Kupek wrote:Zeus wrote:Yeah, it did look good, but this is Ratner we're talking about.....
Zeus, the resident killjoy.
What's wrong with Ratner? I see a lot of mediocre movies on his resume, but no real stinkers.
That's exactly it. I mean, the Rush Hour films are a lot of fun, as is Money Train, but no real depth there at all. Family Man was a suprisingly good family movie, but that's 'cause expectations were so low. After the Sunset was just there. And Red Dragon SHOULD have been spectacular, but is merely just great (his best, IMO) because of the AWFUL extended ending in the film (not quite Matrix or Matrix 2 bad, but not far off, either). You spend the entire movie making Ralph Fiennes' character out to be a tragic villian then put a stupid twist ending that had no business being there, destroying 1:45 of screen time building up this character.
So, they give him X-Men franchise which, in the first two films, proved against all odds that you can actually take the essence of a comic book (I still haven't forgotten them for the stupid black suits, but the rest of these films makes up for it; Spiderman and Superman seemed to have survived well with "comic book looking" suits) and properly make it into a good movie franchise as long as you have good direction. He hasn't proven that he's any more than just a decent director that's good at fluff. This franchise doesn't work on only fluff. It'll really depend on the script and whether or not he's decided to make any adjustments to it.
I will see this movie in the theatres, I just hope that he proves me wrong.