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Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:24 pm
by Anarky
I got to see an early screening hosted by the Nerdist at TCL Chinese Theatre last night in Hollywood.

The movie was fantastic!

I initially had no plans whatsoever to see the movie, but was very pleased with what they did. The Groundhogs Day-esque premise actually works very well, and they even put some comedy in the movie which was a smart decision. The action sequences were well done. Great performances by Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, and Bill Paxton. The 3D was actually good, probably on par or surpassing Avatar.

So if you were on the fence about it, or have no interest in it like I initially did, just see the damn movie! If my wife or friends want to see it I will go again.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:25 pm
by Anarky
Bonus: Tom Cruise doing Q & A after with Chris Hardwick.


Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:35 pm
by Eric
I've heard good things, too bad it'll probably bomb under the weight of the other Summer Blockbusters. :(

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:38 pm
by Anarky
I don't think the trailer does it any favors.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:05 pm
by Flip
There hasnt been any hype or advertising for this movie, but I dont think it needs any. Cruise has turned into a international celebrity and his movies make way mroe over seas than in the US nowadays.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:48 am
by Eric
Finally got around to seeing this movie, it was actually really awesome, kinda disappointed it wasn't a bigger hit.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:09 am
by Julius Seeker
Hmmm, I can't believe I completely missed this one. ****ing right not much promotion on this one. That's a bit of a shame too, I just watched the trailer, it looks really awesome! Also a little refreshing to see a cgi heavy movie that isn't about 55 minute battle scenes.

A lot of the public turned on Tom Cruise because of Scientology, and because he is often portrayed as this massively self-absorbed Errol Flynn/Humphrey Bogart style celebrity; but in a lot of interviews he comes off very grounded, and he's totally geek about movies.

He has his awesome crazy bastard moments too:

Oh, and he made the record time on that track by a long shot.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:09 pm
by Shrinweck
At best he seems like a decent enough fellow but at his worst he's a duped figurehead for a cult that specializes in taking advantage of the rich. I don't really feel any sympathy for him.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:17 am
by Julius Seeker
I wouldn't say he's duped or brainwashed, as a lot of people claim.

A lot of people just have a need of fulfilment. Some find it in marriage, others in Church, temple, mosque, meditation, yoga, working out, long walks, swimming, TV, gaming, music, luxuries, vacationing, whoring, extreme sports, etc... and often a combination of any of the above, and people will sink tens of thousands to millions of dollars into some of this stuff. Scientology is just one area, and some people find it alien, and are therefore suspicious. It's his business, I don't think it makes him any less of a person or an actor. Scientology is Tom Cruise's boat.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:00 pm
by kali o.
Its a cult that believes an alien overlord populated the world with alien souls transported on spacecraft that looked like dc9s. Let not sugarcoat as normal fulfillment.

Hes also vocal about his belief system (psychology), which makes him just as annoying and dangerous as any other religious dbag. Not much to like about the guy.

Back on topic: I was good.

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

PostPosted:Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:56 am
by Replay
Scientology is very, very bad. They maintain slave compounds all over where "initiates" are forced to make "Sea Org" propaganda at illegal pay (eighty cents an hour or so). Those who expose them are harassed and stalked, threatened; there are rumors that the Scientologists have indeed killed as well. I have a family member in a remote state; this person says the Scientology compound out there is absolutely locked down; deserters from the faith have reported massive caches of weapons.

Katie Holmes is CATHOLIC - and her family had to rescue her from Tom's clutches because they were afraid for her life. The Vatican is no picnic either, so that really speaks volumes about how screwed up the Scientologists are.