<div style='font: italic bold 14pt ; text-align: center; '>I must say it actually wasn't bad at all. I thought it was going to be terrible. Mainly because an idea like the punisher doesn't translate well to movies due to the lakof a happyenig well it wao to see they got the feeling of the punisher dead on. The movie iolent and Frank Castle is il as evil can be. Just like you'd picture the punisher. There is nothing happy about the movie, it's dark depressing and well, violent. Not only that but the Acting was actually very very well done. Even Travolta did really well. I just liked the fact that they didn't try to make it happy at any points and it's not like any other comic movies. Violence death chaos and destruction baby.
I actually read eberts review of it this morning in the entertainment section of the paper and he talked about how bad it was because it was depressing and not happy. About how the directors screwed that up. All I thought was What the fuck man. It's the punisher. It's not supposed to be happy. Pick up a comic and read it. It's meant to be deep and depressing.
The movie while not being a must see was still pretty good. I actually would have paid for it even though it looked horrible in the previews. But ah well....I'm gonna run back to my beer now</div>
I actually read eberts review of it this morning in the entertainment section of the paper and he talked about how bad it was because it was depressing and not happy. About how the directors screwed that up. All I thought was What the fuck man. It's the punisher. It's not supposed to be happy. Pick up a comic and read it. It's meant to be deep and depressing.
The movie while not being a must see was still pretty good. I actually would have paid for it even though it looked horrible in the previews. But ah well....I'm gonna run back to my beer now</div>
Dashing and daring, Courageous and caring, Faithful and friendly, With stories to share. All through the forest, They sing out in chorus, Marching along, As their song fills the air.
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears.
Magic and mystery, Are part of their history, Along with the secret, Of gummiberry juice. Their legend is growing, They take pride in knowing, They'll fight for what's right, In whatever they do.
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears. They are the Gummi Bears!!
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears.
Magic and mystery, Are part of their history, Along with the secret, Of gummiberry juice. Their legend is growing, They take pride in knowing, They'll fight for what's right, In whatever they do.
Gummi Bears!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare. They are the Gummi Bears. They are the Gummi Bears!!