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PostPosted:Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:51 pm
by SineSwiper
Got a hint about this Japanese band from a really good remix of a Gong song that the lead frontman did (Master Builder - Eye Mix). What caught my ear was the excellent drum work that melded well with intelligent mixing, and this sudden burst of chaotic experimentalism that hinted at something greater.

So, I tried out one of their earlier works: Pop Tatari. It sounded like 10% Blur and 90% throwing a cat into a blender and feeding its remains to a dog. So creatively awful that it had to be listened to, even for a little while, before ultimately turning it off... and then at the last second, you hear something that actually sounds viable, before they succumb to utter insanity again, and force you to listen to their insane ranting while you wait for something else viable. It's like they were sucking you into something and then somebody puts a knife in your back and says "Fuck you! You're not supposed to enjoy this!"

Ultimately, I had to turn it off, but I knew their madness-driven experimentation could be used for the forces of good. I figured that bands like these are like The Cure or David Bowie, who flip from one genre to another in various spells, and one of those spells would be what I originally heard.

So, I grabbed a later album: Vision Creation Newsun. Gone are the screamings and noises and is replaced with mindblowing, raw and pure creativity in guitar and drum form. One of the best progressive rock albums I've heard this side of Ozric Tentacles. Standouts are Star and Spiral, both capturing the sheer intensity of the album.

I have also listened to Seadrums/House of Sun. While not as intense as VCN, these are two massive 20-minute songs that flow into a happier version of chaos.

Can't wait to find out what other gems I can find from this group, as well as all of his side projects.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:30 am
by SineSwiper
See, this is why we can't listen to nice things.

Anyway, discovered an offshoot of this band called OOIOO. All female group started by the group's drummer. Neat stuff.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:02 am
by Mental
I'm always open to hear your refreshing links on new electronica. :D Progressive rock I just don't get into as much these days. :(

I picked up the new project from one of the Hartnoll brothers when Orbital broke, up, called <a href="">Long Range</a>. The first album, <a href=" ... S">Madness and Me</a>, is one of the best electronic albums I've heard this decade. Sorry I haven't taken you up on your prog-rock, but at least I can try to contribute to the discussion.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:14 am
by SineSwiper
It is really good, but I've heard better from Orbital. Actually, I've been diving into IDM quite a bit. (IDM = intelligent dance music, or the "Pink Floyd" category of electronica, which Orbital fits into.) Apparat is one guy I've been raving about. (Check out the albums Duplex and Walls.) Banco De Gaia is another (You Are Here is good). Other good IDM:

Bola / Jello (reminds me of the Hexic soundtrack)
Fila Brazillia
Red Snapper (try Our Aim Is To Satisfy)
Mouse on Mars
Plaid (big favorite of mine; Orbital likes these guys)

I also grabbed a bunch of Meat Beat Manifesto to listen to. Anders Ilar is also good, but he's more ambient, and I wish he would break into a good drumbeat on his building songs, instead of building just before a climax and dropping off again. (This is what I hate about ambient IDM; it's a contradiction.)

Hey, what kind of electronica artists do you listen to, anyway?

PostPosted:Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:39 pm
by Mental
Sadly, my standbys are probably all familiar to you, being some of the usual suspects.

Orbital / Long Range
Sasha (in particular Airdrawndagger and Fundacion)
Deep Forest (every album, but I have been enjoying music.detected again lately)
Way Out West
Blake Reary - I really, really strongly recommend listening to this guy, he's completely under the radar and some of the most interesting and progressive stuff I've heard, in particular the song "Nowhere Near".
Zero 7
Robert Miles
Unity 303 - This is my old boss and friend, also ridiculously indie, but spectacular, "Faithless Society" is the best song nobody's ever heard of.

I actually REALLY appreciate the tips, Sine. I've gotten good electronica recommendations from you over the years.

Here's some links for the two indie guys I mentioned: - Go to the "Recordings" section and get both versions of "Faithless Society" and "Jumped In", but all his mixes are absurd too.
Blake Reary - "Nowhere Near" ... re=related "Hanging On"

If you like Unity's stuff I actually have some secret/prototype tracks from him that maybe a few other people in the world have, but which are also awesome.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:14 pm
by SineSwiper
Airdrawndagger is an awesome album. It was actually about half Junkie XL and half Sasha, since Sasha himself is more of a DJ than a composer. (I think Charlie May had some involvement, too.) Every single song on that album is top-notch, and it's hard to pick favorites.

We seem to have some similar tastes in electronica, so I would highly recommend trying out Apparat first (songs: Limelight, Wooden) and try out some of the other artists above. IDM, trip-hop, and Progressive House/Trance seems to be your main genres. (Have you looked at Hybrid yet?)

Paul Hartnoll also had a solo album called Ideal Condition, BTW.

I'll check out your recommendations. I'm always on the lookout for new music.

EDIT: Blake Reary sounds like an good Prog House musician, although the use of the vocaltron is incredibly cliched. (Don't like the 2nd song that much, but the first is really good.) One of his singles is on Amie St apparently.

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:24 pm
by Mental
I have been meaning to get back to you on this for weeks. I just got busy and in a rut and didn't check out any new music - but I'm trying Apparat now and I think they're a winner. So that's already awesome. And thanks. From there I'll be working my way down your list. :)

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:58 pm
by Mental
By the way, just like it is for everyone else in the country who loved the Geico song enough to find out where it came from, Royksopp must be added to my list. I'll assume you've been through their catalog...

...but if not, the version of "Remind Me" that they used in the GEICO commercial is far, far inferior to the "another" remixed version, and the video for that version is one of my personal choices for best of all time so far:

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:43 pm
by Shellie
Yeah, Ive liked Royksopp for a long time now. A lot of their songs are hit and miss for me, but they do have the occasional gems. Eple was the first song I heard and got me hooked.

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:07 pm
by SineSwiper
Replay wrote:I have been meaning to get back to you on this for weeks. I just got busy and in a rut and didn't check out any new music - but I'm trying Apparat now and I think they're a winner. So that's already awesome. And thanks. From there I'll be working my way down your list. :)
Apparat is pretty much my favorite artist right now. If you haven't already get the albums Walls and Duplex, if nothing else for the songs Wooden and Limelight. (Though there are some other awesome songs in there.)

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:20 pm
by Imakeholesinu

PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:24 pm
by SineSwiper
Imakeholesinu wrote:

This guy has talent.
Meh. Autotune is its own meme. The only thing I like about autotune is that the meme will wear out and none of these shitty rap artists will continue using it. Autotune the News is pretty good for those who like that sort of thing, but I just can't understand autotuned lyrics.

Also, just found this Internet series called "Know your Meme".

PostPosted:Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:02 pm
by SineSwiper
I just wanted to point out that, after listening to Airdrawndagger again, it is a fucking brilliant album! One of the most important electronica albums to come out this decade. And nothing like it will ever be released again, as it doesn't sound like Junkie XL nor Sasha.

PostPosted:Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:40 pm
by Mental
Autotune is the new vocoder. Zapp and Roger Troutman could make that talkbox sing and make great records, and a lot of other people just bit the style and sucked. T-Pain can make good (maybe not great) records with it- yeah, I said it - so now everybody bites the style and sucks. Twenty years from now there will be whichever song turns into this generation's version of "Computer Love" still on the radio, and the rest of the steaming mounds of music people are grunting out at present will be blessedly gone by.

I finally heard some version of one of Kanye's songs from 808's and Heartbreak without the Autotune on it - I think, anyway, and if I'm right about that, I was also right before, that record would have been five times better without that robot singing backup.

PostPosted:Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:41 pm
by Mental
SineSwiper wrote:I just wanted to point out that, after listening to Airdrawndagger again, it is a fucking brilliant album! One of the most important electronica albums to come out this decade. And nothing like it will ever be released again, as it doesn't sound like Junkie XL nor Sasha.
It is quite the record, but my personal choice for "brilliant" album in that vein is Sasha's Fundaction remix album, which is like, the most purely progressive (in the sense of a continuously flowing mix) electronica album I've heard. There's still one song on there that makes me start trying to pop-lock every time I hear it.