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this week in manga

PostPosted:Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:51 pm
by Don
I find Naruto took a pleasant surprise for the better when the author remembered there is this guy named Sasuke that is supposed to be somewhat important to the story. While I do not particular like anyone in Naruto, Sasuke doesn't strike me as a complete moron unlike most of the other cast. Is this the beginning to a recovery, or will Sasuke disappear into the void for another 2 years like before? We shall see.

Prince of Tennis continues to set new lows for what passes as manga. Prince of Tennis has badness down to an art. Just when you think everything can't possibly be even more rediculous or dumber, they get even worse. For a while I had my hopes up with the fake info that seems to be borrowed from The Departed where the D1 matches turned out that both sides are playing with double agents from the other side, therefore sabotaging the effectiveness of Talent Limit. But no that'd actually be pretty cool despite being rediculous. Instead the author sort of throws his hands up and say I can't think of a way to counter Talent Limit so let's forget about all plot points I have been working up to this point.

Bleach continues to be yet another filler. I really can't say Bleach is bad (or good for that matter). Nothing just ever happens. I'm guessing it's going to take another year or so before the good guys even get to any of the interesting Esprandas (I think that's what they're called).

Eyeshield 21 continues an inevitable spiral toward doom. Since Eyeshield 21 insists on being somewhat based in reality, I think this is a good time for Sena to use some steroids to overcome the impossible task he is charged with, which is beating Shin with brute force (Sena is physically the weakest character in the series, while Shin is either the 2nd or 3rd strongest physically). Alternatively I wouldn't mind if the White Knights failed a drug test and it turned out all their guys are using steroids. It's one thing to have consistency and integrity but Eyeshield 21 has gotten to a point where insisting on integrity is just downright embarassing because there isn't any left. This is the time you use the Super Saiyan transformations and just call it a day before embarassing yourself further.

PostPosted:Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:09 am
by Anarky
Normally I never flame...

But Don did you not enjoy the battle in the last 10 chapters or so, WTF is wrong with you...

PostPosted:Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:42 am
by Zeus
Sasuke isn't as central to the anime anymore. He's more of a secondary story now, something that's always there but not in the limelight 'til the time is right. So it wouldn't surprise me if we don't see him for a while

PostPosted:Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:18 pm
by Don
For the battles in the last 10 chapters, first half is justification by genius. The second half, there's no way they could've lost anyway with a 5 to 1 advantage. Kakashi alone should have been enough. He even says that after they won (though he would actually get hurt if he had to do it by himself). It's an epic battle that you can't lose, which makes it not so epic after all.

There's also the fact that these guys who are supposed to be able to take out an entire nation keeps on getting defeated by scrubs that doesn't lend much to their credability. Of course if you look at the revised character power ratings it'd appear some of the Akatsuki (?) is barely more powerful than Kakashi if at all... so why are people so afraid of them in the first place?

PostPosted:Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:44 pm
by Anarky
Personally I hate sasuke, for all I care he could fuck off and die in a fire because I never found him that interesting.

PostPosted:Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:23 pm
by Zeus
Anarky wrote:Personally I hate sasuke, for all I care he could fuck off and die in a fire because I never found him that interesting.
The only way he's interesting is in how he affects Naruto, who to me is the best character in the series, and I don't usually like the lead characters that much, and the rest of Konoha, which beyond Naruto isn't TOO much. He himself is really nothing IMO which is why I didnt' care too much that he was gone for a while. Naruto and the rest of the village were having some great development