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Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:43 am
by RentCavalier
Well? You all fail as nerds if you haven't gone to see this movie. How'd ya like it?

I liked it. I think it was well-made, and I think it was a good adaptation. I feel a little disappointed, but I can't really determine what by. I think, honestly, I was too distracted as I watched it by the subtle changes to the pacing of the comics--the movie doesn't follow the manga's order of events, but it generally fits all the events in there. It's like clever reediting of the comic, and I approve--but it was distracting for most of the film.

Then I had to get used to the casting. I never fully bought into Michael Cera as Scott, but he does well here. He's got enough of Scott's attributes that it doesn't seem like he's derailing the character in anyway. He's Scott--but he's not necessarilly the one you imagined.

I derail myself slightly to discuss something I read in Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics" textbook. In it, he discusses realistically drawn comics and cartoons. Realistic comics can show off more detail in terms of characters and settings, but cartoons get something special. The more simple the drawing, the more the reader imparts their own imagination into it. So, a cartoon smiley looks however you want it to--your mind constructs an image for it, rather than have an image given to it. So, Scott Pilgrim is well known for its distinctive, manga-esque, cartoony style. People get upset about the casting because no actor could ever match what they'd seen in their mind's eye. The way the characters are interpreted by the reader/audience is unique to every individual reader's preferences. Scott's lines, his attitude, his tone and type of voice, his physical appearance are all generated by the reader's mind, and as such, may not reflect either what the author intended the character to be or how others see the character. Edgar Wright must have taken this into account, and probably just decided to do how HE envisioned the Scott Pilgrim universe to be. No cast could ever cater to everyone's unique tastes, and with that in mind, the movie's cast is quite solid.

Everyone gives an energetic performance, the pacing and chemistry between characters is generally pretty good. The movie's overabundance of style leads to some conversations sounding stilted or forced if only because the actors are also reacting to strange events happening around them, or else are making a pose or performing an action that requires a lot of concentration. Cera's Scott is definitely not a rehash of his earlier characters--the similarities are there, but they are more token than anything else. Cera does his best to embody Scott's doofy sort of simplicity and it comes across well, even if it...well, I don't know. In the end, I still don't fully buy Cera as Scott. I don't think it's any fault of the actor, but I do think it was a bad casting. I can't imagine who could do Scott to be honest. Maybe a young Will Ferrell. My friend suggested that to me one day and I laughed, at first, but it made sense. Ferrell's so damned flexible and emotive, capable of hitting highs and lows quickly and effortlessly--if only he was twenty years younger and didn't have curly hair he could absolutely play Scott. But that's a digression.

The movie is definitely all about its action sequences. At least half are completely different from what was seen in the comics--which is an added treat for the theater audience. We get much more kung-fu, and crazy-awesome sound effects bounding around everywhere. The style is cool, the comedy is present, and there's always a rockin' sound track to accompany it all. Best of all, Sex Bob-Omb, the band Scott is in, is brought to live vividly here, leading us into the opening credits and accompanying us throughout the movie. The band holds the movie together as a set piece, a traveling bit of familiarity and fun to mesh all of these scenes together. The music is stellar, fast and loud and crazy as hell, both funny and foot-tappingly strong. The band members grow on you immensely as well.

The supporting cast is done really well. Gorgeous Anna Kendrick plays Scott's little sister pitch-perfect. Kieran Culkin is really good as Wallace too--he has that sleazy, yet charming sort of aloofness, and probably remains one of the better cast characters. Knives Chau, a very important character, is also very well done. Newcomer Ellen Wong gets the spazzy, obsessive nature of the character as well as her determined, stoic side, and she manages to steal the show in many a scene, though, like in the comics, Knives is a character that starts to grate on you, and the best part of her subplot--her father trying to cut Scott in half for a whole volume--is sadly not in the movie.

A lot was cut, mostly for the better--the movie is overloaded with conversations as it is, so a lot of the character-developing filler was left out. Sadly, most of the Envy Adams chapter got removed as well. She shows up and plays her part and gets a few good scenes, but she's scarcely more than window dressing compared to the comics. I feel they could have left some of the flashbacks to Scott's past--if not kept all of them--and not lost too many people in the audience. They really develop Scott, which is important because he's kind of a dick. He's called out on it many a time in this movie and in the books, but you really feel for him once you know a little about where he came from and what he's gone through.

Oh, and of course, the movie is loaded with video game references. The screen is awash with bleeps and bloops, eight bit numbers, all sorts of stuff. The pop culture overload is embraced whole-heartedly. Indeed, this movie gets that probably best of all, able to bring sound and motion to what were otherwise just throwaway remarks. Most noticeable is a part where Scott mentions he can play the bass line from Final Fantasy II and then just starts strumming away. Most of the references were expanded upon in this way, which makes for another nice treat to the movie public.

Having seen it once and am now familiar with the way the movie goes, I think I'll enjoy it much more the second time I see it. It's definitely worth catching in theaters and grabbing on DVD--or Blu-Ray preferably. It's very fun, certainly on par with Kick-Ass.

Plus, y'know, it's Scott Pilgrim: the movie. Are you really NOT gonna want to see it?

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:57 am
by Lox
Saw it at the midnight showing Thursday/Friday and loved it. I'd probably agree with most of your thoughts. The fights are awesome as are the game references. When the movie starts and the Legend of Zelda: aLttP music kicks in...I lost it. Haha

I also missed some of the subplots from the books. I was surprised they didn't make the movie longer since it wasn't that long in comparison to other "comic book" movies. Maybe there's extra footage that'll make it into the DVD.

Overall I really enjoyed it and I want to see it again. I think my favorite ex-boyfriend fight was with vegan Todd.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:15 am
by Shellie
We'll be watching it Wednesday, it's our only baby-free night :)

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:36 pm
by Anarky
I enjoyed it, but as my girlfriend put it "it's hard to watch Michael Cera and not want to kick him in the teeth"

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:41 pm
by Anarky
This is more like it

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:59 pm
by Imakeholesinu
It was a fun movie, but there were some glaring issues with acting a bit, for example Vegan Todd and the action star guy seemed like they were both the same guy. Talked the same, acted the same, general douches. Ramona was more background fluff than anything, and after watching MEW in Live Free or Die Hard I know she could have brought more to the table had her character been given more than just head shots and scowling scenes or her in her underwear.

The side characters seemed more interesting than anything. Kim, Young Neil, Knives, even Scott's sister were all better written parts and acted than the main ensemble.

Also, the Vegan Cops, Thomas Jane, that was awesome.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:00 pm
by Anarky
Imakeholesinu wrote:=Also, the Vegan Cops, Thomas Jane, that was awesome.
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw him on the screen, I've really been enjoying HUNG.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:00 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I really didn't know who he was when I first saw him in films, I knew he looked familiar when I watched Hung. I thought at first he was Aaron Eckhart and then I watched Dreamcatcher again. I need to see his version of Punisher, which no one liked apparently.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:22 pm
by SineSwiper
Best. Movie. Evar.

All of you naysayers should just shut up and watch it again.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:39 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I plan on seeing it again, even buying the Blu-Ray. But hollywood really needs to justify to me why it is $30 for a new release.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:01 pm
by SineSwiper
Blu-Ray or theater? I paid $9/person for my tickets.

Also, I wonder if there's going to be an extended version. The movie was pretty fast paced, and considering the source material, it leaves room for a lot of backstory and extra stuff. The extended version of Watchmen was excellent.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:46 pm
by Lox
SineSwiper wrote:Blu-Ray or theater? I paid $9/person for my tickets.

Also, I wonder if there's going to be an extended version. The movie was pretty fast paced, and considering the source material, it leaves room for a lot of backstory and extra stuff. The extended version of Watchmen was excellent.
I sure hope there's an extended edition. That'd be awesome.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:54 am
by bovine
The movie was fun and paced well. Character development was non-existent. They crammed so much in the time they had and it turned out well. It was charming, but began to get a bit repetitive at the end. Luckily it ended before it got boring.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:36 am
by SineSwiper
I agree, though I wouldn't say it was "non-existent". There was quite a bit of character development left out, but it's hard to fight 7 villians in the span of two hours. At least they spent the time to develop out some of the characters in the beginning.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:01 pm
by Anarky
In comparison to other gaming related movies opening weekends:


Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:20 pm
by SineSwiper
Yeah, it's apparently had a poor opening weekend, due to bad timing with movies like The Expendables, and Inception is still going strong. I hope it still makes good money, considering that more great movies like this should get recognized.

Also, it's funny that millions of people paid so much money to not see Jolie's tits.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

PostPosted:Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:26 pm
by Oracle
Good movie. Non-gamer yet kinda-gamer fiance loved it. She didn't get the game references, but still found it funny. Which is good, I think.