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Naruto Shippuuden viewers.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:24 pm
by Eric
This anime is dragging, like it's like watching 20 minutes of 1 manga chapter, and it's insanely boring throughout the entire thing, I caught myself yawning for the last episode.

If you're watching it, I advise you to let the episodes build up for a month and then watch it like that.


Convert to the manga, where you get the same amount of action/dialog, but it only takes 2-3 minutes or so to read and is much more satisfying.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:33 pm
by Zeus
Can't, need my fix every week....

But I do agree it's dragging. My cuz and I noticed it after the first few eps. I have no idea why they've switched to 1 ep per chapter. They're so far behind now, it would take them what, a year and a half to catch up if they did two chapters per ep like they did during the Chuunin exam?

On top of that, the last couple of months they've been releasing one ep every two weeks. Heck, the next one isn't until the 19th for cryin' out loud. I'm wondering if it's gonna be just for this ep or if they're waiting on word when the manga will officially end before they speed it up.

I like what's going it, it's just dragging. I don't want them to change anything, I just want it to go faster. Take out the inner-ep filler and it would be great.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:02 pm
by Don
I don't like how the manga is going the way of the 'dream within the dream' as one person puts it on the Chinese boards. It's bad enough that people end up doing all these crazy things and then it turns out they wasted it all on a clone, but now you can be doing crazy things to an illusion. It reminds me of something from Dragonball where two guys can be fighting the illusion of the illusion of the illusion of the illusion of the guy.

PostPosted:Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:01 pm
by SineSwiper
Not only is it dragging, they can't even produce an episode every week. This is, what, the 2nd time they skipped a week without even putting out a double-episode.

I'd like to start reading the manga, but the anime is such a better medium, especially when they are accurate enough with the source material. (Filler, yes, but the source material is still there.) I just couldn't imagine it without the action and, well, color of the anime.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:02 am
by SineSwiper
What the fuck is up with this once every 2 weeks bullshit?

PostPosted:Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:52 pm
by SineSwiper
No, seriously, does anybody have any info on the gaps in the once a week schedule? The Naruto fan sites are crap, so I can't find much news about it. (All they do is just repeat what's been released on Dattebayo's site.)

PostPosted:Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:43 pm
by Zeus
The best overall site is IMO. You can also go and check Got Woot's forums (, the guys there seem to know what's going on.

I've stopped getting annoyed at the slowness of it now. I like what's happening it's just taking forever to get anywhere. I just use it as an excuse to get my cuz and I together to hang out for an evening. But I could easily take it or leave it for a couple of weeks, I just like to watch it weekly now.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:48 pm
by SineSwiper
I would like to watch it weekly, too. But it's not weekly right now. So, what's going on? Anybody? Bueller?

PostPosted:Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:31 pm
by Zeus
Fry.....Fry.......something "d-o-o" economics.......

They're just stretching it 'cause they can, simple as that