The last episode of season 2 just aired a couple weeks ago. So the whole season can now be downloaded on torrent or bought on DVD whenever they finally release it.
For those unfamiliar with the series, it was a high budget HBO/BBC production which follows the lives of Octavian, Julius Caesar (played by the same guy who played the Russian President in Sum of All Fears), Mark Antony, Titus Pullo (played by the guy who was Bors's brother in King Arthur), Lucius Vorenus, Atia of the Julii, Marcus Brutus, Sevillia (Brutus's mother), and Octavia (Octavian's sister). Vorenus and Pullo are two fictional characters who give the title a view from the common people, their names were mentioned among the writings of Julius Caesar (historically), but aside from their names and that they were in Caesar's army, all else about them is fictional.
There are lots of very important secondary characters which play very large roles. It's a very well done series. Season two steps up the drama from the first season. Here is a clip from the second season: Here is a scene of season 2.
Oh yeah, one very unique feature of this series are that the good and the bad guys are really a matter of the viewers opinion =P
For those unfamiliar with the series, it was a high budget HBO/BBC production which follows the lives of Octavian, Julius Caesar (played by the same guy who played the Russian President in Sum of All Fears), Mark Antony, Titus Pullo (played by the guy who was Bors's brother in King Arthur), Lucius Vorenus, Atia of the Julii, Marcus Brutus, Sevillia (Brutus's mother), and Octavia (Octavian's sister). Vorenus and Pullo are two fictional characters who give the title a view from the common people, their names were mentioned among the writings of Julius Caesar (historically), but aside from their names and that they were in Caesar's army, all else about them is fictional.
There are lots of very important secondary characters which play very large roles. It's a very well done series. Season two steps up the drama from the first season. Here is a clip from the second season: Here is a scene of season 2.
Oh yeah, one very unique feature of this series are that the good and the bad guys are really a matter of the viewers opinion =P
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