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In Anime, losing an arm is no big deal

PostPosted:Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:39 pm
by Don
At least that's what your fans will say.

In the world of Anime, even on things that may not have very much to do with fighting, it's pretty common to end up having a crippled, broken, or missing arm. Bleach's #6 Espada lost an arm, and suffered a power loss from that. HXH is a hand-to-hand Anime, and apparently you can do hand-to-hand without the hand part. In Major League, the main character busted his right arm and then continued pitching with his left arm until he busted that too. Kenshin cut off some random guy's arm and he just attached a cannon to it. Yet those guys aren't exactly Cell or Piccolo here who can regrow a missing limb at will. Even in DBZ, losing an arm is viewed as 'pretty bad' unless against someone with regeneration abilities. Despite the fact the story would usually remind us that missing your prmiary hand is a pretty big deal, you'll never hear that in any discussion amongst fans. Nobody is ever bothered if their favorite character is about to get into a fist fight without his primary hand or any hands at all. I've heard people threaten to boycott Major League because it might give kids the impression that you should just pitch until you bust your arm and then use the other arm, and looking at the average response this seems like a legitmate concern.

I guess to the avergae fan, missing an arm is probably just a criteria for a powerup. This is despite the fact that most Anime will still point out that this isn't a situation you'll ever want to find yourself in, even in a fictional world. Even in a world like Bleach where you can replace missing body parts rather easily, you should still be considered that you might not be able to replace your limbs during mid-combat.

In Hong Kong manga, which features a lot of 'by the numbers' fighting, they often point out stuff like: "Soandso lost his right arm, this cause his power level to drop to 60%" or "Soandso lost both of his eyeballs, this greatly reduced his power level". I used to thought it's ridiculous they have to point this out, but I guess the Hong Kong guys are way ahead of the game. Without these power level description, who could possibly think being blind or missing an arm leads to a considerable disadvantage?

Re: In Anime, losing an arm is no big deal

PostPosted:Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:55 pm
by Shrinweck
Well on the topic of the cannon dude from Kenshin, he doesn't do too much more than kill innocents and ultimately get his ass handed to him by a child with a wooden practice sword.

Re: In Anime, losing an arm is no big deal

PostPosted:Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:47 pm
by Don
I'm sure he'd have fared worse if he still had his arm, though.

Re: In Anime, losing an arm is no big deal

PostPosted:Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:37 am
by Don
This also reminds me, in Front Mission 3 for PSX, you can dismember all of a boss mech's limbs, and yet after you beat him the guy will do your generic, "I was only holding back" and your teammates will say: "watch out, don't underestimate soandso", because apparently the body of the mech might just fly off on its own and bite your head off. I realized they're all scripted to just say that, but I usually totally neutralized that guy! Unless he's like Grahf where the guy inside can jump and start throwing fireballs on your mechs, I think it's pretty safe to say you beat him!

Re: In Anime, losing an arm is no big deal

PostPosted:Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:51 pm
by Imakeholesinu
I agree with Don. Evangelion, Gundam, and Macross, at some point, one of those robots lost an arm and the protagonist always seemed to come through.