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Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:49 am
by Eric
Pausing to talk is stupid. I'm done. *Drops mic* *Walks off stage*

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:24 am
by Flip
Oh man, i'm glad she died. That was a very annoying sequence when she paused to talk and listen ALL the time.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:18 pm
by Shrinweck
My initial thought was that her dying was bullshit but what she became was so far away from the comic that I don't particularly mind as much as I thought.

I'm glad Tyreese is back with them - I like the actor.

I don't expect a lot of good things to happen to a bunch of identity-less elderly and children.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:54 pm
by kali o.
Pretty anti-climatic. I mean, the series did a pretty good job this season of staying exciting (minus the last ~3 eps) and building... but it kinda fizzled out at the end.
Spoiler: show
Obviously the biggest issue was the jail attack. Everything that happened should have happened during that sequence (Gov killing his own and escaping) and viewers should have been treated to more than a few seconds of an actual gun fight. I mean...a few shots were fired and the "bad guys" drive away. Someone actually wrote that sequence....

Still enjoy the show though.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:46 pm
by Shrinweck
I agree about the attack... if that idiot hadn't wasted the grenade launcher ammo Maggie and Glenn would be dead.. Not that I want that - just saying that's what I'd have saved the grenade launcher for... not pre-emptive strikes against empty sniper nests. SOMETHING should have happened. I'm excited to see what they have Michonne do to avenge Andrea.

I like what they've been doing with Carl... the kid is a better actor than I gave him credit for in the first couple seasons. Surprised he hasn't grown a foot or something yet, though...

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:34 pm
by Zeus
Yep, this show is officially AMC-ed. Every show I've seen on that channel (Rubicon and Breaking Bad) all fall into the same trap: over-dramatizing useless characters/plot points, underwhelming climactic plot sequences, and stalling and barely moving the plot forward at all (basically acting like filler a lot of the time)

I'm watching two HBO shows that move pretty slowly (Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire). But at least the plot's always moving forward, even if it is a little underwhelming (Game of Thrones).

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:59 pm
by Flip
Unfortunately, i think the rabid viewer base of GoT will start to get really peeved that nothing is happening by the 5th season, unless Martin allows HBO to deviate from the books. Like, skip books 4 and 5 entirely except for the major plot points.

I thought the attack did a good job of showing the power Woodbury had. For most of the season, i kept thinking, "Just fight them! You have guns, too!" but clearly, Woodbury had some awesome firepower and vehicles.

I agree that the end was dumb, though. Where did the gov go? Is he going to return all crazy and forever follow the group?...

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:30 pm
by Shrinweck
The governor actor has been signed as a regular for season four, so expect him to be around for a great deal of it if not the entire thing.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:47 pm
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:The governor actor has been signed as a regular for season four, so expect him to be around for a great deal of it if not the entire thing.
There's three of them and two of them don't trust him. They should be a minor plot point unless he rebuilds.

BTW, have we all mentioned how insane it is they didn't go back to Woodbury and took everyone to the prison? I thought that was worth repeating...

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:23 pm
by Flip
Zeus wrote:
BTW, have we all mentioned how insane it is they didn't go back to Woodbury and took everyone to the prison? I thought that was worth repeating...

Haha, i thought the same thing. Really annoying how Rick flip flops to the extreme, too. "No new group members!" ... "Lets take in all the weak and feeble!"

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Fri May 03, 2013 7:40 pm
by Shrinweck
Kind of funny the guy who plays Tyreese was at my gym today.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Sun May 05, 2013 1:27 pm
by SineSwiper
I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times:


Also, these were funny:


Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Sun May 05, 2013 2:37 pm
by Shrinweck
Tyreese is an actual character in the comic and he's played by a good actor.. The other two black males were throw-aways and were barely (the prisoner) or not (T-Dog) even in the comic.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Sun May 05, 2013 3:19 pm
by SineSwiper
Shrinweck wrote:Tyreese is an actual character in the comic and he's played by a good actor.. The other two black males were throw-aways and were barely (the prisoner) or not (T-Dog) even in the comic.
And? So? What?

Daryl isn't even in the comics and he's the best character on the show. Yeah, I'm the first one to shout that movies and such should always stick to the source material, but this one aspect that even the comics got dead wrong.

They are in Georgia, for fuck's sake! Half of the population is black. Half of the cast should have been black.

Re: Walking Dead Finale take-away(spoiler)

PostPosted:Sun May 05, 2013 4:40 pm
by Shrinweck
Eh, yeah, blame that on a white author, writing for a white audience, in a medium that's dominated by white people. I hear very often from friends and strangers how if the star or too much of a cast of characters is a minority that they just can't connect with what's going on. This is a big problem in gaming, as well, since protagonists are basically always straight white males. Cross-cultural empathy is something that can only be built through experience being the minority and we're still quite far away from that unfortunately.

Also a lot of those survivors are from small towns which would quite possibly have a majority white population, and the blacks (in GA) which would have largely been in highly concentrated urban areas would be annihilated immediately. Also the black population of GA is 31%. Still underrepresented. Except for the prisoners. Half of them were black.