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3D woes

PostPosted:Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:18 am
by Eric
Does anybody else have issues watching 3D movies and the like in actual movie theaters, I remember when there was all this hype about Avatar and when I went to the movies I could barely see the difference, I thought I needed to get my eyes checked, but later I bought myself a 3DTV and I was able to make out 3D quite easily in my home, like amazingly so. I'm just wondering why I have issues in theaters with Passive 3D glasses and no issues at home with Active 3D glasses

Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:02 am
by Julius Seeker
It might be that your theater is lying to you as well.


Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Sun May 03, 2015 1:04 am
by Zeus
3D for non-animated is generally shit. There have been two exceptions:

1) Avatar - these were shot with Cameron's proprietary 3D cameras, not with 2D digital cameras and the effect added in later. There was serious depth

2) Pacific Rim - IMAX 3D was amazing. Probably because nearly everything in the movie was a special effect, likely no different than adding 3D to any Pixar film

Animation is amazing in 3D, everything else is a waste of money (generally).

Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Sat May 09, 2015 9:37 pm
by Shellie
I typically cannot STAND 3D movies, we typically avoid them. Being a glasses wearer, it makes it incredibly uncomfortable to wear two pairs of glasses.

However, Gravity was the only movie I have seen that did not use 3D as a gimmick in the movie, it greatly enhanced it, and really immersed you in it.

Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Sat May 09, 2015 10:23 pm
by kali o.
3d in Dredd was well done - just fyi. As to the theater idea.

Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Sun May 10, 2015 9:33 am
by Replay
IMAX does 3D movies decently...everyone else, not so much. The tech hasn't really progressed. The stereoscopic glasses they make are cheap as all get out and nobody's willing to make better ones as they'd get stolen from theatres.

Re: 3D woes

PostPosted:Sun May 10, 2015 9:33 am
by Replay
Home systems though, much better, I have used a friend's home 3d system, and if you get good goggles it's rad.