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Terminator: Salvation

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 6:13 am
by RentCavalier
It's so fucking awesome I don't really know how to begin.

Let's just say this.

It is everything you have EVER wanted Terminator to be, and then some. It takes the best elements of every previous Terminator film, combines them, and then adds a cocktail of super awesome and a shot of Christian Bale.

Go see it, and then you tell ME if you can find anything wrong with it.

It's god damn better than the Watchmen movie. It is easily the best Terminator movie, and it may be the best action movie of the year/summer (though I haven't seen Star Trek yet so hold that thought.)

So, yeah.

That's that.

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 7:49 am
by Lox
I'll let you know when I see it. I'm highly skeptical of your claim that it's the best Terminator movie though. :)

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 7:56 am
by Shellie
I hear from a lot of people it wasnt very good. It LOOKS like it's good though, so Im conflicted :)

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 8:14 am
by Zeus
Best Terminator film? That's ridiculously high praise considering the unparalleled awesomeness of the first two.

And it's only got a 35% rotten rating right now.....much worse than I thought

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 9:07 am
by Lox
It is Rent after all. haha

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 9:23 am
by Chris
Lox wrote:It is Rent after all. haha
he's what you would get if you somehow gave Zeus an even worse taste in movies.

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 9:57 am
by Blotus
I'll wait for Yahtzee's review.

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 11:44 am
by Zeus
Chris wrote:
Lox wrote:It is Rent after all. haha
he's what you would get if you somehow gave Zeus an even worse taste in movies.
Coming from you guys, that's a big compliment to me and Rent :-)

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 1:27 pm
by RentCavalier
You are all tripping balls. There wasn't a single person in that theater who wasn't completely blown away.

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 1:56 pm
by Lox
RentCavalier wrote:You are all tripping balls. There wasn't a single person in that theater who wasn't completely blown away.
Then you didn't see it with my friends who went to the midnight showing. :)

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 6:28 pm
by Kupek
It's good, I liked it, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping for. That was the consensus of the people I went with, too.

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 6:57 pm
by SineSwiper
Man, we have really found somebody with worse tastes in movies than Zeus, and we're talking the guy who got so tired of us bitching about his tastes in movies that he changed his nick to "New and Improved Zeus".

PostPosted:Thu May 21, 2009 8:39 pm
by Kupek
I wouldn't say that - I liked the movie, and I thought it was good, it just wasn't amazing. It doesn't help that less than two weeks ago I saw Star Trek, which was amazing.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 2:27 am
by RentCavalier
Kupek wrote:I wouldn't say that - I liked the movie, and I thought it was good, it just wasn't amazing. It doesn't help that less than two weeks ago I saw Star Trek, which was amazing.
Maybe that's it. I plan to see Star Trek soon, so maybe it'll completely warp how Terminator was for me.

As it stands, I found it surprisingly good, and maybe its because it takes a mythos I *loved* as a child, updates it, and makes it cool again without sacrificing any of the core values of the original two films.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 2:43 am
by Anarky
One thing I really didn't like about the movie is it just flashed to 2018, you don't see the build up before hand... just some fucking text.

Show the resistance being formed and the first terminators!

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 6:08 am
by RentCavalier
Anarky wrote:One thing I really didn't like about the movie is it just flashed to 2018, you don't see the build up before hand... just some fucking text.

Show the resistance being formed and the first terminators!
Terminator 3 basically does that.


At the end of T3, it is basically assumed that a bunch of local militias and civil defense groups went into hiding when the shit hit the fan, and John Connor got his messianic popularity by being their voice of guidance through the dark days as the bombs fell. Everything else, all the military stuff, is likely just the logical reorganization of any surviving military units from around the world.

Plus, you see the T-02 in Terminator 3 as well. Salvation does not discount it from the canon, and whether you hate the movie or not, it does provide, roughly, what you want to know.


PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 8:30 am
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:Man, we have really found somebody with worse tastes in movies than Zeus, and we're talking the guy who got so tired of us bitching about his tastes in movies that he changed his nick to "New and Improved Zeus".
And the sad part is, we have about 80+% the same movie tastes....

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 8:31 am
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:I wouldn't say that - I liked the movie, and I thought it was good, it just wasn't amazing. It doesn't help that less than two weeks ago I saw Star Trek, which was amazing.
I agree that its the best thing Abrahms has done

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 8:32 am
by Zeus
RentCavalier wrote:
Kupek wrote:I wouldn't say that - I liked the movie, and I thought it was good, it just wasn't amazing. It doesn't help that less than two weeks ago I saw Star Trek, which was amazing.
Maybe that's it. I plan to see Star Trek soon, so maybe it'll completely warp how Terminator was for me.

As it stands, I found it surprisingly good, and maybe its because it takes a mythos I *loved* as a child, updates it, and makes it cool again without sacrificing any of the core values of the original two films.
If you haven't yet, watch the TV show. It really grew into its own in season 2 and got better each ep. Too bad Fox cancelled it so soon

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 10:17 am
by Lox
Except the show isn't canon from what I understand. So don't think anything happening has any bearing on the movies. Once I found that out, I had little desire to keep up on the show.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 11:53 am
by Zeus
Lox wrote:Except the show isn't canon from what I understand. So don't think anything happening has any bearing on the movies. Once I found that out, I had little desire to keep up on the show.
Technically, only the first two are considered "canon" since they're the only ones that Cameron did and fully approved of. The reason he never did the third is because he was done with the story he wanted to tell.

Yes, they are two of the greatest action movies ever made. But that doesn't mean that everything else that came after those two suck. The vast majority of the time they do but you do have your special cases, like the American Pie and Starship Troopers direct-to-DVD flicks. If you automatically assume that they're going to suck simply because they're not as good as the first two (those are some HUGE shoes to fill) or that they're not "officially canon", you could be missing out on some decent flicks or shows for no reason. Just because they're not orgasmically awesome don't mean they can't be very, very good or even great (this is the same problem people had with Godfather 3 which wasn't a bad movie at all, it just couldn't live up to two of the greatest dramas ever made that came before it).

The third Terminator flick and the TV show have their own separate takes on what happened after the second movie. Neither are in the level of ridiculous awesomeness of the first two, there's no doubt about that. And the show does take 'til the end of season 1 (there's only 9 eps in season 1) to get going and just keeps getting better from there (there' a reason it was gaining strong critical praise and a strong non-traditional viewing audience as the second season went on). But that don't mean they're shit.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 1:08 pm
by Lox
I actually liked the show, but I had too much else to watch so that it dropped off my radar once it became "non-canon'. Up until then, I really enjoyed it.

I still thought T3 was canon according to the people making the new movies. I consider the right to name canon as belonging to those who own the rights to the series at the moment whether Cameron created them or not. And I had thought they considered the events of T3 in this movie, but I could be wrong.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 1:36 pm
by Zeus
Lox wrote:I actually liked the show, but I had too much else to watch so that it dropped off my radar once it became "non-canon'. Up until then, I really enjoyed it.

I still thought T3 was canon according to the people making the new movies. I consider the right to name canon as belonging to those who own the rights to the series at the moment whether Cameron created them or not. And I had thought they considered the events of T3 in this movie, but I could be wrong.
Well, Haylcon now owns Terminator and they made T4 so is that technically canon now?

Pick up the rest of the show this summer when there's a drought. It got pretty solid.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 2:13 pm
by Lox
Yeah, Terminator: Salvation is canon to me since they own the rights now. I don't see why not.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 3:10 pm
by Anarky

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 3:19 pm
by Julius Seeker
I don't think that there's any relevance for considerations on whether things like Terminator are canonical or not. The story itself is full of holes throughout and designed to fit around a series of action and dramatic scenes; or comedy, since there are parts in part 2 and 3 that poke fun at the cheesiness of part 1.

There are always going to be spinoff books and shows that may agree with the movies to date; but the movies later on only need to acknowledge what the other movies have done - like all linear movie series'. So there will be different conflicting stories. Either way, it's Terminator, it's a fairly basic story ranging from bad to stupid; but it is the charm of the scenes that make the movies awesome.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 6:43 pm
by Lox
I just like to know what is canon and what's not because part of the fun for certain series for me is discussing the story and the events with my friends. We like to debate what is going to happen and what certain things mean. So knowing what "counts" and what doesn't makes a difference. Most people probably don't care, but I do.

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 7:37 pm
by Zeus
Lox wrote:I just like to know what is canon and what's not because part of the fun for certain series for me is discussing the story and the events with my friends. We like to debate what is going to happen and what certain things mean. So knowing what "counts" and what doesn't makes a difference. Most people probably don't care, but I do.
You should consider only the first two movies as true canon, then

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 7:38 pm
by Chris
Lox wrote:I just like to know what is canon and what's not because part of the fun for certain series for me is discussing the story and the events with my friends. We like to debate what is going to happen and what certain things mean. So knowing what "counts" and what doesn't makes a difference. Most people probably don't care, but I do.
it's like comics in that way.....

PostPosted:Fri May 22, 2009 8:11 pm
by Lox
Chris wrote:
Lox wrote:I just like to know what is canon and what's not because part of the fun for certain series for me is discussing the story and the events with my friends. We like to debate what is going to happen and what certain things mean. So knowing what "counts" and what doesn't makes a difference. Most people probably don't care, but I do.
it's like comics in that way.....
Yes...exactly. I almost said that. I guess it's just my comic book geekitude. :)

PostPosted:Sat May 23, 2009 4:25 am
by Sassafras
Just saw it tonight with bovine. I am not a huge terminator fan so for me I had low expectations and an open mind. I quite like the movie because I got what I wanted, tons of explosions. I knew going in that it was slim on story but I was surprised that I was really interested in Sam Worthington's character Marcus Wright. I find it odd that being a Christian Bale movie I really didnt give a crap about his lead character. I just wanted to see more adventures of Marcus Wright kicking ass. Christian Bale had little to work with I know but come on, Batman voice again? I wanted to give a crap about John Conner but I didnt.

Another complaint would have to be the only female roles in this film. So you got the pregnant girlfriend of John Conner who is only there to be knocked up and looking worried. Then theres the resistance chick who is madly in love with Marcus after two seconds and can see through all his wiring and metal to the "real" man that he is. BARF. I didnt realize that in the future there are no women and the few that exist are not capable of gunning down terminators. Those big guns are just too heavy for us girls right? Remember Sarah Conner? She was kick ass. It is possible!!

I will go see the other terminator movies that will for sure spring from this one. Hopefully they will concentrate more on the storyline.

P.S. And yes there were people in the theatre explaining to their girlfriend/friend/spouse what the fuck was going on. So who is whats father??? My god. I may not know much but at least I know the basic shit.

PostPosted:Sat May 23, 2009 1:57 pm
by bovine
It was an alright movie. I really didn't like Terminator 3, so at least it was better than that. The big problems I had with the movie were that it was just action set pieces linked together by dialogue scenes that didn't convey any sort of character development. Marcus was the only character that grew as a character. Sadly he was marred by some really weird accent changes. First he was texan, then he just had the regular american accent, then in one scene he had an australian accent. Don't people notice these sorts of things when they are filming or editing a movie?

The other problem was that at the start of the movie the terminators were pretty easy to kill. HKs, T600s, and the bikes were killed way too easily. It made the terminators less awe-inspiring.

So other than that, it had great action scenes. It is a good action movie. It was a below average terminator, however.

PostPosted:Sat May 23, 2009 2:46 pm
by RentCavalier
Only two things:

One: It is NOT his god damn Batman voice. People keep saying this, and its a stupid complaint. His Batman voice is deep to the point of exaggeration. John Conner's voice is raspy and mostly soft, with intermittant points of shouting. He looks and sounds like a man who hasn't slept much for a long time.

Two: The machines in this WERE fairly easy to kill, but you have to understand too that it is a war. If the Humans were having difficulty killing regular Terminators in the future, it would seem really hard to believe that they would actually win. For that matter, Humans can ONLY beat the Machines if they have rockets/grenades/50 Caliber machine guns. The final fight sequence showcased that. I don't think it ruins their danger, because even WITH all of those explosives, Machines still fuck shit up.

PostPosted:Sat May 23, 2009 10:26 pm
by Anarky
RentCavalier wrote:
Anarky wrote:One thing I really didn't like about the movie is it just flashed to 2018, you don't see the build up before hand... just some fucking text.

Show the resistance being formed and the first terminators!
Terminator 3 basically does that.


At the end of T3, it is basically assumed that a bunch of local militias and civil defense groups went into hiding when the shit hit the fan, and John Connor got his messianic popularity by being their voice of guidance through the dark days as the bombs fell. Everything else, all the military stuff, is likely just the logical reorganization of any surviving military units from around the world.

Plus, you see the T-02 in Terminator 3 as well. Salvation does not discount it from the canon, and whether you hate the movie or not, it does provide, roughly, what you want to know.

I still think it would have been worthwhile to show this.

The development as Christian Bale as John Conner was just weak, and the fact the real main character Marcus is gone at the end makes me worried for future movies.

PostPosted:Sat May 23, 2009 10:51 pm
by Chris
Anarky wrote:
RentCavalier wrote:
Anarky wrote:One thing I really didn't like about the movie is it just flashed to 2018, you don't see the build up before hand... just some fucking text.

Show the resistance being formed and the first terminators!
Terminator 3 basically does that.


At the end of T3, it is basically assumed that a bunch of local militias and civil defense groups went into hiding when the shit hit the fan, and John Connor got his messianic popularity by being their voice of guidance through the dark days as the bombs fell. Everything else, all the military stuff, is likely just the logical reorganization of any surviving military units from around the world.

Plus, you see the T-02 in Terminator 3 as well. Salvation does not discount it from the canon, and whether you hate the movie or not, it does provide, roughly, what you want to know.

I still think it would have been worthwhile to show this.

The development as Christian Bale as John Conner was just weak, and the fact the real main character Marcus is gone at the end makes me worried for future movies.
I think I read somewhere that the original ending had john conner dying at the end and Marcus taking on the role of John Conner. WHich for me would actually have made it a better movie

PostPosted:Sun May 24, 2009 1:57 am
by Anarky
Chris wrote:
Anarky wrote:
RentCavalier wrote: Terminator 3 basically does that.


At the end of T3, it is basically assumed that a bunch of local militias and civil defense groups went into hiding when the shit hit the fan, and John Connor got his messianic popularity by being their voice of guidance through the dark days as the bombs fell. Everything else, all the military stuff, is likely just the logical reorganization of any surviving military units from around the world.

Plus, you see the T-02 in Terminator 3 as well. Salvation does not discount it from the canon, and whether you hate the movie or not, it does provide, roughly, what you want to know.

I still think it would have been worthwhile to show this.

The development as Christian Bale as John Conner was just weak, and the fact the real main character Marcus is gone at the end makes me worried for future movies.
I think I read somewhere that the original ending had john conner dying at the end and Marcus taking on the role of John Conner. WHich for me would actually have made it a better movie
Yea... they essentially swapped skin in that version. It might have worked better... Not sure.

Guess it is a wait and see deal

PostPosted:Sun May 24, 2009 4:17 am
by Imakeholesinu
Better than I expected it to be. I was kinda inhebriated about half way through. Also I needed to take a piss like no other. Have fun. Good times. Bon soir!