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Let the Right One In

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:10 am
by Chris
well twilight came out this week to shit ass reviews....which if it's anything like the books is an improvement. But another vampire flick came out here and damn. it's 2 things. a great horror film and a great film. fantastic. so if you've got Let the Right one in playing in a theatre near you or have a chance to see it, do. because it's absolutly fantastic. sweedes are awesome

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:53 am
by SineSwiper
Thank GOD! I was afraid of this massive tidal wave of shitty "chick flick" vampire movies. Hopefully, this will shun the producers away from the planned trilogy.

While I'm thinking of it, Alan Ball can suck a dick for trying to capitalize on this craze. I used to really like the guy, too. American Beauty is still one of my favorite movies.

EDIT: Fuck! They are already planning on the sequel, and reviews are actually mixed. (A 44% at Rotten Tomato, so not universally panned.)

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:20 am
by Kupek
It doesn't matter what the reviews are for Twilight, the audience is guaranteed. I've read multiple articles about how crazy girls and their mothers go for the lead actor because they get to pretend he really is that vampire.

As for Let the Right One In, I saw the trailer and I'd really like to see it. It looked like an interesting story, and scary in how realistic its portrayal of vampires was - almost banal.

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:00 am
by Zeus
$70.6M guarantee for Twilight. Wow

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:27 pm
by SineSwiper
I think deep down just about all women have this weird sexual attraction that a hot guy would suck the blood out of their neck. Maybe the whole sexual thing has been there since Bram Stoker penned Dracula, but movies like Lost Boys and Interview with a Vampire have capitalized on this attraction since forever.

Twilight seems to take the idea too far. Vampires have always appealed to both sexes. The idea of a chick flick vampire movie really just appalls me. "Chick flick" is synonymous with "devout of plot", just like "kids movie" is usually synonymous with "flashy characters with no plot". It's like what Nicholson's character in As Good As It Gets says about his romance novels:

Receptionist: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

Not that I'm saying that about women in general, but about how romance novels are written. If this trend gets popular, I really fear for our future. Eventually, soap operas will become prime time, and they'll even make their own movies.

Women, please, we avoid movies like Tomb Raider and Bloodrayne, despite the implied broken promise of titties. We ask that you have the same restraint in the movies you watch. And even if there isn't hot guys involved, no movie should ever be made about travelling pants or sisterhoods. We can watch movies like Garden State and 50 First Dates, and still be entertained by a good plot.

PostPosted:Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:52 pm
by Chris

PostPosted:Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:30 pm
by RentCavalier
So, I saw it. Amazing movie.

Too much eroticism between 12-year olds though.

Evidently, the Cloverfield director wants to adapt the novel too.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:25 pm
by SineSwiper
RentCavalier wrote:Too much eroticism between 12-year olds though.
Are we talking 18-year-old actors that are made to look like 12-year-olds, or actual 12-year-olds?

PostPosted:Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:10 pm
by RentCavalier
SineSwiper wrote:
RentCavalier wrote:Too much eroticism between 12-year olds though.
Are we talking 18-year-old actors that are made to look like 12-year-olds, or actual 12-year-olds?
They sure looked fuckin' twelve to me. This IS a European film, after all.

PostPosted:Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:59 pm
by SineSwiper
You fucking dickless assholes! The shit is spreading! What did I tell you about NOT SEEING TWILIGHT?! Who here saw that fucking movie?! It's all your fault!

First True Blood, and now this. The soap opera movies are coming! I said it first! Oprah's going to release her own vampire story soon! It's going to have a horrible plot about unrealistic relationships, traveling pants sisterhoods, more than one PMS scene, two women crying, and no titties whatsoever! It'll have some cheesy poster with the couple in some romantic pose, with either Matthew McConaughey or Richard Gere and some other random actress (who is not Scarlett Johansson or Angelina Jolie, or any other chick who would be considered a "sex symbol").

Look, if you want to do a chick flick vampire movie, do another Underworld sequel. It's not the best set of movies, but it gets the job done and the character development is pretty good.

PostPosted:Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:52 pm
by Kupek
Underworld what now?

By the way, feigning anger at imagined slights works for the likes of George Carlin, Denis Leary, Louis Black and Mitch Hedburg. You're not among those.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:34 am
by SineSwiper
Kupek wrote:By the way, feigning anger at imagined slights works for the likes of George Carlin, Denis Leary, Louis Black and Mitch Hedburg. You're not among those.
Wow, man. One, that was pretty harsh. Because comics exist, is it now impossible to feign anger? We put up with Chris's completely incoherent ramblings, and I see no comment from you. Suddenly, I say something, and you blast me for it.

Two, Mitch Hedburg? Angry? WTF have you been smoking? The guy was about as laid back as you could get.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:53 am
by Kupek
Maybe it was harsh, but you try too hard when you do it - and you do it a lot. Just make your point without pretending to be angry, we'll still get it.

Chris is only barely trying to communicate with his rants. He's mostly talking to himself.

I must have been thinking of someone else when I thought of Mitch Hedburg.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:02 am
by bovine
SineSwiper wrote:We put up with Chris's completely incoherent ramblings, and I see no comment from you.
Kupek wrote:Chris is only barely trying to communicate with his rants. He's mostly talking to himself.
Well aren't we a couple of sourpusses. Chris's threads usually are extremely informative to me on comics and movies. Those don't really happen to be two things that I actively look up, so being able to come here and hear some really relevant stuff on it is awesome. I know, he doesn't ramble on about coding, but not everyone can be as cool as you guys. If you could only see the sheer bulk of posts that I write out and do not post.... and how just awful they are.... Chris is no match for things that I write and do not proofread.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:25 am
by Chris
bovine wrote:
SineSwiper wrote:We put up with Chris's completely incoherent ramblings, and I see no comment from you.
Kupek wrote:Chris is only barely trying to communicate with his rants. He's mostly talking to himself.
Well aren't we a couple of sourpusses. Chris's threads usually are extremely informative to me on comics and movies. Those don't really happen to be two things that I actively look up, so being able to come here and hear some really relevant stuff on it is awesome. I know, he doesn't ramble on about coding, but not everyone can be as cool as you guys. If you could only see the sheer bulk of posts that I write out and do not post.... and how just awful they are.... Chris is no match for things that I write and do not proofread.
Of course I don't proofread. I edit for a living. shitty written grammar is how I wind down from a day of being an anal douche all day. and I don't ramble incoherently....I say dirty perverted and gay things

Re: Let the Right One In

PostPosted:Sun May 09, 2010 12:10 am
by SineSwiper

Just saw this one on Netflix. Really good movie. Sort of a strange and surreal mix between childhood romance and blood sucking vampires.

Re: Let the Right One In

PostPosted:Sun May 09, 2010 3:48 pm
by SineSwiper
Another note: at the end
Spoiler: show
Was he taking her to his dad's house, or just escaping with her? There was a part near the end where his dad's friend made that weird phone call to Oskar about coming to his house. In the scene where he first saw him, it seemed like he was a vampire, since he was standing near the edge of the house before entering, as if he needed permission.