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Blockbuster chooses its HD format for the future...

PostPosted:Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:47 pm
by Flip

This could be bad for the loser.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:20 pm
by SineSwiper
HD-DVD isn't pushing hard enough. They haven't even invented a HD-ROM standard yet. Though, I think the whole thing with no Blu-Ray porn will blow over, and Sony will be forced to reneg on that decision after the wars are over.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:13 pm
by Tessian
I didn't want Sony to win...but as Sine said they just seem to be trying harder than whoever is pushing HD-DVD...

PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:44 pm
by Ishamael
It's still up in the air. I heard somewhere porn chose HD-DVD. The fact is, people aren't buying many next gen DVD players because they're satisfied with DVD for now.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:20 pm
by SineSwiper
Porn didn't choose HD-DVD. They were forced into the choice because of Sony's ban on porn.

The way I see it, there are only a few things that are major deal breakers with the format wars:

1. Does it support porn? (HD-DVD only)
2. Does it have a burner? (both are starting to come out with one)
3. Does it have a data format? (both? I'm not sure now.)
4. Does Netflix carry it? (Both)

Yeah, Blockbuster is big, but if they only carry a certain format, and Netflix carries both, that means that Blockbuster will lose all of their HD-ROM customers, including most Xbox 360 customers (which overshadows PS3). The loss in customers would be similar to how much they lost when Netflix was in full swing.

When they are trying to stable some sort of lead with Netflix, they pull this move and shoot themselves in the foot. Pretty soon, we'll hear about Netflix buying out Blockbuster, so that they can get their retail market in full swing.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:30 pm
by Don
I'm pretty sure Blue Ray has been winning versus HD-DVD in all the measurable metrics. Whether this trend continues, I have no idea, but it doesn't seem like it's a bad idea to go with the side that's currently winning.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:55 pm
by Julius Seeker
I don't think either will come close to DVD before something more advanced comes along.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:20 pm
by Tessian
The Seeker wrote:I don't think either will come close to DVD before something more advanced comes along.
I was about to agree with you there...but there's a part you probably forgot-- HD movies.

If it weren't for High Def, then yes...people are happy with current DVD's and wouldn't bother until something even better came around. But...we're all turning into HD whores. And currently regular DVD's can't handle HD Movies.

It's still not worth getting either one anytime soon, but give it another 1-2 years and we'll have a winner most likely

PostPosted:Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:11 am
by Zeus
Sine, from what I've read, Blu-Ray's been winning the DVD sales war for a while now but it's not exactly like either's selling like nuts. Although the 360 supports HD-DVD, you have to pay the extra $150 US to get the drive, so it's not exactly the most popular item in the world. That's one thing the PS3 has it beat on, the Blu-Ray is built right into it.

I'll go with Seek on this one in a way. I don't think anyone's gonna care about another format for 5-10 years. People are gonna try to convince you that you should have HD or Blu-Ray for your new HD TV, but it's been a slow-ass process. I don't think my DVDs look too bad on my TV and I have no reason to re-buy my stuff in Blu-Ray or HD; and I'm more of a videophile or nerd than most people.

I think it's mostly 'cause of two things: price and availability. If you got the selection and exclusives people want to pay for, you'll get more interest and sales. And if the price actually comes down so it's barely more than regular DVD, you might see people starting to buy that stuff up, especially if the players come down in price. Even then, I think it's going to be more of a supplement rather than a replacement for regular DVDs.

Before that supplement becomes the norm, it may take 5 or 10 years. Will it be Blu-Ray or HD-DVD that's still around in that time? Who knows...

PostPosted:Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:51 am
by SineSwiper
Zeus wrote:Sine, from what I've read, Blu-Ray's been winning the DVD sales war for a while now but it's not exactly like either's selling like nuts. Although the 360 supports HD-DVD, you have to pay the extra $150 US to get the drive, so it's not exactly the most popular item in the world. That's one thing the PS3 has it beat on, the Blu-Ray is built right into it.
Well, the 360 costs $150 less than the PS3. It's part of the reason why the PS3 isn't doing so well. I'm sure in a year or so, they'll put it in standard on new 360s.