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PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:08 pm
by bovine
BRING YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Great date movie since I like robots (and other spoiler-ish related things) and she likes the romance/cuteness. Probably not a movie to go see with your stereotypical chest and fist pounding heterosexual man-friends, but it's definitely a good movie.

Also, robots.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:57 pm
by RentCavalier
I've heard good things--I definitely wanna check this film out.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:54 pm
by Eric
Fuck that all my hetero friends are gonna see this fucking movie man!


PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:22 pm
by Zeus
If you can, make sure you watch it on a digital projector. Looks MUCH better

PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:12 pm
by Shellie
Ok, I don't get it. It looks like just another one of those cutesy Disney talking creature movies.

I really am surprised to see all you guys pumped to see this...I know I'm not...

PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:49 pm
by Blotus
Johnny Five ripoff.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:01 pm
by M'k'n'zy
I saw it last night and have to admit, it was pretty good.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:31 am
by Mully
Black Lotus wrote:Johnny Five ripoff.
Reminiscent of Johnny Five...the eyes and the tracks, but that's it. Wall E can't speak, and developed it's own personality from being alone. J5 was an accident.

Great movie. Very sad and very uplifting parts. I love Pixar. It's worth seeing for the animation alone. John Lasseter (CCO) said, "Wall E carries more emotion than any other Pixar character" and only says two words in the whole movie, but don't worry, it's not Cast Away, Lasseter also points out, ""the art of animation is about what the character does, not what it says. It all depends on how you tell the story, whether it has a lot of dialogue or not."

The movie is overall, "Very good."

check out this HIGH res pic here

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:30 pm
by Zeus
Seraphina wrote:Ok, I don't get it. It looks like just another one of those cutesy Disney talking creature movies.

I really am surprised to see all you guys pumped to see this...I know I'm not...
Not a lot of speech in this flick. WALL-E and EVE only say a few words and they're the main characters. You get a lot more of it later in the flick but it's from the humans not the characters. The robots portray their characters through actions and sounds not speech.

Has Pixar led you astray? Do you have a reason not to want to see it?

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:42 pm
by Shellie
It's not a movie I will go see in the theater..or rent... But if I'm really bored, and nothing else is available on On Demand..I MIGHT see it. But only because I get an employee discount :)

I guess I'm just not a huge fan of "kids" movies. Yes, I know there is a lot of adult humor in Pixar's movies. I did like the Incredibles, and Monsters Inc was cute, but I dunno... I'm just not excited about this movie like everyone else I see.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:08 pm
by RentCavalier
Pixar has a long line of quality--they're the only kids movie making company that has actually recaptured the original magic and "feel" of the old Disney movies. Almost every one of their movies is a masterpiece on some level, either through telling deep, provocative or emotionally stirring stories, or else raising the bar through animation techniques that show more ingenuity and skill than any other animation studio in America today.

They make a movie, I'll fucking see it.

Except for Cars. Cars...fuck Cars.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:41 pm
by Zeus
Seraphina wrote:It's not a movie I will go see in the theater..or rent... But if I'm really bored, and nothing else is available on On Demand..I MIGHT see it. But only because I get an employee discount :)

I guess I'm just not a huge fan of "kids" movies. Yes, I know there is a lot of adult humor in Pixar's movies. I did like the Incredibles, and Monsters Inc was cute, but I dunno... I'm just not excited about this movie like everyone else I see.
That would esplain it then. If you're just not a fan of stuff like that in theaters, you wouldn't care. I personally like seeing the good CG films in theatres. As decent a setup I have at home, heavy effects or CG films are what's worth it in the theaters nowadays. It's the artsy films I tend not to bother with unless I want to support it

PostPosted:Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:52 pm
by Eric
Adorable movie.

He's all like "Walllllll-e" and you can't help but go "awwwww". lol.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:40 am
by Flip
RentCavalier wrote:Pixar has a long line of quality--they're the only kids movie making company that has actually recaptured the original magic and "feel" of the old Disney movies. Almost every one of their movies is a masterpiece on some level, either through telling deep, provocative or emotionally stirring stories, or else raising the bar through animation techniques that show more ingenuity and skill than any other animation studio in America today.

They make a movie, I'll fucking see it.

Except for Cars. Cars...fuck Cars.
Yea... I'd have to say none of their movies had any 'provocative or emotionally stirring stories' until this one. Toy Story is emotional? A Bugs Life is provocative?... While all entertaining, they dont compare to the feeling and message of this. I dont really know where the kids are supposed to like it?...

PostPosted:Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:21 am
by Mully
Eric wrote:Adorable movie.

He's all like "Walllllll-e" and you can't help but go "awwwww". lol.
and EEeeeeeeeevvvvvAAAA

PostPosted:Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:32 pm
by SineSwiper
Flip wrote:Yea... I'd have to say none of their movies had any 'provocative or emotionally stirring stories' until this one. Toy Story is emotional? A Bugs Life is provocative?... While all entertaining, they dont compare to the feeling and message of this. I dont really know where the kids are supposed to like it?...
Finding Nemo was pretty good on a emotional level. The Incredibles is still one of the funniest ones out there.

Also, I was REALLY hoping that their 10-year contract (after Cars) with Disney would have ran out without renewal (after that lack of settlement 4 years ago). They really need to branch out and do adult animations. The United States has been stuck on this "Cartoons = kids" mantra for way too long.

PostPosted:Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:34 am
by bovine
SineSwiper wrote:
Flip wrote:Yea... I'd have to say none of their movies had any 'provocative or emotionally stirring stories' until this one. Toy Story is emotional? A Bugs Life is provocative?... While all entertaining, they dont compare to the feeling and message of this. I dont really know where the kids are supposed to like it?...
Finding Nemo was pretty good on a emotional level. The Incredibles is still one of the funniest ones out there.

Also, I was REALLY hoping that their 10-year contract (after Cars) with Disney would have ran out without renewal (after that lack of settlement 4 years ago). They really need to branch out and do adult animations. The United States has been stuck on this "Cartoons = kids" mantra for way too long.
I think that Pixar may have actually moved a bit more into the adult audience's radar with Wall-e. I totally agree with Flip when he says that he's not sure where in the movie that kids would find any enjoyment. It's mostly a romance and there isn't enough shitty slapstick humor to warrant any interest from children. It's a great movie and it has a message that is totally relevant, you'd be a fool not to see this movie. You heard me fools, I'm talkin to you.

PostPosted:Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:50 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Australian fools aren't going to be able to see it until September!

PostPosted:Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:44 pm
by Zeus
Man, where's the Monsters Inc. love?

PostPosted:Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:09 pm
by Julius Seeker
This movie is blasphemy, everybody knows Robots are the enemy!

PostPosted:Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:22 pm
by RentCavalier
I always felt a Bugs Life was unappreciated. I mean, it has a lot of terribly annoying flaws (the main character is CONSTANTLY accused of being wrong/bad, while the audience knows he isn't, the supporting cast is weak) but the movie always rings true with me because, of all the Disney villains we've had, few have ever been as BRUTALLY PSYCHOTIC as Hopper.

Seriously, he has this whole "Apocalypse Now" vibe to him, and he's just got this brutal, viscious, violent streak in him that makes him really scary to watch. I think there's a scene where one of his men disagrees with him, so he crushes him to death under a pile of food. On top of that, he's actually unbeatable in the average sense--the main characters are incapable of defeating him, and it literally takes an act of God (in this case, God=a bird) to actually kill him.

Plus, he's one of the few villains who openly kills people. He's up there with Sid in sheer satisfaction. And on the topic of Sid...

Sid was the SHIT. I mean, we all know a kid who was like that, to some degree. Some of us even abused our toys ourselves, maybe just accidently, but still. Here we have toys given human emotions, personalities, and--evidently--the capacity to feel pain, and all of a sudden Sid is a sort of brutalistic Nazi character who sadistically delights in torturing living, breathing characters in a variety of sick and twisted ways. He's like Dr. Mengele of the Cartoon Villain world. To this date, no Pixar villain has ever really reached that level of pure, dripping sadism.

PostPosted:Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:28 am
by Kupek
Bumped because I just watched it.

Wall-E is brilliant.

I'm not exaggerating. This is excellent film making, forget that it's animated. There's no dialogue until 20 minutes into the film, and there's no human dialogue until 40 minutes in. That they were still able to tell a fast-moving, compelling, complex story without any exposition until 40 minutes into the film is an impressive achievement. Kids will adore this movie, I'm sure, but the subtlety of they tell the story elevates it to "good movie" instead of "good kid's movie."

PostPosted:Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:34 am
by bovine

PostPosted:Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:37 am
by Zeus
Yeah, but not big, giant robots than and transform and kick ass. That's at least one knock against it :-)