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Battlestar Galactica - one show that hasn't jumped the shark

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:44 am
by Ishamael
Anyone else catching this season? In my bitterness over the demise of Lost, I neglect to bring up the bright spot that is BSG, the best show on TV.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:01 am
by Imakeholesinu
Unfortunately, with my on going satellite issues, I have to catch it on sunday when they release the "sci-fi" version on BT. But I am watching and am very patiently waiting to see this episode of last friday.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:25 pm
by Julius Seeker
I am interested in this show, based on what I have heard (mostly from this board). I think I might look into buying the first season.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:58 pm
by Blotus
My favorite show on TV as well.

***MAD SPOILAGE!!!!!!!*****
The scene with Pegasus wasting the Cylon ships then pulling a kamikaze attack was fucking gold. Poor Saul! Anybody think the girl that claimed Starbuck's daughter was a Cylon? We'll probably see the Cylon homeworld now that Baltar was with them. What will be done with Gaeta and the former New Caprica police force? Dammit! This is why I hate watching shows as they're broadcasted opposed to straight through on DVD as I did the first season.

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:22 pm
by Ishamael
Black Lotus wrote:My favorite show on TV as well.

***MAD SPOILAGE!!!!!!!*****
The scene with Pegasus wasting the Cylon ships then pulling a kamikaze attack was fucking gold. Poor Saul! Anybody think the girl that claimed Starbuck's daughter was a Cylon? We'll probably see the Cylon homeworld now that Baltar was with them. What will be done with Gaeta and the former New Caprica police force? Dammit! This is why I hate watching shows as they're broadcasted opposed to straight through on DVD as I did the first season.
Crazy scattered thoughts in answer to the MAD SPOILAGE:

Awesome moments. Hmmm where to start?
Space battle between the Galactica and 4 Cylon Base stations. The Pegasus coming in for rescue. Galactica FTL jump in to New Caprica atmosphere. The Kamikaze run...

I felt pretty horrible for Saul. That was just brutal. He was already on edge. That may have sent him over. The repurcussions of what he had to do will be massive. He'll blame Adama.

Hopefully Gaeta will get off OK once the insurgent leaders let them know that Gaeta was really a mole.

It'll be interesting to see where the dude who was in the New Caprica police force goes from this point.

Was the girl who claimed KC a cylon? Hmm, I hadn't considered that honestly. Something ain't quite right, that's for sure. DNA test, DNA test!

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:32 pm
by Blotus

It seemed way too convenient that the child's "mother" showed up right as Starbuck got out of her ship. I think we'll see her model next episode on one of the Cylon ships or their homeworld.

I don't see what the big deal with losing Hera (Sharon and Helo's baby) is. Rosyln (sp?) was always on about not letting the Cylons get their hands on her, but they could have made plenty of hybrids from their nursaries on Caprica (like the one Starbuck sabotaged).

PostPosted:Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:00 pm
by Ishamael
Black Lotus wrote:SPOILER!!!!!!?

It seemed way too convenient that the child's "mother" showed up right as Starbuck got out of her ship. I think we'll see her model next episode on one of the Cylon ships or their homeworld.

I don't see what the big deal with losing Hera (Sharon and Helo's baby) is. Rosyln (sp?) was always on about not letting the Cylons get their hands on her, but they could have made plenty of hybrids from their nursaries on Caprica (like the one Starbuck sabotaged).
More Spoilage!

I thought it was a tad convenient that the real mother showed up too, but it does make sense when you consider what's happened so far. There have been lots of questions surrounding the Cylon/Human hybrid thing. We know the cylons have been trying to create them and we know that Hero and Sharon have created one in Hera. Then Casey showed up. So was she an indication that the Cylon's attempts to create the hybrid were successful? It seemed that way...until Xena went to see that Oracle chick. The Oracle said something about her knowing true love when seeing the fruit of two people. Errr...OK...but presumably Xena had already seen the fruit of two people IF Casey was truly a hybrid and the Cylon's experiements at creating them was succesful. Xena's reaction certainly didn't indicate this was the case.

So to me, all the evidence points to Casey being kidnapped by the Cylons and used to manipulate Starbuck's emotions. Hera is the only true hybrid and Casey is fully human (...or fully Cylon).

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:02 am
by Oracle
Ok, spoilers:

I highly doubt Casey is actually a Cylon/Human hybrid. A huge part of the first two seasons was the Cylons experimenting with "love" because that is the only way they believed they could accomplish creating a hybrid. They tried the baby farms, an they admitted that they couldn't get it to work. And Starbuck's crazy Cylon stalker kept wanting her to fall in love with him. I think this was just another attempt to have them create a Hybrid if he could manage to get Starbuck to truly love him. Unfortunately for the Cylons, they picked a crazy religious motherfucker to try and win her over, with all the wrong moves. Besides, she enjoyed killing him too much.

AS far as Gaeta, I hope he gets off, but he's going to get fucked badly by the whole situation. It doubt it will be Adama going after him, rather the "political institution" of the twelve colonies of Kobol. I think upcoming episodes will be full of witch hunts by the people who are bitter and angry over the government and how it allowed a situation like New Caprica to take place.

And the Pegasus blowing up... I so fucking called that last week.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:01 pm
by Zeus
Veronica Mars has gone down a little (but still very watchable), Earl is Earl, Sopranos is about to end, and 24 is starting to lose a bit of luster (show needs a fundamental format change very soon). Maybe after I'm done my box sets I haven't gotten around to yet I'll start watching it

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:37 pm
by Imakeholesinu

That whole scene at the end is basically setting up the rest of the season. It's Starbuck's turn to get all emotional now and not be the cold hard bitch she was. I see Anders getting whacked real soon sending her into a tailspin. The XO too, he's gonna have a lot of problems and I like seeing his character now even if he's more broken than ever before. I wonder if Sharon has finally earned enough trust from Adama to be let into the general population now. I have a real problem with Park's acting as she's too good of a Sharon and not that great of a Cylon. As for the baby thing, this re-enforces the belief the cylons have that they need love to produce a child. Quite frankly I would have liked to have seen Hera go back to Galactica and have the cylons chasing mankind again, but I don't think they will now that they have her. Baltar's character I can see becoming some sort of love slave to the woman in his head and the cylon that will now forever be at his side. We still have not seen all of the cylon models yet and I'm sure we'll see more of them as they have infiltrated the fleet during the evacuation.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:33 pm
by SineSwiper
Invisible shit:

Yeah, I kinda felt bad for Baltar. The man was a total prick who was internally depressed about not being with his Cylon mate, but now that he found her, they have to deal with this human slavery situation. I was kinda surprised that Gaeta didn't see what he was going through, even though he was almost the closest person to him. Trying to shoot him? Come on...he actually wants that. For some reason, I think Baltar is one of my favorite characters on the show. (I guess I like the changed villian role.)

I'm also interested in what Zarek is going to become. I don't think he's going to bother playing the bad guy any more.

I think Tigh's pretty fucked up right now, and I can't believe they forced him to kill his wife. She wasn't going to be able to do anything after the escape, and her betrayal was somewhat justified. It just wasn't right, even though I didn't really like her character.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:35 am
by Oracle

I was counting the days till they killed off Tigh's bitch of a wife. Should have been done a long time ago :p

PostPosted:Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:30 pm
by Imakeholesinu
bovine wrote:damn your spoilers, I haven't watched episode 4 yet...... the girlfriend and I have to watch it together or she'll destroy me. 3 was WAY too much build up and now I have to wait for 4..... urgh
Dawg, it's called Azureus and it wins at life!

PostPosted:Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:49 pm
by Ishamael
Muddled Spoiler thoughts on Baltar:

I think Baltar is my favorite character. He's easily the most complicated. He's not exactly the traitor everyone thinks he is. He looks out for number one over everyone else, but not quite to the point where he'd willingly doom good people. Yes he'll sell you out or lie to you, but he won't necessarily willingly endanger innocents...if you ignore the episode where he gave the one version of 6 that nuclear bomb. Even then, I'm not sure if he thought people would *really* be in danger or if it was merely a show of trust. I'm still not sure.

He's a "villian" sure, but it's almost like he's an unwilling villian so that there's at least one human who can see things from the Cylon's point of view. Sorta like Hero...