just got it on DVD so I can retire the worn out videotape...</div>

 #51287  by Imakeholesinu
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 8:17 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>MS The Daily Show. It's that field reporter that looks like Bob Sagat doing his own reportings and making fun of people with a straight face. He's great!</div>
 #51296  by Zeus
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 10:58 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>It's not like I just go out and buy anything. I ask around, research, look at directors and actors involved, and such before I decide to buy a film. I may not have seen Metropolis before, but for $10, I am willing to pick up the mother of all genre films, the granddaddy of them all. Also, up here, DVDs are a lot cheaper. I pick up most of my DVDs for $15-17 Cdn (about $10 US), so even if I don't like them, I can sell them and still have spent less than I would to rent and sometimes, I can even make money using Ebay, like I did with Repo Man (that movie sucks ASS, BTW). But I usually am pretty good with my selection, I rarely pick bad ones 'cause I spend so much damned time researching. Same with games, actually.</div>

 #51297  by Zeus
 Sun Sep 29, 2002 10:59 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Nosferatu was another I really wanted to see. Almost caught it at a small, specialty theatre we have in town (they play basically indie and older stuff with some mainstream in there; excellent place) but I couldn't go. ANd I will see Metropolis, I just want to make sure I'm in the proper mood first.</div>

 #51306  by Ishamael
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 1:34 am
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Everytime I see that version, all the other "Christmas Carols" just seem a little lamer in comparison. Christ, in the first 30 minutes, he was just cutting people off at the knees...And the Ghost of Christmas Future is the best ever too, IMO. Geeze, I feel like watching it right now....</div>

 #51309  by Lee S.
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 1:59 am
<div style='font: ; text-align: left; '>Christ, I haven't watched anything religiously in ages. The closest I've come lately is Trigger Happy TV on Comedy Central, but I imagine it won't take long for me to fall out of that.</div>

 #51316  by the Gray
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:03 am
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>I like to mock it</div>

 #51321  by Slappy White
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:48 am
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Oh man, Repo Man is a classic! I love it!</div>

 #51329  by Zeus
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 3:30 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>I just couldn't find any redeeming feature to it. Maybe if you were hi you could enjoy it, that's it</div>

 #51330  by Zeus
 Mon Sep 30, 2002 3:31 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>No one likes to mock it more than me, but to actually watch it is torture to the umpteenth degree. It's unbearable</div>