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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:50 am
by Imakeholesinu
I wish they would have done an extended cut of this like they did with the town because a lot of the deleted/alternate scenes were pretty good.

I have to say I liked this movie a lot more the second time through. I'm not sure why but I think I got a better sense of how much of a dick Scott was supposed to be on the second time through. If I could, I'd carry Knives Chau around in my pocket all day.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:01 pm
by SineSwiper
Not really a dick, but just careless with relationships. The comics covered a lot of this as a shared behavior between many of the different characters.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:18 pm
by Eric
He came off as a dick in the movie. Just a terrible person really.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:22 am
by SineSwiper
Funny, I just can't picture Michael Cera as a "dick". Only time I thought he was "dickish" in the movie was after he fought several boyfriends and got in an argument with Ramona. The rest seemed careless and accidental.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:33 am
by Shrinweck
Gonna have to go with Sine. It took me a while to see it with the comic but I saw it in the long run. Cera did a decent job with most of it but his mild mannered ways just made the 'dickish' part of Pilgrim go over my head. They also left out the scene from the comic that made me believe Pilgrim was just an obvious dick that just originally removed thoughts of him being just a somewhat innocent, oblivious moron.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:07 pm
by SineSwiper
Odd, I never thought the comic book version to be much of a "dick" either. True, he was Lazy, careless, dim-witted at times (though, part of that wasn't his fault). But, again, every character was flawed in many ways, which affected all of their relationships.

Diving some more into the comic, so I'll hide it:
Spoiler: show
Though, the sixth book showed an apathetic side and he eventually realized that he wasn't as good-natured as he thought, like when he left for Toronto and didn't actually tell Kim or how he broke up with Envy. However, the Envy thing was an eventuality and Envy was cheating on him beforehand, anyway. Not telling Kim was more of carelessness and/or just being afraid to (which yes, still borders on being dickish).
Combined with the fact that you never knew any of these things until Book 6, I still couldn't consider him to be a "dick".

The ex-boyfriends were dicks. They were the personification of dicks. Envy was a bit of a bitch, but you felt sorry for her both before and after her relationship with Todd, especially in Book 6. Even Ramona was a bit of a bitch with her relationships with other boyfriends and her attitude with them helped created the league. Gideon was the Don Nega-Dick, the King of All Dicks. An outrageous asshole.

Scott, with all of his flaws, even after knowing his full history, and even with Ramona saying he could turn into one, could never be an evil ex, or compare to those. So, no, I never thought Scott was a dick.

I think in a way, it was more of O'Malley's failure, which was to make Scott look to be the same as the other boyfriends, but the comparison just doesn't match up. The movie did a better job of that, but his mistakes were more accidental and careless than purposeful.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:44 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Just bought the comics in the boxset off amazon today for $50. They arrive tomorrow and I will promptly read.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:21 pm
by Shrinweck
Yeah, how he dealt with (book six... barely spoiler)
Spoiler: show
is what makes me call him a dick, but that might just be bias on my side since she's the only female in the books that I actually like.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:46 pm
by Kupek
I just saw it recently. I had heard previously that he's a bit of a dick, so I was looking for it, and I saw it: he was self-involved and inconsiderate to others. It's not malicious, but it's certainly dickish. I'll probably read the comics, because I'm interested in how the themes were handled in the source material. For example (again, I knew this going in), the movie sets him up to be with Knives, as the alternate ending makes more sense in the context of the rest of the movie.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:12 am
by Imakeholesinu
Ok, UPS again fails at life. Hopefully I'll be getting the comics today. What a bunch of tards.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:05 pm
by SineSwiper
Cool. Read my tri-source review of them all (too lazy to find the link on my phone) when you're finished, and see if you agree.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:00 pm
by Lox
Imakeholesinu wrote:Ok, UPS again fails at life. Hopefully I'll be getting the comics today. What a bunch of tards.
Something I always love to hear. hahaha What happened? Just out of curiosity...

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:09 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I ordered from Amazon and got the free Prime membership thing. Great, two day shipping is free! But I had to go and get greedy and pay $4 extra so I would have it on Tuesday like Amazon said. NOPE! UPS dropped the ball and it didn't hit Earth City, MO till 1:34am this morning. They sit on my desk right now in all their glory. I want my $4 back.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:41 am
by Shrinweck
I just used my free Prime membership for the free two day and it ended up taking five days (including Sunday where they don't deliver, so technically four delivery days). Fuck the USPS sucks sometimes.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:17 pm
by Shellie
I have free Prime from Amazon Mom. You can get it too! I think its 3 months and it extends a month for every 25 dollar purchase you make in baby and kid stuff.

Since the UPS hub is about 7 miles from our house we get stuff super fast from Amazon. Love it!

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:50 pm
by Shrinweck
I usually have better luck with UPS myself, I very constantly get deliveries overnight even using the free two day delivery. The problem is that if they come when I'm not home they drop it off with my neighbors and with the weird hours I keep late in the week it can be difficult to go over to knock on their doors at a sensible time. At least the carrier comes in the same one hour window basically all the time.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:32 pm
by Imakeholesinu
Just finished the Comics. Wow, there was a lot more story to it.
Spoiler: show
I liked how the film actually stayed true almost all the way through the first 4 ex's and I thought it was great that they actually used stuff from the book to deal with plot holes (for example, Envy's weakness is used as Roxy's in the film). I now agree that Mary Elizabeth Winstead was probably the face but the script did not really let her be Ramona in all of her somewhat angsty and sexy style she had in the book. I guess if she had talked more then it would have made the movie longer. While the film dives into her backstory with the ex's I now see that it really didn't help develop her as a character but more of a prize at the end of the film basically. I think they could have done a better job with this film had they gone with 2 films and made it better. The ending did feel rushed in the film.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:34 pm
by SineSwiper
Imakeholesinu wrote:I think they could have done a better job with this film had they gone with 2 films and made it better. The ending did feel rushed in the film.
There's a lot of stories that could be made with two or three films. This isn't one of them. It's not the kind of film that Hollywood would feel passionate about to go beyond the one film. They took a big enough risk with the one, and it looks like it paid off.

Y: The Last Man, on the other hand...

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:49 pm
by Shrinweck
Yeah that's going to be nearly impossible - they're going to have to cut the story to bits and pieces. They're going to have a bitch of a time endearing themselves to fans if they go that route. While there's some tedious stuff in there, there are pieces within that are just gold.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:43 am
by SineSwiper
Well, what I mean is that Y is being planned as a trilogy, or at least that is what the (current) director is pushing for. New Line was, of course, trying the single movie route, but there's just too much damn story, and too many good plotlines. With the popularity of series like Walking Dead, getting approval for something like this should be easy.

I'm still pissed that HBO canned the Preacher series before it got off the ground because it was "too dark and too violent". Seriously? It's fucking HBO! Where else are you going to turn to for dark and violent?!

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:12 am
by Julius Seeker
I just watched the trailer. Maybe I am missing something, but it looked really silly, in a Dude Where's My Car way; particularilly the parts with the cheesy over-the-top comicbook stuff.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:01 pm
by SineSwiper
To some degree, it is "silly", but it's well-worth seeing, especially for any sort of gamer. The directing and acting were damn near perfect.

Comparing it to "Dude, Where's My Car?" is practically an insult.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:43 pm
by Kupek
The trailer did nothing for me. I saw it based on what everybody else said, and they were right. One of it's greatest strengths as a movie is in its pacing and quirkiness of the performances. Those things are lost in the trailer.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:11 am
by SineSwiper
Kupek wrote:The trailer did nothing for me. I saw it based on what everybody else said, and they were right. One of it's greatest strengths as a movie is in its pacing and quirkiness of the performances. Those things are lost in the trailer.
Odd, I had the opposite impression. I knew nothing about the comic, but the trailer looked awesome.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:02 am
by Lox
The trailer got me interested right away which caused me to read the comics and then I saw the movie and loved it.

Most people I knew saw the trailers and thought it looked completely stupid and couldn't believe I went to a midnight showing for it.

Not sure what that means about me (or Sine). :)

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:46 pm
by Shellie
Lox wrote:
Not sure what that means about me (or Sine). :)
Same here. Can't believe anyone saw the trailer and DIDNT think OMGWTFBBQ EPIC!!!111!! :)

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:32 am
by Kupek
The trailer looked like something trying to be epic. Those scenes, in the context of the movie, had a different feel than when presented in isolation. I didn't like the movie because it was epic (I didn't think it was). I liked it for the characters.

Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Blu-ray

PostPosted:Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:50 am
by SineSwiper
Movie and comic and game are still awesome. So is Anamanaguchi.

Despite my criticisms, they are all great tie-ins of each other. This is something that has never been done properly before. (Take Enter the Matrix. Please.) I hope and pray Y: The Last Man gets the same treatment. I would actually like Shia in the role. I just hope they don't try to put everything into one movie. It's just not the kind of storyline that would work like that.