The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Saw T3: Rise of the Machines. Spoilers/complaints.

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #55713  by Eric
 Mon Jul 07, 2003 2:37 am
<div style='font: 11pt ; text-align: left; '>I enjoyed it, at least the action aspects, but except for Arnold, the cast didn't do crap for me.

First off John Connor was a wimp, I just couldn't get into his character and shuttered at one point when I thought Arnold was gone for good. His mother was a bad bitch, after she dealt with the Terminator in the first movie she toughened up, she was a bad bitch in T2, she was just a hard as nails woman.

Why didn't any of that rub off on John? She took care of him after the incidents in T2, you'd THINK just a little bit of her wit and skillz and just badassness would rub off on him, but no, instead we get a paniced whinny little bum. Hell I liked his smart ass attitude in the T2, at least he had some computer skills that shinned through, it's like he was just this ordinary person with a bunch of angry emotions as his weapons that fell into destiny.

Speaking of Destiny, wasn't the whole point of the first two movies to keep John Connor alive so he could lead the rebels to VICTORY. Why then, do we learn in T3 that he DIES at the hand of a Terminator? If he's dead he can't lead to victory, defeating the whole point of rescuing him, since it appeared that the little war was still going on in the future. It also eliminated any chance for a conclusion movie, because if it's not a Connor who brings a stop to the machine madnesses who will it be? I missed Sarah ALOT in this movie.

Back track again, in the first movie the humans captured a factory from the machines right after the machines sent a Terminator back in time to kill John, so they send whoever that human guy was in the first movie back to prevent them from killing John. Is this a reoccurring event or something? Do the machines keep getting factories that the humans capture from them right after they send somebody to the past? How many times do the machines come accross this time traveling technology? And if the machines have it at their disposal, why do they only send back 1 terminator each time? Evidently it didn't work the first two times, maybe they should try sending 10! Duh duh duh duh! Some geniuses they are.

T-1000 Model > T-X Model
I don't want to toss my weight around, but I thought the T-1000 from T2 was a bad ass motherfucker, explosions and heavy objects didn't keep him down for long, if at all, hell you couldn't even grab him because he could turn into liquid and just shapeshift. As long as he stayed away from hot burning liquids, he'd be alright. The TX was liquid metal with a exoskeleton....why? I saw the nice weapons she made out of her arms and such but really, the whole skeleton seemed to do more harm then good, at the end if it was the T-1000, John and his girl would be good and dead. Early in the movie when she was buried under rocks she could have gone all liquidy for a faster escape.

Speaking of which, why in god's name didn't the TX NOT finish off Arnold's character? I mean seriously, that thing was the only thing that had a prayer in hell of keeping the o so human John Conner alive, but instead she shoots it once and walks off, to continue her hunt, which leaves Arnold to come back many times.

Well that's about all the stuff that popped in my mind. But if you liked action, you'll like T3.</div>
 #55716  by kali o.
 Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:10 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>"First off John Connor was a wimp..."

Yeah, whatever. I'm with you, but I'd imagine I'd be fucked up too if I had the knowledge of billions of people dying, machines keep getting sent to kill me (hence his drifter lifestyle) and the burden of knowing I am supposed to save-the-world. And whenever he was put to the test, the leader-attitude seemed to creep out...

In other words, I didn't take issue with it.

"Speaking of Destiny..."

Yeah, ok. I had the same thoughts. How did he lead them to victory if he's dead? Maybe he's just an important cog in a machine, so to speak...*shrug*

"Back track again, in the first movie the humans..."

Ok, now you suck. As if any of the T-movies had a realistic plot. Wussy.

"T-1000 Model > T-X Model"

Yeah, I agree...the liquid metal only design was more versatile, but her exo-skeleton had that badass weapon (which when functioning, easily fucked Arnold up).


My only complaint with T3 is that the T-X model didn't NEARLY develop an identifiable personality...which made her a rather "bland" villan. In T2, you just knew that bot didn't give a shit. Completely unfeeling and vicious. I dunno if he was just a better actor or if it was simply a matter of having a better script.

Otherwise, T3 kicked ass and the fight scenes were pretty damn sweet.


 #55718  by Eric
 Tue Jul 08, 2003 3:23 pm
<div style='font: 11pt ; text-align: left; '>Goddamnit, you practically agree with most of what I said and now you still call me a wuss. :P</div>

 #55721  by Torgo
 Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:34 pm
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Can't argue with facts. :)</div>

 #55722  by Zeus
 Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:18 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Yeah, overall it wasn't as good as the first two (they're amazing) but it was still a pretty good movie</div>

 #55729  by the Gray
 Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:01 am
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>Detith and I checked it out last night. Enjoyable, but I didn't find the TX as intimidating as Patrick was in T2</div>