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Writer: Travolta to blame for Battlefield Earth

PostPosted:Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:47 pm
by Zeus
In response to it winning the Razzie for worst film of the decade, the writer of Battlefield Earth said it was Travolta's meddling that made it shit ... 94251.html

Sure it's something we already basically knew, but it's just confirmation

Re: Writer: Travolta to blame for Battlefield Earth

PostPosted:Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:27 pm
by SineSwiper
My dad actually read Battlefield Earth and said it was a pretty good book.

Re: Writer: Travolta to blame for Battlefield Earth

PostPosted:Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:55 am
by RentCavalier
My brother read it and gave me the synopsis. It's...alright. It isn't as retarded as the movie. It's much longer. The movie, basically, covers the first HALF of the book, and then skips immediately to the end. In the book, humanity unites all over the world and coordinate simultanious attacks on the alien bases, utilizing their technology to educate everyone to super levels, and then unleashing their own technology against them.

It's cheesy as hell, but it isn't a bad STORY per se...I mean...better than the movie, maybe, but so's a pile of shit catching flies.