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Billy Bob Being a Big Baby

PostPosted:Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:27 pm
by Sassafras
Billy Bob Thornton and his band were on a CBC (thats Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for you Yanks) radio show and he decided to pull a pouty face because it was mentioned that he was <gasp> an actor. Watch the awkwardness go down here:

I think the interviewer did a great job at standing up to Billy Bob. I probably would have called him on his shit right away though. I mean I would understand if he asked him a question about his past movies but all he did was talk about the BAND. Billy Bob is getting older cause his hearing aint right.

Oh and I also love how all his bandmates are wearing the same glasses. They should combine their nerd glasses and beat Billy Bob up for being such an arse.

Edit: Sorry, I guess I should have put this under Music/Movies. I hope I didnt offend anyone for my bad categorization skills.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:31 am
by Imakeholesinu
Just watched that today. Hilarious.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:44 am
by Kupek
Just threaten him with some antique furniture, he'll shape right up.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:36 pm
by Mental
Or with Angelina Jolie wearing a drop of his blood around her neck again in a tiny bottle.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:01 pm
by Shrinweck
I honestly have trouble taking anyone named Billy Bob seriously.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:43 pm
by Kupek
Normally, I'd agree with you. But since Billy Bob Thornton is a damn fine actor, I just can't. He's good in every single role he's in; he complements already good movies, and makes bad movies watchable.

He delivered the most depressing monologue I've ever seen in a movie:

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:52 pm
by Lox
I don't think Billy Bob understands the word "context". I think that's the problem right there. Clearly, if he did, he'd get what the guy was saying and not act like a primadonna. haha

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:16 pm
by Shellie
That just makes me angry. Why the hell did he have to act like that. Who doesn't know he's a damn actor. Screw him.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:23 pm
by Mental
Kupek wrote:Normally, I'd agree with you. But since Billy Bob Thornton is a damn fine actor, I just can't. He's good in every single role he's in; he complements already good movies, and makes bad movies watchable.

He delivered the most depressing monologue I've ever seen in a movie:
Billy Bob is a good actor. And I doubt this particular bit of prima-donnosity is the worst there's been. If you really want to see an actor demonstrating his belief that he's a classically trained elite theatre performer who's miles above everyone else, check out Russell Crowe's appearance on "The Actor's Studio". It's more subtle, but you can really catch a whiff of "this is beneath me" with most of what he says, at least that was my impression.

(Then, go watch the one where the cast of the Simpsons appeared on "The Actor's Studio" instead and laugh your ass off.)

PostPosted:Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:22 pm
by Kupek
I actually think Thornton is the antithesis of that - his performance in Bad Santa good because he let's himself be seen as an ungracious slob.

I've seen that episode of Inside the Actor's Studio, and it actually frustrated me enormously. Whenever the Simpsons' actors would start answering questions in character, they played random Simpsons clips of that character. This defeats the entire purpose of the show, which is to highlight the actor and their performance. I wanted to watch that actor portray their character, not watch the animated version of that character.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:18 am
by Mental
Hmm, I don't remember the clips, but I didn't see the whole thing. The part I saw did indeed have the actors "in character" and riffing on improv at whatshisface's questions (which were designed to be lighthearted and humorous instead of the deadly theater-purist minutiae that go on sometimes). Dan Castellaneta could easily do improv, I think, he was cool and collected and just right on top of the spontaneous humor. I was just so thoroughly made happy by his performance on that show, he strikes me as a true professional.

Fun fact, he also picked up the voice of the Genie in the Aladdin sequels and even Kingdom Hearts when Robin Williams didn't want to do it. He was one of the few Disney people in Kingdom Hearts that wasn't actually voiced by the original character - I thought that was awesome about that game - but the fact that he can actually do a near-perfect imitation of Robin Williams' Genie is nothing short of incredible. This would be the voice of Homer Simpson we're talking about, here.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:25 pm
by Tessian
I dunno... listening to this it almost sounds like he didn't want anything to do with the interview, very disinterested. I didn't notice it as getting pouty when they talked about him being an actor... he just wasn't talkative and generally a bad guest. Only half way through the interview, maybe that happens later?

EDIT-- ok nevermind... around 7:20 is when he finally just stops being uncooperative and gets all upset cause he thinks the host is talking to him as if music is just a "hobby" and it's not serious. Good god man he only gave context that you ARE an actor, even said that music was your passion all that time... such a cranky cranky bastard. It's like he feels that other people think of him less of a musician because of his acting career, which is both silly and stupid.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:43 pm
by Sassafras
Apparently Billy Bobs band got booed at their last concert and BB told the crowd that he was interviewed by an asshole. Mmmm methinks good sir the asshole is you. They are no longer touring Canada, I wonder why???

Canada 1 - Billy Bob 0

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:54 pm
by Chris
wow I finally listened to this and he was just rambling the whole time. "What music were you listening to as a kid" goes on for 5 minutes about building models.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:18 pm
by Mental
Billy Bob has a touch of the ol' OCD.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:21 pm
by Chris
I just love how his response to what did you listen to as a kid and who are your influences is to ramble aimlessly about models and then when asked again to freak out about how the guy wasn't supposed to talk about his acting career......when the guy hadn't asked about his acting career.