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Dexter Finale - Spoiler Status.

PostPosted:Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:02 pm
by Eric :(

PostPosted:Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:22 pm
by Zeus
I'm fucking waiting for the torrent, dammit

PostPosted:Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:52 am
by Eric
Zeus wrote:I'm fucking waiting for the torrent, dammit ... -x264-red/

PostPosted:Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:49 am
by Zeus
Oh, I get it the second it's available from Torrentbytes. It just took until about 2am for it to happen this time (just finished watching Paranomal Activity, so I just caught it now). Usually, it's up at 10:15pm. Not sure why it took so long but whatever. Since it's nearly 4am now it'll have to wait 'til tomorrow

PostPosted:Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:58 am
by Imakeholesinu
Zeus wrote:Oh, I get it the second it's available from Torrentbytes. It just took until about 2am for it to happen this time (just finished watching Paranomal Activity, so I just caught it now). Usually, it's up at 10:15pm. Not sure why it took so long but whatever. Since it's nearly 4am now it'll have to wait 'til tomorrow
Probably because of the epicness of the finale. I seriously thought I was going to shit myself a gold brick at the end.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:48 am
by Zeus
OK, anyone who hasn't seen the finale yet, stop reading right now. I promise this will spoil it for you and it's not something you want to be spoiled.

Holy FUCK, I did not see Rita like that at the end. I figured they were going to do something with her but I honestly thought she was in the bedroom cheating on him with neighbour-boy and that's how they were gonna destroy the family Dex has been working so hard to perfect. But seeing his kid the same way as he was in all those flashbacks? Wow.

This show keeps getting better and better each year. Those writers are freakin' awesome. I hope to hell they just pick an ending and just go out with a bang like Six Feet did rather than drag it out too long and wimper away. They're signed on for Season 6 and really, how much more can they do? That would be a nice number to stop at. Sure they can bring in some themes from the books they haven't yet (like Cody's dark passenger) but can they get too much more than 6 seasons before they start losing it? Likely not

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:57 am
by Eric
I was on the edge of my seat for the last 5 minutes, I was kinda like Dexter in the sense that I thought "It's over? No it can't be that easy...can it?" Then I heard the voice message, and I was expecting her to get attacked mid-message. Then he called her and the phone was still there, and I was like "Oh no way, they killed Rita." So I knew dead Rita was coming, but HOW they did it was amazing, with the child sitting in the pool of blood just like Dexter was, and Rita in the tub of bloody water dead. It was a downright shocking scene, I've never seen anything quite like that in a TV show ever. I had to watch it over again like 5 times in case I missed something.

My main question for next season is if they intend to pick it up right there with the department and Debra being just as shocked, or if they intend to pick it up months or even years later with his kid having his own dark passenger due to this incident or what. Sgt Batista saw "Trinity" in the Police Station before they figured out it was Arthur Mitchell. Was it really Trinity? Did he have the time to do that? Did he break his pattern for that? Etc etc.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:01 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Eric wrote:I was on the edge of my seat for the last 5 minutes, I was kinda like Dexter in the sense that I thought "It's over? No it can't be that easy...can it?" Then I heard the voice message, and I was expecting her to get attacked mid-message. Then he called her and the phone was still there, and I was like "Oh no way, they killed Rita." So I knew dead Rita was coming, but HOW they did it was amazing, with the child sitting in the pool of blood just like Dexter was, and Rita in the tub of bloody water dead. It was a downright shocking scene, I've never seen anything quite like that in a TV show ever. I had to watch it over again like 5 times in case I missed something.

My main question for next season is if they intend to pick it up right there with the department and Debra being just as shocked, or if they intend to pick it up months or even years later with his kid having his own dark passenger due to this incident or what. Sgt Batista saw "Trinity" in the Police Station before they figured out it was Arthur Mitchell. Was it really Trinity? Did he have the time to do that? Did he break his pattern for that? Etc etc.
I think Deb gets more suspicious of Dexter and it begins to tear their relationship apart. Quinn gets more involved with Deb as she opens up to him about Dexter's weird behavior. Angel will definitely chime in when he recognizes him.

Did Dex turn over the money back to Trinity's family? Where did that go?
Does Rita's murder point the finger at Dexter?

Honestly, I think Aster and Cody disappear and it is Dexter and the baby. When you think about it, this season Dexter's behavior hasn't gone unnoticed. All of the characters might be getting a glimpse of who he really is.

6 seasons? If it ended here I think a movie or mini to wrap up the loose ends would be enough, maybe enough for a 5th season but I think season 6 might be too much. I think they killed Frank too early this season, and they played the missed opportunity card a few too many times toward the middle of this season and in general where they could have made some really good episodes in-between.

Also, Quinn's girl? MAN that was one fine piece of ass.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:09 pm
by Zeus
I think for next season, there absolutely has to be a few plot points thrown in:

- Rita's kids are for sure gonna be around, they're not going to just get rid of them. There's too many plot points and they consider Dex their dad now anyways. In the books, Cody is like Dex. Do they bring that in? I don't think it would fit in the show quite as well so I would hope not.
- Deb won't be able to stop digging into Dex and his past now that she knows where he's from. Does she find out that he'd been talking to that key lime pie lady? Does she discover some of Dex's secrets? Will she follow him to "make sure he's all right" then find out who he really is? In the books, Deb knows about Dex and accepts him. Do they do that in the show since she's so attached to him (she did say he was the only positive constant in his life after all)? Deb hunting Dex down Lundy-Trinity style isn't out of the question either. But the dynamic of her acceptance would make much better plotlines
- Dex tries to eliminate the "dark passenger". Really, this has to happen. Every season so far has been him figuring out how to live with it but this season, it cost him more than he's willing to give up. Remember in the cell he mentioned how he wants to be with his family more than the dark passenger. That HAS to be a main focal point of Season 5
- Focus has to start shifting back to Dex being pursued/hunted down. It doesn't have to be the main plot point like it was in Season 2 but it certainly has to be a significant one. If Dex is trying to eliminate the dark passenger, it would add an excellent dynamic to the season. Dex trying to get rid of it while his past comes back to haunt him like his mistake with Trinity did with Rita. The man's a serial killer, he can't completely get away with it regardless of how much you like the character. Don't mean he gets caught but he can't get away scot-free either. Rita's death isn't going to be the only personal consequence of his actions that Dex faces, that's a given.

I think a lot of these plot points/themes will be explored in one way or another next season. Likely not the way I think as the writers are very good at giving you great stuff in different ways. But they at least have to touch on these things and provide closure on some.

And what if Trinity didn't kill Rita? Remember, he couldn't find Dex since his addy was still Deb's apartment and he was on the run trying to make his getaway so it's not like he had a shitload of time. It's a real possibility (i think more of a high probability) that there's someone else involved who's been more involved with Dexter. The one that makes a lot of sense is Quinn since he'd been following Dexter before and wasn't exactly happy about losing that sweet ass of his. He has a hard-on for Dex and could have known that he knew about Trinity ahead of time and figured Dex deserves to suffer like he did. Don't forget, they never did solve the vacation murders they were pursuing this season as well. Also, we don't know too much of Quinn's past. Having a second serial killer within the department that knows about Dex would be interesting. Not necessarily the best way to do it, but it would be neat. They could very easily choose someone else in the department (Matsuka would be my fav) or even Deb, but that would be too much IMO.

Batista (and most of his department) certainly saw Trinity talking with Dex so they could be making that connection. In particular, it could have been Quinn with the stuff I brought up before. But it could also lead to questions as to why Rita was targeted specifically and maybe the entire department turns some focus onto Dex. But in terms of the time jump, even if they do go months/years ahead, they have to do flashbacks to tie in what happened in the last ep. And they have never really done significant time jumps in the series, I don't see why they would in this case either. There's too much going on and too many plot points to tie up in the present to make any significant jump into the future

And speaking of Quinn's fine girl, what we really will be missing is Rita's smokin' ass. Benz is hot as shit. I say that she hangs around like James Remar and becomes a part of Dex's sub-conscious/visions. It would make perfect sense

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:15 pm
by Zeus
In case you want to wean yourself off of the show rather than suffer cold turkey, our good friends at Demonoid have the first two "seasons" or sets of the webisodes available for download ... id=0&sort=

Basically, there are three 4-part webisode series' coming. Each one follows one of Dex's early kills and the 4 parts total about 10 minutes including intro and outro for each. So far, the first two sets/kills are out, the third one won't be finished airing until later this month. So early next year we can look for that one. They both come with Turkish subtitles but they're separate .srt files that you just choose not to download.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:44 pm
by Anarky
Zues... Trinity did it. I've read a few interviews now with Lithgow about the finale.

My biggest pet pieve about the finale... Dexter was able to fit into the trunk of a 67 Mustang. Do you know how tiny that thing it?! Impossible!


I just don't want Dexter to become Harry. I don't want him teaching Harrison the code... just bleh, no interest in that storyline.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:46 pm
by Anarky
Maybe Dexter will finally get caught... or maybe Deb will kill Dexter much like how Dexter killed Brian in season one. Nice way to bookend a series.

Also... I've only seen that they got a 5th season, nothing about a 6th.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:02 pm
by Zeus
Looks like you're right about that, I thought they were up to Season 6 ( ... years.html). It would be nice if they just went balls out and wrapped the show up in the 5th season. But I sure as hell wouldn't be opposed to more if they do it properly.

It's too bad if they've already decided that Trinity did it. I would actually love to see a reveal that it wasn't and, along with Dex getting more heat from his own department, have it be a main plot point for next season. That would be a real nice twist.

And yeah, no passing on the code bullshit. They set it up nicely for him to try to get rid of his dark passenger not pass it on to his son. That would be kinda lame.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:34 pm
by Anarky
These are my friends predictions for the future of the show XD
Deb will die next and Dex will start collecting them as Ghosts. First his dad, then Rita. And they'll argue about whether Dex should give into his demons, or try to suppress them.

It'll be like that Ghost Whisperer show, only awesome.

By the end of Season 7, Dexter will have his Dad, Rita, Deb, Doakes, the ice cream truck killer, and fucking Masuka all coaching him like some freaking sixth sense Tyler Durdens through his foibles which he hunts down the thong splicer in Miami.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:14 am
by Oracle
What I'm interested in next season:

- Will Dexter have some explaining to do since his wife is a Trinity victim? Why was Dexter first on scene at the raid? Will Trinity's family eventually identify him in some public setting, leading to why was he involved with Trinity's family?

- How much (more) is this going to screw up Dexter? I'm wondering if he will go into some type of self-destructive mode, abandoning the code to some extent to deal with his grief? I think this will go one of two ways: He'll either embrace his demon like never before, or be determined to rid himself of it.

- What's goign to happen between Deb and Dex if questions start popping up? If Dex's true self is exposed to Deb, will she be blown away, but then make sense of it and accept him, or will she hunt him down like a wild animal for shattering her perception of the one thing in her life that held her together?

PostPosted:Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:25 pm
by SineSwiper
First, a goddammit to Eric for putting a frowny face on the first message. (Okay, I'm joking, but I'm still a little pissed about that.) From then on, I pretty much knew somebody was going to die. Also, a big fuck you to The Soup for fucking up the rest. It's like nobody can keep a secret for more than a few days on this shit.

Anyway, now that I've finally gotten to see the rest of the series... I think the next season is going to focus on Deb finding out Dexter's secret, or maybe even Dex telling Deb part or all of his secret out of depression. Like Zeus was saying, the books have her accepting his secret, and frankly, it was something I was wishing would happen all throughout the series.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:03 am
by Shellie
GAH! I wish I hadn't known there was going to be a "twist ending"! I kept expecting it, and when Rita called I knew... I didn't expect HOW, and that Harrison was in the same situation as Dex.

Awesome ending leaving so many questions for next season! I love this show!