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The Libertine: starring Johnny Depp and John Malkovich, WOW!

PostPosted:Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:19 pm
by Julius Seeker
I only just saw the trailor for it tonight, but I was QUITE impressed. The movie takes place during the Resortation period of England, which began in 1660 and went until about 1680, and included such events as the great plague of London and the great fire of London. This is my absolute favourite time period in history, and has been for years.

Johnny Depp plays the role of the Earl of Rochester (John Wilmot). A Libertine of this period; which was one of the craziest periods in British history. He was a good friend of King Charles II (John Malkovich) and is well known for his sexually graphic poetry and other works.

He was written about by Samuel Pepys, in his very interesting work (The Diary) which gives great insight into the Restoration Time period. A few years ago I wrote a review on the book; it is to this date one of my favourite works.

Anyways, the movie, The Libertine, keep an eye out for this film. It has apparently already had a limited release last year, but has been pushed into Late-February or March for some Academy Awards reason. Similar to what happened with Hotel Rawanda which had a limited showing in 2004, and was released in late February 2005.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:25 am
by Julius Seeker
As a sample of Rochester's poetry. He was like the Eminem of the 18th century upper class.

A Satyre on King Charles II written January 20th 1673

I' th' isle of Britain, long since famous grown
For breeding the best cunts in Christendom,
There reigns, and oh! long may he reign and thrive,
The easiest King and best-bred man alive.
Him no ambition moves to get renown
Like the French fool, that wanders up and down
Starving his people, hazarding his crown.
Peace is his aim, his gentleness is such,
And love he loves, for he loves fucking much.
---Nor are his high desires above his strength:
His scepter and his prick are of a length;
And she may sway the one who plays with th' other,
And make him little wiser than his brother.
Poor prince! thy prick, like thy buffoons at Court,
Will govern thee because it makes thee sport.
'Tis sure the sauciest prick that e'er did swive,
The proudest, peremptoriest prick alive.
Though safety, law, religion, life lay on 't,
'Twould break through all to make its way to cunt.
Restless he rolls about from whore to whore,
A merry monarch, scandalous and poor.
---To Carwell, the most dear of all his dears,
The best relief of his declining years,
Oft he bewails his fortune, and her fate:
To love so well, and be beloved so late.
For though in her he settles well his tarse,
Yet his dull, graceless ballocks hang an arse.
This you'd believe, had I but time to tell ye
The pains it costs to poor, laborious Nelly,
Whilst she employs hands, fingers, mouth, and thighs,
Ere she can raise the member she enjoys.
---All monarchs I hate, and the thrones they sit on,
---From the hector of France to the cully of Britain.