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Matrix Follow up.

PostPosted:Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:21 am
by Eric
Taken from gamefaqs, all this has happened in the online game, which is officially supposed to be the countinuation of the story.


- The citizens of the Mega City assess the damage caused by the rainstorm and
by the fight between Neo and Smith
- Hundreds of obsolete and belligerent programs are exiled and form gangs
within the Mega City
- The Machines declare the Richland district open and unrestricted for all
- The Agents begin hunting down the Exiles to delete them
- The Exiles discover ways to hack into the access nodes placed throughout the
- The Assassin is set to be deleted for his disobedience regarding the
recycling of Trinity's body
- The Assassin flees to the Matrix with the help of The Merovingian
- Morpheus demands that the Machines return the body of Neo to Zion, but they
- Morpheus is considered to be deceased by the citizens of the Mega City
- The framework of the HvCFT Novalis is salvaged and repaired.
- Sawayaka becomes the captain of the HvCFT Novalis II
- Glitches caused by Agent Smith begin appearing in the Matrix
- Leaks in the code of the Matrix begin to appear, redpills begin to tap these
data nodes for information
- Humans within the Matrix are extracted at the highest rate ever
- Massive hoverbarges are provided to house all of the new redpills
- Due to a lack of adequate training disks, redpills start trading valuable
information for new abilities
- The Machines try to fix the glitches caused by Smith
- Hundreds of redpills experience déjà vu
- Thousands of humans are freed from the Matrix in a single day
- The Machines start losing power
- The Machines attempt to optimize their systems to compensate
- Morpheus encourages all redpills to strain the system so that the Machines
will be inclined to return Neo's body
- The Machines consider Morpheus' actions to be in violation of the Truce
- The Machines contact Lock to request that Morpheus be stopped
- Commander Lock orders all Zionite redpills to apprehend Morpheus on sight
- The Merovingian's lieutenants begin to shadow Morpheus


- Weak agents with glowing red eyes begin attacking redpills
- Fighting begins to erupt between various factions within the Matrix
- A haunted house is reported
- A mysterious virus disables four hardlines in Richland
- Rumors spread about fragments of The One within the Matrix
- Imposter agents appear in large numbers throughout the Mega City
- Fragments of The One's RSI are found on some of the corpses of the imposter
- Morpheus asks all Zionites to recover as many of the fragments as possible
and turn them in to Zionist researchers
- The three organizations fight over control of entites known as Shapers
- A mysterious fourth organization captures one of the shapers
- The red-eyed imposter agents are replaced by corrupted agents bearing the
image and name of Neo
- The Oracle warns everyone of an impending battle
- Niobe orders all redpills to gather for a battle by the Mjolnir Monument
- A fierce and deadly battle rages in the Mjolnir Monument park
- New orders send all available redpills to Hammersfield Courts
- The Super Agents responsible for the imposter agents are all destroyed
- The skies in the Matrix clear as the Truce is restored


- Morpheus asks a few redpills to help him escort some fragments into the
International district
- Assassination attempts are reported throughout the bluepill community
- A garbageman sees a mysterious masked man standing by dumpsters and trash
cans in the middle of the night
- Ookami, the leader of the Lupines, is seen visiting Dame White in the Club
- Malphas, the leader of the Blood-Drinkers, is seen in Manssen Park
- Ookami and Malphas are kidnapped by an unknown entity or group
- Lupines and Blood-Drinkers attack redpills throughout the city to get
revenge for the capture of their leaders
- Niobe calls a meeting in Tabor Park to explain the situation and deny any
Zionite involvement with the disappearance of Ookami and Malphas
- Niobe orders all Zionites to eliminate the attacking Lupines and Blood-
- Agent Gray and Flood order their respective redpills to assist in killing the
- Agents are sent in to assist the redpills in eliminating the exiles
- A Blood-Drinker named Invalesco appears to a crowd of redpills in the Church
of the Disciples and outlines his plan for a new fourth organizatoin
- Invalesco promises to provide his followers with special powers in exchange
for permanently transferring their minds into the Matrix
- Representatives of Malphas meet with redpills throughout the Mega City to
discuss the reasons for their revolt against the Merovingian
- Malphas' representatives try to convince redpills to help overthrow the
Merovingian and restore freedom for all Exiles
- Invalesco holds a ceremony at the Church of the Disciples to turn redpills
into vampires
- Malphas' troops invade the church and Invalesco is chased across the Mega
City to the International District
- Invalesco flees to the Archives to hide
- Invalesco returns
- Malphas and Ookami transmit clues to all redpills about Invalesco's location
- Groups of redpills search the Mega City to find Invalesco
- Several redpills and Exiles from Malphas and Ookami corner Invalesco
- One of the Exiles skewers Invalesco with a wooden stake
- The Merovingian recaptures Malphas and Ookami


- Redpills are attacked by The Assassin in Sobra Shores
- Morpheus begins putting up propaganda posters in sight of bluepills
- Zion orders all redpills to remove Morpheus' posters
- Morpheus continues to endanger the truce
- The Merovingian's henchmen continue tailing Morpheus
- Imposter Agents continue to antagonize both bluepills and redpills
- Imposter Agents use their PDAs to tamper with hardlines
- Masked redpills known as Cypherites begin attacking other redpills
- Morpheus plants hidden messages in The Sentinel to announce a meeting at the
Club Messiah
- A Machinist operative plants surveillance equipment inside the club
- Morpheus arrives at the Club Messiah and speaks to a large crowd of redpills
- Morpheus declares his intentions to retrieve Neo's body from the Machines by
- Helicopters begin circling the city the next day, dropping flyers bearing the
- Morpheus begins detonating code bombs to infect redpills with a virus to
distort their RSI, causing mass awakenings among bluepills
- Morpheus makes a public appearance and is ambushed by Cypherites, who attack
the other redpills as he makes his escape
- Lock orders all operatives to cease all attempts at communicating with
- Cyperites attack redpills throughout the city
- Ghost calls a meeting in the Parallaxis club to gather intel regarding the
- Reports indicate that the Cypherites are comprised of high-ranking redpills
from all three organizations who have joined together to reinsert humans into
the Power Plant
- Morpheus makes a public appearance and is attacked by Agents, security
officers, and Ookami
- Lupines attack redpills throughout the city
- Morpheus continues his campain to strain the Matrix
- Morpheus sets a code bomb in a waste treatment plant
- The Assassin attempts to kill Morpheus, but Morpheus escapes as the code bomb
- As Morpheus exits the building, the Assassin squeezes out of a small window
and shoots Morpheus twice
- The Assassin empties the rest of the clip into Morpheus' body as it lies on
the pavement
- Niobe, Anome, and a group of Zionites confronts a group of Agents outside of
Kalt Chemical Engineering
- The Agents deny any Machinist involvement with the assassination of Morpheus
- Investigations into the identity of the Assassin begin
- Agent Skinner confronts the Assassin but is forced to delete himself to
prevent the spread of the Fly Virus
- Niobe and Ghost mourn with other Zionite redpills at the Camon Heights
Congregational Church
- Morpheus' body is presented at First Unified Church in Sobra Shores, though
it disintegrates into a cloud of flies and reforms itself every few minutes
- Agent Pace becomes the first female Agent
- Agent Pace begins engaging in social activities such as dancing and accepting
signs of physical affection
- The Corrupted attack redpills throughout Mega City
- Documents are recovered from the Corrupted indicating that the Assassin is a
rogue Exile who intends to destroy the Matrix
- Several of the monuments throughout the City decay to the point of showing
the underlying code
- Complete Corruptors, giant entities composed of flies, appear in several of
the City's parks
- Redpills from all three major organizations attack the Complete Corruptors
and defeat them
- The decayed monuments return to normal
- Investigations fail to ascertain the location of Morpheus' last known
broadcast point or his Real World body


NOTE: The chronology of the following four entries is still unknown, but it has
come to the attention of all redpills at this point in the timeline.

* The HvBRG Terra Nova is sabotaged and destroyed, killing 140 operatives, 63
operators, and 20 other crewmembers
* Two redpills report for duty aboard a Machinist hovercraft, the crew of which
is later found dead
* A redpill formerly named Mr. Williams discusses reinsertion of redpills into
their pods with Agent Gray at Reagan's Steak House
* Two Cypherites named Enmascarado and Gemaskeerd monitor Morpheus as he
detonates his code bombs and conspire to kill him

- Neurophyte of the HvCFT Novalis II is sent alone into the Desert of the Real
on a classified mission
- Neurophyte's transponder and bioelectric monitor go offline simultaneously
- Zion is unable to locate Neurophyte in the Matrix or in the Real
- Three heavily-guarded Cypherite bases inside the Matrix are attacked but are
found to be locked
- Ghost meets with a group of redpills at the Club Avalon to discuss the
- Cypherites ambush the crowd as Ghost departs the club, but Ghost and the
other Zionites defeat the attackers
- False orders are sent out by imposter Operators to Zionite and the Machinist
operatives in order to get them to violate the truce
- Neurophyte's coordinates in the Matrix are confirmed
- Neurophyte is recovered in the Real and is found to be in critical condition
- Neurophyte's killcode is found, though the extraction process is determined
to be at the cost of her life
- Neurophyte expresses her desire to sacrifice her life to recover the killcode
- A Cypherite named Espectro appears in Achan and Tyndall orders Zion
operatives to apprehend him
- False messages are sent by Operators to send all Zionite operatives to
Midian Park and Apollyon
- Tyndall orders all operatives to Sai Kung where Espectro is found and
- Espectro's crew is informed of his identity and is ordered to return to Zion
- Redpills throughout the ranks of Zion send messages to Neurophyte through
Tyndall asking her to reconsider her choice to sacrifice herself
- Neurophyte's fate is decided


- Code bombs continue to be detonated throughout the Matrix
- Entities resembling Morpheus are sighted, each with names related to dreams
- The Assassin is sighted throughout the City and is attacked by crowds of
- Niobe infiltrates a building where the Merovingian and Persephone are staying
- Niobe demands to know how to kill the Assassin
- Zion redpills are sent to acquire a recipe and ingredients for an
insecticide to kill the Assassin
- Gemaskeerd appears at Mara Central and leads a group of redpills into a trap
- Redpills eliminate the attacking Cypherite forces
- Redpills attempt to unmask Gemaskeerd, but he escapes
- Specific redpills throughout the city are targeted and attacked by imposter
- Imposter Agents are sighted guarding the Kalt Chemical Corporation complex in
- The Imposter Agents at Kalt Chemical Corporation are eliminated
- Imposter Agent forces are ordered to fall back to their territory in the
Historic District downtown
- The Imposter Agent forces are routed
- A Cypherite traitor aboard the Novalis II places a device on Vashuo's cranial
- Sawayaka sends all crewmembers of the Novalis II on seperate missions within
the Matrix
- The Cypherite activates the device on Vashuo's cranial jack, and Vashuo dies
- Tamarin initiates the emergency jack-out protocols and returns the entire
crew to the Real
- The crew discovers Vashuo's death
- The HvCFT Sedna intercepts the Novalis II and cuts off its communications
- Niobe and Ghost arrive to interrogate the Novalis II crew
- Investigations into the identity of the traitor responsible for Vashuo's
murder are taken up by all of Zion's forces
- The Assassin appears at Mara Central, followed by Niobe and Enmascarado
- Niobe and the Assassin attack Enmascarado
- The Assassin defeats Enmascarado, and his RSI's code releases a flame virus
- All redpill RSIs in the immediate vicinity are infected and quickly spread
the virus across the city
- Investigations identify Toorima as Vashuo's killer
- Toorima is revealed as a high-ranking Cypherite leader using Veil as her
alternate handle
- Toorima is taken into custody and handed over to the Zion Council for


- Investigations into chemical compounds capable of killing the Assassin begin
- A successful chemical compound is found
- Development begins on a device capable of spraying the Assassin with the
insecticide formula
- The three main organizations trade information and work together to create
the Flit Gun
- Investigations into the location of the Assassin's hideout reveal its
location on board a garbage scow
- A redpill attempts to kill the Assassin with a flit gun, but the Assassin
escapes through a hardline
- Surveillance reveals visual identification of The General on a downtown
helicopter pad
- Commandos working for The General meet with representatives of all three
- Massive clouds of flies fill the skies
- The Assassin attacks Ookami, leaving her in critical condition
- The Merovingian agrees to fight against the Assassin
- The Oracle makes a public appearance in Debir Court to emphasize the
importance of eliminating the Assassin
- The Corrupted begin attacking redpills throughout the City
- Bluepills throughout the entire City avoid going outdoors
- Flit Guns are distributed amongst all redpills
- Investigations into where the Assassin may be found next begin
- The Assassin appears several times throughout the City but escapes
- Redpills gather together and attack the Assassin, spraying him with the
- The Assassin splits into several copies
- Redpills from all organizations continue to attack the Assassin
- The Assassin is finally killed and Morpheus is avenged
- Redpills sneak into the Hel Club and celebrate all day long
- The Merovingian's Cake is distributed at The Sanguine Room
- Smaller parties are held at clubs throughout the City
- The flies clear from the skies
- Bluepills feel safe enough to venture outside again
- The Merovingian makes a brief appearance at The Sanguine Room
- Redpills assist in the process of purging the Matrix of any remaining code
left by the Assassin

PostPosted:Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:58 am
by Zeus
The third film killed any caring I had of the continuation of the story

PostPosted:Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:07 pm
by Torgo
Zeus wrote:The third film killed any caring I had of the continuation of the story
Reloaded did it for me. I've only seen bits and pieces of the third movie. The first one still kicks ass, though.

PostPosted:Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:12 pm
by Zeus
Torgo wrote:
Zeus wrote:The third film killed any caring I had of the continuation of the story
Reloaded did it for me. I've only seen bits and pieces of the third movie. The first one still kicks ass, though.
The second one was a bit of a pain to watch 'cause the story progressed OK (I particularly like the use of the Smith, Oracle, Marivingian, and Architect), but so much else about it sucked large donkey cock. In particular, the rave scene in Zion, the fact Zion was this HUGE, bustling metropolis and the humans were ridiculously organized and political (kinda took away from the whole run-down band of mavericks appeal of the ship in the first), and the ending that was so bad it actually was worse than the first's ending, which almost ruined the film for me.

The Wachowski's should just stick to smaller films like Bound. That kicked ass

PostPosted:Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:07 pm
by Ishamael
The 2nd film was the best of the bunch. The 3rd film was just OK. It felt somewhat rushed.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:28 am
by Lox
Ishamael wrote:The 2nd film was the best of the bunch. The 3rd film was just OK. It felt somewhat rushed.
I think the first film was the best because it left me wanting more. The other two made me sorry I got what I asked for.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:50 am
by Imakeholesinu
I have to say the first two films were great, the third film was what I just pinched off in the hoop, and believe me, it wasn't pretty.

Now, the first film was definitely the best of all. I am completely behind the idea that they should not have made it a trilogy (seriously, just because George Lucas can pull it off, doesn't mean everyone else can).

The second one had some great moments and I enjoyed watching it.

The third one, don't get me started. What a downer, what a disappointment. In my opinion it was anti-climatic. It was the pretty much the epidimity of the emo song I pasted in DS. I wanted my money and the time I had spent in the theater back.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:55 am
by SineSwiper
Haven't read it all, but it would be really nice if there was a movie archive for all of this.

As far as the movie, which I'm sure we've had our opinions said for every Matrix thread we've had, I really liked the 2nd movie. The 3rd one was a big disappointment, but the story from the online game looks really interesting. I'm just not going to spend my time on another MMO just to get into the story.