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Star Trek: Deep Space 9

PostPosted:Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:03 pm
by Julius Seeker
Now, in the past I know I have bashed this series hard. Though a lot of people have said that it is actually a very good series, and has the strongest plot of all of the Star Treks. So I downloaded the first season, and after only 20 minutes of the first episode I can say that I am quite impressed.

Now, the production values aren't quite as good as Voyager, but they are damn close! Much better than The Next Generation, for example. They have introduced a few characters so far, Otto, Sisqo, Quark, Kira, Nog, and a few others. The first 20 minutes has A LOT of good stuff, there is a major battle against the Borg (Battle of Wolf 359), and then 3 years later Sisqo is assigned to Deep Space 9 command, a Space station orbiting the planet Bajor (which played a major role in a Next Generation mini-series, which was one of the best sequences of episodes in the entire series). The enterprise is present at the space station, and it is quite obvious that Sisqo really hates Captain Picard (who killed his wife three years ago as the Borg Locutis).

Overall, I am very impressed so far, and I do look forward to watching the rest of the series. I guess it is one that has to be watched from start to finish, because I had seen a few episodes before, and they never caught my interest. This time though, I am quite impressed. I have made my amends with the series

PostPosted:Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:45 pm
by Imakeholesinu
It does have one of the better plot lines and a real sense of drama since there is so much turmoil surrounding the station. It's Cardacian and all of the Bajorins hate it as it is a symbol of their occupation almost by the Cardacins. Not only that later on you'll get to deal with the shit disturbers across the wormhole and sprinkle some Borg here and there and it makes off for some great and impressively tense moments. Definitely the "darker" edge of Star Trek.

God, I am such a fucking loser.

PostPosted:Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:48 pm
by Flip
Barret wrote: God, I am such a fucking loser.
We love you regardless. Well, atleast i do. *gay wink*

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:28 am
by Nev
Flip, you, man! Hands off my Barret. :D

I've been waiting a year and a half now for that Japanese vixen to free him from her clutches! No butting in.

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:57 am
by Lox
Yeah, I loved DS9, particularly the last few seasons involving the Founders and the war with Cardassia. Good series, imo.

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:48 am
by kali o.

- Sisco proves the Federation practices affirmative action hires in the Future. Honestly...the shittiest show Commander/Captain ever? Possibly. And even if not, he sure as hell gives Kirk a run for his money when it comes to bad overacting acting and crutch mannerisms.

- Spots on girls make me hot. Dax made me sincerely hope that I see alien contact in my lifetime - just so I can have sex with one.

- I wanted to bash Kira's head with a club. Come out of the fucking closet already!

I remember I hated the show at first...but eventually I warmed up to it. But looking back on the series now, the above rants are all I took from it.

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:14 am
by Julius Seeker
Avery Brooks is good actor in my opinion, though I will never be able to look at him and not think of him as "Sweeny."

He may not have the same extensive and diverse acting careers that Patrick Stewart and Kate Mulgrew have, but very very few actors do; seriously, the producers lucked out big time on getting those two. Avery Brooks, still, has considerably more experience than the remaining two captains (Kirk and..... Captain Enterprise? =P).

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:57 pm
by Oracle
Scott Bakula!!!!

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:55 pm
by kali o.
Captain Jonathan Archer...I know this for two reasons.

- I'm bias and really like Scott (because, come on...Quantum Leap was probably the greatest thing ever).

- The Vulcan is hot and reinforces my deep seeded desire for alien sex.

And ya, I liked Sweeny in American History X...awesome movie. But he's no Ed Norton. The guy has one dimension - overacting and silly verbal pauses...same bloody character in every role. In a movie, I can handle that. But in a weekly series...?

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:10 pm
by Julius Seeker
Good point, he is very much like Sweeny in this role as well. I did some reading up on Brooks, and he actually used to be a professor, so the role of Sweeny was a good fit for him.

And yeah, I knew his name was Archer, it just slipped my mind. I have not seen much of that series, but I have heard a very broad spectrum of opinions on it.

Anyways, back to Deep Space 9.

I am on the third episode, and I am quite enjoying it. It is a murder mystery. I will say this is not the Deep Space 9 I remember. As I recall, the episodes I watched earlier made me feel as though I was jumping into the middle of something and required a large background story in order to fully appreciate the plot, and due to lacking that, I didn't appreciate the plot. Next Generation and Voyager really did not have this problem, in both, it is true that there was an ongoing story; though none of the episodes really made you feel as though you HAD to know a lot of information prior to watching them; this, of course, excludes extended 2 part episodes and such.

So that is the secret to enjoying Deep Space 9, watching it from the beginning =P

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:03 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Flip...Nev...maybe you two should hook-up.

PostPosted:Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:41 pm
by Nev
Nah, he's not my type.

You however I could get to know a little better. What do you say we meet at a bar somewhere for drinks and buttsex?

Errr...I mean, conversation. :)

PostPosted:Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:34 pm
by Imakeholesinu
*deflect's nev's advances with ISH*

PostPosted:Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:53 am
by SineSwiper
DS9 is probably my favorite of the whole franchise. They actually had a continuing plotline (an idea stolen from Babylon 5 when it was starting to get popular), and it was at the peak of the franchise.

While I think Avery Brooks sought inspiration from Captain Kirk's role, he was clearly a different character than other captains. I think this was best illustrated in an episode with Q, where Q drags Sisco into a mock boxing match. Q taunts him to punch him, and Sisco actually punchs him. Q says "Hey! Captain Picard wouldn't have punched me!". Sisco answers, "I'm not Captain Picard!"

After DS9, the shows and movies totally sucked because of Berman's raping of Star Trek.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:34 pm
by Julius Seeker
I am finding that Deep Space 9 is fairly solid, every episode seems to be an above average episode, though none really stick out as being great episodes as they did in Voyager and Next Generation which each had a few dozen truly excellent episodes. Next Generation I found had much more crap in it than any of the other 3 series' (I skip out Enterprise because I just never got around to really watching it; the episodes I did watch did not have that Star Trek feel to them, they felt like a lesser show along the lines of Andromeda and Farscape).

PostPosted:Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:45 pm
by Julius Seeker
Anyways, continuing the Star Trek topic from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie thread. I have read up on the 11th movie. It seems that the idea being most suggested is a prequel to the original series which involves both Spock and Kirk. I personally feel this is a great idea except I do have some reservations; notably, Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner were too unique of actors to be immitated in a movie such as this, let alone duplicated. Otherwise, I think the story is a great idea, and it might actually bring some interest to the Enterprise series which probably is not as bad as we all think it is. If the Enterprise series and the original series are somehow linked together that is. I am not sure how far away Enterprise is from Star Trek.

I do think this is perhaps the best thing they can do with the 11th movie, though replacing Shatner and Nimoy will be impossible. I can't see how it will be done.

What else could they really do?

PostPosted:Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:28 pm
by Kupek
Let it die.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:47 pm
by Julius Seeker
Kupek wrote:Let it die.
I am sure that has been considered, but in this case they won't. Actually, I have thought up what else they could do. They could tie up the Next Generation storyline in a similar way that The Undiscovered Country tied up the Original Series. Nemesis probably should have been that movie, but they messed it up royally, it was like a bad version of Unidscovered Country (I hate even comparing the two).

PostPosted:Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:31 pm
by SineSwiper
Aye, I agree with Kupek. Kill it. Die. Gene's memory has been butchered far enough.