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Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:01 am
by Replay
Where'd you get True Blood, kal? :) Pay for it, rent it on Flix or another outlet legally?

Or did ya torrent it?

Re: Now Watching

PostPosted:Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:11 pm
by Shrinweck
Please don't ruin the subforums with gripes and years old grudges from Daily Stuph. While threads like this one are what I would call shitposting, it's nice to have a place to just share general opinions on things without having some internet shitposter jump down my throat. The most effort I ever want to put into a post in these subforums is an argument with Zeus about dumb AMC shows and if you turn this entire place into shit flinging then why even be here? And if you meant it all in good fun, then even then please don't go there. Best case scenario of that post you're metaphorically picking at scabs.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:02 pm
by Replay
"Internet shitposters" seem to be a great defense against Internet shoplifters. Why do you steal movies, music, and so on?

Please don't tell me what to post about and what not to. This was on the other thread; kali moved it here and added "commentary" on the title. I had no intention of making this a top-level thread; take it up with your moderator.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:02 pm
by Replay
I posted this as a response to "Now Watching" and kali, in his infinite wisdom, moved it to a top-level thread.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:55 pm
by kali o.
He knows...both posts were split. His point was dont pollute the other threads with your bullshit.

Also, stop sending me pms, keep discussion public (here). Not because pms annoy me but because everyone should get to laugh at the crazy threats you spout about reporting me to government, my "bosses" and my mom.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:53 am
by Replay
Asking people to stop stealing is "bullshit" now? Also, you sent me a PM, and I responded. How silly of me. Why do you keep stealing content, kali? Are you too poor to pay the actors and producers and designers of games and series you watch what they're worth?

For the benefit of the board - I did threaten to report this board to the anti-piracy organizations, and you to your bosses for being a thief and a pirate of intellectual property! Still considering it.

You know why? Because back in high school I was the only one out of my friends who'd return a lost lunch card to the cafeteria; my friends, if they found one, would just use it and consider it theirs. Do you know what happened to those people? They grew up to be dishonest, self-aggrandizing, grasping corporate thieves and bullies - largely unhappy ones, but they still contribute heavily to the decline of American society at this point. It reinforced the lesson to me that morality matters; and that people who are unethical and steal even small things generally progress to worse forms of hatred and evil. I don't talk to those people anymore.

I'd like to not be talking to people here. But if I leave again, I have every faith that my character will be assassinated with petty lies, the same way it was the last time I left - when Flip called me a "terrorist". We live in an era where people pay too much attention to those kinds of lies, sadly.

I looked the other way for a long time; but I'm tired of looking the other way. Evil people like you don't change if I look the other way. YOU won't change and stop stealing things without some consequences. If you steal things, you happen to be a criminal. And if you manipulate others' words and make up things that aren't there, you happen to be a demagogue. Never considered reporting you to your mom; but I'd sure love a talk with her too. She raised a petty thief and a dishonest manipulator. Tell her to do her job properly.

I just wish you had an ounce of courage in your heart. There's a very simple solution to all of this, you know - you could stop stealing. Let me know if that makes any impression on you.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:16 am
by kali o.
Replay wrote:For the benefit of the board - I did threaten to report this board to the anti-piracy organizations, and you to your bosses for being a thief and a pirate of intellectual property! Still considering it.
As usual, didn't read most of that - but do us all a favor, quit blither blathering and follow through on your delusional "threats" for once. Then come back and let us know how it went. :roll:

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:36 am
by Replay
Of course you didn't. :) That would be work, and it would require you to do more than coasting through your life, stealing from hardworking people, and bullying anyone you think you can successfully lie about. :D

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:46 am
by Shrinweck
Replay wrote:"Internet shitposters" seem to be a great defense against Internet shoplifters. Why do you steal movies, music, and so on?

Please don't tell me what to post about and what not to. This was on the other thread; kali moved it here and added "commentary" on the title. I had no intention of making this a top-level thread; take it up with your moderator.
Wasn't my intention to tell you what to do. I was appealing to you in what I attempted to be a non-confrontational way. The post was in response to your post being in the other thread. But none of that matters. I'll make an assumption of my own - I'm sure this post will be read into in a way that wasn't my intention and you'll make further assumptions about how I live my life. Go for it! I'll let you have the last word just like in all the other threads I've made the error of interacting with you in. Thanks for the reminder. It'll probably stick with me indefinitely this time.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:13 am
by Replay
Shrin, why can't you guys pay for the content you watch and play? :)

Why have you turned the site I intended for game design and gameplay tips and intelligent discussion into a pirate hub connected to the Internet equivalent of a bully bar?

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:18 am
by kali o.
Replay wrote:Shrin, why can't you guys pay for the content you watch and play? :)

Why have you turned the site I intended for game design and gameplay tips and intelligent discussion into a pirate hub connected to the Internet equivalent of a bully bar?
Support your claims and accusations with evidence, my little Magnotta, or get ignored.

Spoiler: show
(ps - totally well aware he has no understanding of what evidence actually is ;) )

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:19 am
by Replay
I asked Sine for a very basic favor a few years ago - take all the art I made and stop using it, and make sure my name isn't associated with this community anymore. I was quite willing to leave you all well enough alone.

Just like when I asked the drunks here to stop saying "homo" all the time watching football - I got the finger on that.

Or like when I asked the community to look at why five foreign nationals were caught filming the 9/11 attacks and cheering - I got the finger on that too.

And, of course, every time I ask people to stop using this site as a piracy hub I really get the finger.

In fact, every time I have asked this community to try to enforce some moral standard or code of better behavior, I have gotten the Internet equivalent of "Fuck you."

I am really and honestly asking myself what I owe a community that has given me no basic respect ever since I started asking for better behavior here; but it does pirate content, ignore my repeated requests not to have my name associated with piracy, use nasty slurs against anyone they don't like, and calls me a "Nazi" or a "terrorist" if I turn my back. You guys are turning into a damned Internet one-percenter biker bar; it is not a surprise to me that so many people have left this community over the years.

It's become a nasty community that steals, spits hatred, thinks movies about assassinations are funny as hell - trust me, I don't want to be here. If I thought I could turn my back on everyone here without everyone immediately taking the excuse to lie about me and call me a Nazi, an anti-Semite, a terrorist, or other things that could ruin my good name, I would. I can't. You aren't acting like good people.

Act like good people and I'll be very happy to leave you all alone. I'm sure everyone here would love that, at this point.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:23 am
by Replay
Support your claims and accusations with evidence, my little Magnotta, or get ignored.

Yeah kali, I'm sure THIS was the post inspiring a PM from you about banning me because you're pure as the driven snow. :)

"Evidence" of course would be the numerous torrent links you used to permit here. I could go do some digging.

(ps - totally well aware he has no understanding of what evidence actually is ;) )
One of us sure doesn't. :) Were you hoping I wouldn't notice this?

Keep talking around me. It shows all that courage you have. Like the evidence about the five dancing Israelis, there is plenty of evidence that you have supported piracy over the years - which you don't want to look at here, either, kal, because you don't have the courage to admit that you're not a very good person.

I think I'll go dig it up; but I won't introduce it here. :)

Keep being thieves and bullies, people. There are consequences to evil actions.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:24 am
by Replay
The cowardice on display is staggering. I guess I have my answer for why you steal your content, too.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:25 am
by Replay
One more time - I doubt I'll get an answer, but I'll ask - why can't you guys pay for the content you watch and play?

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:39 am
by Replay
Support your claims and accusations with evidence, my little Magnotta, or get ignored.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:04 am
by Replay
I quite understand that most of you think that because digital content costs very little to distribute electronically, everything should be free. Maybe 80-90% of humanity - most of whom would be ashamed to shoplift a DVD from a department store - think "no physical goods" means "this doesn't cost anything for me to download, and so I shouldn't have to pay for it". It's a very curious attitude.

What I don't understand is why you think these things - when most of you possess at least high school logic skills and can conceivably track a world where 100% of material is pirated to its logical conclusion. You all know that movies and games cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make and develop in this era. THAT cost doesn't go away even if bandwidth becomes free forever.

You know quite well that if nobody ever paid for any movies, games, or TV - if 100% of material were pirated - every content creator would go bankrupt.

Food isn't free. Rent isn't free. Mortgages aren't free. Living costs money.

There is no doubt that a great many content creators - myself included - would gladly give everything away for free if we lived in a world where food and rent and shelter were not constant costs. We do not, however, live in that world. The New Deal, the Federal Art Project - those things were a long time ago. Art almost has to be commercial now, if a creator wants any hope at a future.

So - once again - why do you pirate?

Because paying for life and supporting actors, programmers, artists, sound engineers, and distributors is someone else's problem?

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:15 am
by kali o.
At this point, not only do I know you are crazy, but I think you may be functionally retarded as well. You pulled a 5 year old post from me...and if you actually bother to read beyond what you tried to highlight....what do I say? Here it is, for context:

You are an exceptional failure, lol. Now keep digging for those torrents and stuff. Chop chop.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:48 am
by Replay
I did read it. :) And I have dug up all the evidence on torrents here that I care to; plenty if I wanted to actually tell the copyright agencies about it, I promise. I don't have to show that you pirated the title in question to get an RIAA/MPAA investigation against you. Your verbal admission of piracy and your position here as a board administrator is quite enough, especially when coupled with the other screenshots I already took of torrents here on this site, posted by others, many during your now seven-to-eight-year tenure here as a moderator.

Such a thought is not pleasant to me; for the simple reason that I don't want to support their excesses any more than I support yours.

I can't put that genie back in the bottle of I open it, and such people are not known for their fairness in distributing consequences.

The likely outcome would be Brendan and Shellie only suffering for your sins, and Eric's, and Don's - and a rather unsurprisingly wide range of posters here who chose to use this site to link and discuss a favored torrent at one time or another; though it is indeed saddening to see the feeling of entitlement that I once ascribed here to the immaturity of youth now present in people in their late twenties and early thirties still.

And they'd dump the usual five-figure absurdity of a lawsuit on whoever they did choose to punish; my belief in the Eighth Amendment is still stronger than my feeling about software piracy - putting five-figure fines on minor offenders as an "example" is absurd.

I just wish you all would show some sign of consciousness that piracy is a destructive behavior.

Back to the topic at hand - after reading that thread - I was all set to give you more credit than you deserve for having a measured view on piracy, and admitting it was theft. That was until in the very next line you note that you did more research on that five-year-old copyright bill indicating that you have at least "two more years of worry-free pirating" in front of you.

But I could be wrong - do please tell me what that means - especially when you failed to answer the very simple question at the beginning of the post - did you buy all of the seasons of True Blood, or pirate it?

It's a very simple question.

You have done nothing to moderate piracy here over your years as a moderator. I can promise you that if I did sent that screenshot - as well as the others I took of the many uses of this board over the years to host torrent links - the RIAA and MPAA would not consider that "retarded"; they'd consider it proof of this site being used as a pirate bay aggregator, no matter how small.

And yet I have no real desire to go that route, for the reasons I mentioned, but most importantly one other - any penalties imposed on you or this site would be unlikely to keep you from further piracy.

It certainly wouldn't get anywhere near the real aim - which is teaching you how your decision not to pay for content hurts the content creators.

In short, it wouldn't teach you what your parents should have; which is that stealing hurts people.

So again, why do you pirate?

Is it because paying for and supporting actors, programmers, artists, sound engineers, and distributors is someone else's problem?

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:17 am
by kali o.
Sounds like a rock solid case buddy....

But rest assured, if you betray me like that, when I am standing before the judge... I will implicate you for making the old site. YOU ARE A CO-CONSPIRATOR!

Not only that, I will rat you out on your inside connections with people behind 911 and spies. Guess what bucko, thats called being a traitor and a terrorist. Believe me, the only reason I havent ratted you out yet is because of the pain Id cause innocent members of your family.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:19 am
by Replay
Believe me, the only reason I havent ratted you out yet is because of the pain Id cause innocent members of your family.
Thanks for exposing your own fascist tendencies. :) Ironic indeed that you call me a "Nazi". Your power to do anything at all to have me branded a "terrorist" is zero. Do you think this would be the first time someone with a personal grudge has tried to file a false report on me?
Not only that, I will rat you out on your inside connections with people behind 911 and spies.
*eyeroll* First you think I'm "schizophrenic" and making it all up. Now you seem to think I have "connections to people behind 9/11".

I don't.

Possibly you mean the people who started stalking me on my other blog last year - I went to the police about them myself last year, trying to have THEM arrested. If you'd like to join your voice to mine in trying to get them investigated, feel free! That's been my goal here for some time, as as you should know. And there's a report on that; so if your only goal is to hurt ME because you hate me - then it won't look very good for you when it comes out that you're trying to shop me as having "inside connections" to people I'm actively trying to have prosecuted and arrested. You'll look exactly like what you are - a hater with a personal grudge, trying to abuse the PATRIOT Act for your own evil ends. I've indeed been to the police over far greater incidents than you can dream of - people threatening to murder my family, to "send me to a concentration camp" - I've had people threaten to shoot me with a sniper rifle - did you know that in the United States, unless such threats are made in the same county, the police won't and possibly can't even investigate anymore? That is what I've been told by American police. It's not considered "actionable intelligence".

Like I said - I went to authorities quite a bit higher than any you know over a LEGITIMATE Anders-Breivik-style Masonic terror cell - talk by this cell of "recruiting" people to "cause chaos", pictures of the Twin Towers, gloating posts about violence - and was told their power to do anything about such an incident was zero; that it fell under protected free speech. As much as I despair about that - clearly it shows the uselessness of modern law enforcement - it also rather proves to me that your chances of Nazi'ing up on me and getting the government to get rid of a peace activist you don't like is...small. I also have records of other conversations I've had trying to investigate a neo-Nazi cybercriminal cell lately. My record on trying to investigate and expose terrorism in good faith is quite clean. I run greater risks every day confronting far worse people than you are. I don't plan on losing any sleep about this.

Your copyright violations are the only actionable thing here.

Even your post about having "terrorist envy" - bad as it would look for you - is probably, sadly, protected free speech.

It is telling; but if what I went to the authorities about is protected, sadly your misguided post about terrorist envy is too. I can promise it would put you in the same boat as me if you go to the government about "terrorism", however. :)

Remember the old saying about revenge, kali.

I'm still on the same tip I have been, however. I don't really have much of a desire to side with agencies I fundamentally disagree with just to get a lot of people to stop talking shit about me; if there is one thing everyone here can agree with, it is that the RIAA and MPAA have certainly marched quite long along that fascist road we are discussing. Like I said - I don't want to risk financially harming Shellie and Brendan and their baby because YOU can't handle honesty or integrity, kal.

What I want to know, as usual - is why?

Why do you have "terrorist envy"?

Why do you steal what you could easily afford to support?

Why, in short, can you not muster up the courage to follow the social contract and be a good person?

I think you fear me because I'm not afraid of YOU. I only wonder what hideous incidents of abuse in your life have driven you to become the kind of person you are. I'd help you if I could.

Who hurt you, kali?

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:26 am
by Replay
I have no desire to make you stand before a judge. It wouldn't do anything to pierce the evils inside you, or change you. Your skills at manipulation and dishonesty will serve you far better in such a situation than is good for you, and your evils would run deeper inside you and become more dangerous.

I'd rather you stand before God and tell God why you have "terrorist envy" - why you are so keen to "win the war of words" you described to me those long years ago now - why you are willing to twist the truth into a pretzel if it will serve your cause of "winning" against people you dislike.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:46 am
by Replay
What are you so afraid of?

It's not this discussion.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:58 am
by Replay
I really think something in you feels less than others; so you must be constantly seeking, constantly redefining reality to something that makes you feel more than others.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:26 pm
by kali o.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:30 pm
by Replay
Yeah, me too. I tried.

You have no capacity to negotiate. You don't know what it is. You see everything in terms of power only. It is no wonder that you cannot be reached.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:31 pm
by Replay
Well then - forgive me, kali.

I have no power to help.

In my pride and my own anger, I no doubt destroyed every chance of us two coming to a detente years ago.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:34 pm
by Replay

Given the way you chose to handle the situation and the threats YOU chose to make here in either cruelty, panic - or both - very careful of what you are becoming.

You may find one day that your desire to falsely imprison those who have done you no real harm, and your support for twisting the truth to hurt those you hate, makes a world so cruel it backlashes even on you.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:28 pm
by kali o.

You severely missed the point of my reply, which was simply steeped in your own absurdity.

But more importantly, you cannot accuse any of us of being brainwashed by the filthy jew media when it comes to mocking your personal belief that TOWS is a hub of piracy and you have any degree of power to hold any of us (or the site) accountable to any body of enforcement for ANY supposed evidence you believe you have collected. Each and every one of us, besides you, sees that your rant has no teeth or truth.

Naturally, we could hope that your obviously flawed and delusional view on that subject could be counter-pointed with your views on 911/lizardmen/jews/etc and you could experience some degree of self introspection on just how ill you are...but your fragile and unwell mind will grasp for an excuse (moving goal posts). You'll claim bias and blame the community support piracy, but ignore you are talking to people with hundreds of games on Steam/PSN/Live/etc. You'll claim people hate you, but you are viewed with apathy or pity by most at best.

Please, please contact the authorities. Save the conversation and share it with us after. It will be epic! Just stop threatening to do so, it is ***boring***. If you insist on being crazy, at least be entertaining.

Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:16 am
by Replay
I have never mentioned "filthy Jew media" once, ever. That is your own sense of victimization talking, or else just your desire to "win the war of words" again. I find it such a shame that your need to "win" and to bully and to get things for free is stronger than your need to look at anything in even the remotest honesty.

The Illuminati - who are quite fucking real, I promise - aren't Jewish - at least not any more or less than every other religion. The Freemasons draw from every faith. Yes, the world media is corporate, corrupt, and hiding incredible evidence of Masonic terrorism, Anders Breivik-style; but there are as many American "Protestant" Masons and Vatican "Catholic" Masons as Israeli "Jewish" Masons.

I don't actually care much about your piracy habit. It hurts the Californian economy in the aggregate; and I had to put up with Republicans shitting on my home state for many years; but there's no doubt as well that California's own business policies have hurt the Californian economy too. I actually just thought that if someone cut off the flow of fucking video heroin here, your brain might de-mush itself long enough to note that we are living in a world where people are being butchered and slaughtered every day, and the evidence largely hidden.

You have the wrong personality to be asked to care about this; but I still hope there's a good person hiding somewhere under that abused soul of yours, kali.

You want to report someone to the government for terrorism? Start with this Freemason who stalked me on Facebook - as I said, I've been asking the police to investigate this terror cell for some time now. More voices can only help the matter on that.

However, if all you want to do is use this argument as an excuse to pick the scabs off old grudges, then by all means go and fuck yourself.


Re: Piracy blah blah

PostPosted:Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:48 am
by Replay
Really - what, if anything, will convince you that my criticism of Israel doesn't have a thing to do with Judaism?

Do you know how many of my Jewish ancestors I'd be disrespecting if I became anti-Judaic in earnest?

I would love to be able to exist in a world where I might support a state named "Israel" as an exemplar of Jewish faith. I can't support this one, however. They are murdering Arabs all the time and literally allowing settlers to stone American diplomats, if you have been reading the news lately. They don't act with anything I would recognize as Judaism, however, and indeed have not since military Zionism took over from labor Zionism in the 40's and Lehi bombed the King David Hotel - again, if you want to discuss terrorism? Let's start with this.