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Go see superman

PostPosted:Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:56 pm
by Chris
sorry I fugure I'll post this same thing after every time I see it. But go see it. hell even just to see the pider-man trailer on the big screen. the movie really is fantastic as well. Superman 2.5 woohoooo

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:05 am
by Oracle
It was meh. And I was pissed, no spiderman trailer for us, just a bunch of shit.

Go see it for the effects, that's all I can say :p

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:26 am
by Eric
Wait there was a Spider-man trailer before Superman played? Well that's different. ;p

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:17 pm
by Zeus
When I get back from Scotland I'm gonna go check it out in IMAX glory. That should be fun

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:31 pm
by Flip
Why are all movies 2+ hours nowadays? I can hardly stand it, even when it is really good.

I hear it is a 2.5 hour love fest to the originals, which were mediocre at best.

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:47 pm
by Eric
I was terribley bored with it. There was too little action. I felt like the actors all played their rolls extremely well, Lex was Lex, Sups was Sups, Lois was Lois, everything felt right, even Jimmy & Mr. White.

Take the title "Superman Returns" for exactly what it is. It's the return of Superman and how the world reacts, nothing more nothing less. No part of the movie really had me like "Whoa, I wanna see THAT scene again, that was awesome." Maybe I had my expectations too high.

PostPosted:Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:17 pm
by Julius Seeker
Yeah, I'm expecting a generic super hero flick. Maybe even something really cheesy. I think I'll like it =)

PostPosted:Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:47 pm
by Chris
Zeus wrote:When I get back from Scotland I'm gonna go check it out in IMAX glory. That should be fun
Yeah I saw it IMAX3d and it was holys shit awesome. the airplane scene in 3d was the coolest thing I have ever seen on screen. there is only like 20 some minutes of 3d but my god it is spectacular. I think I've forgotten how to blink

PostPosted:Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:00 pm
by Chris
The Seeker wrote:Yeah, I'm expecting a generic super hero flick. Maybe even something really cheesy. I think I'll like it =)
it's essdentially a sequal to superman one while incorporating the 70% of superman 2 that donner did while ignoring the stuff the other director did. really a fantastic job by bosworth and huntington who really stole the show. and it's odd too because while I hate parker Posey I loved how she was used in this.

Spacey I loved too because whiled rthey still used the crazy real exstate lex luthor as the villain he was far more evil than hackman could ever imagine being. really great stuff.

The special effects are fucking spectacular. I just wish they hadn't cut the space stuff at the beginning and replaced it with a 3 sentance explanation as it really does add more to the film.

While Batman Begins is a far better "movie" Superman is a greater spectacle where everything is over the top bright and spectacular.

They do also set it firmly in the DC Universe with references to both gotham and central city which makes me happy as it does set up the possibility to build a cinematic universe with a continuity like the animated DCU has. It's definitely something I would love to see. Christian Bale and Routh sdharing a superman/batman movie....that would rule. The upcoming flash movie that I can't wait for. eventually maybe a good live actuion justice league movie. That would rule. The only movie I'm not having even a passing intrest in is Wheedons Wonder Woman which I can already say will suck more balls than a vegas hooker because he has no concept whatsoever of what wonder woman is. (He said it's the funniest script he's ever written and that since wonder woman has no good villains he's creating a new one for the movie) Shows he has no clue what the hell he is talking about since there are some fantastic villains you can use

but enough of me ranting.....

Re: I liked it

PostPosted:Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:01 pm
by Chris
bovine wrote:I thought it was pretty good. I went in with a team that didn't have such high hopes for the movie, but they all came out smiling. I'm not a big superman fan, but I really liked it.
the opening credits made me want to cream my jeans. 20 years later and I still love that damn theme music. not to mention how old school it was

PostPosted:Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:59 pm
by Ishamael
Finally saw it. Pretty damn good. Like others, I love John Williams' score. Hearing it in the opening credits and seeing the credits on the big screen was awesome.

As for the movie itself, I rather enjoyed it but wasn't blown away. Directors walk a tricky line when they try to create super hero films with a "real story" or spend much time on internal conflict - that's what doomed The Hulk (though I also though that was a pretty good film).

If the box office is any indication, the general public isn't exactly crazy about this kind of super hero movie. The "problem" was that it was merely pretty damned good. In many ways I liked Xmen 3 better - yes, you read right. While I enjoyed watching Superman coming to terms with his past and figuring out how he fits into the world after an extended absence, there's something to be said for watching Magneto crushing semis on a highway or lift up a golden gate bridge filled with mutants.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:34 am
by Torgo
I'm not a big fan of Superman in general, but I thought it was pretty good overall, though it did seem a bit too long. Singer did a good job of bringing the Reeve series to the present. The opening credit sequence and Marlon Brando really brought back my childhood. I also thought that all the actor's fit their roles perfectly. I was especially surprised with Spacey's Lex. Different from Hack Man's, but no less entertaining.