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Alien prequel on the way

PostPosted:Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:42 pm
by Zeus
In control by the Scott brothers but directed by one of their "in house" directors ... 15350.html

Let's hope.....

PostPosted:Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:45 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I don't get it. Why? WHYYYY do a prequel? We know the back story. Alien ship carrying loads of eggs crashes on LV-426. Nostromo touches down, Kane dies, creature kills crew except for Ripley and her cat.

That is all the back story they need. Now unless this is a prequel to Aliens where they start talking about terraforming LV-426 then that's a different story but they still kill everyone so the movie would be pointless.

If this is anything like Alien Ressurrection (Which started off really good but when they killed off Elgin in the first 30 minutes I was really pissed) they should have just left it alone.

The one thing I liked about the original Alien trilogy was that it tied up it's loose ends. No one survived Nostromo except Ripley and the cat, and no one survived Aliens except for Ripley and Bishop. And in Alien 3, everyone was dead. That's it. That's how it should have been.

If they want to do something else then they need to move AWAY from LV-426 as being the catalyst of bringing about the Alien apocalypse all of the fan-fiction writers have been getting fat off of. They can do like a Colonial Marines thing if they wanted to but that would have to star Jason Statham and Daniel Craig because that's the only way the movie would do well at all.

Seriously, hollywood, you are all inbreeding scripts and ideas more than the french bousigues and your films are coming out more and more retarded each time.