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PostPosted:Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:24 am
by Replay
We don't really have an active written-word/graphic novels forum, so I guess this can go here.

Fantastic comic series I am reading at last. Spider Jerusalem, the protagonist, has been referred to as the Hunter Thompson of comics. One of the most honest human works on the political process. Can be gotten on Comixology for very reasonable rates.




Re: Transmetropolitan

PostPosted:Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:57 am
by SineSwiper
Yeah, read it several years ago. Highly recommended!

Re: Transmetropolitan

PostPosted:Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:40 am
by Replay
Thanks Brendan. Hope all is well.

Re: Transmetropolitan

PostPosted:Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:52 am
by Replay
Putting in a bump on this one. I'm about 70% of the way through it all and wow, as the series goes on, some part of it is going to hit you right in the chest.

It takes on very serious stuff and adult subject matter - child prostitution, political pedophilia, homelessness and transience of all kinds, political murder and extortion - and transhumanism, and the predicted problems of a society that has by then learned to reengineer the body and basic notions of humanity itself. It is undeniably foul-mouthed, dirty, indeed frequently outright filthy - but it may be among the most honest works of fiction I've ever read, at least in its depiction of reality.

The "24th century" of the book is very clearly both a fantastic story setting - and an extended metaphor for all the shit in OUR society we aren't dealing with properly.