The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Saw 'Shrek'....

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #45177  by Imakeholesinu
 Mon Jun 18, 2001 11:34 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>...and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was mostly about little boy toilet humor, you know, odd smells, belching, and just the gross stuff we are all into when we were like 8 and it made us laugh (or in high school and we still thought we it was cool to fart against the back of your chair to see who could do it the loudest.). Overall, it was a good movie, not great, but not so-so.

It was...lukewarm, I mean, the plot had been used before I know somewhere, but it was just a different time period and done in animation form. I do have to admit though, in some shots the Princess almost looked like a real human being. The CGI animation has really improved since the days of Reboot. It is just barely theater worthy, but if you can wait, I'd wait for the DVD or VHS release to see it.</div>

 #45179  by Eric
 Tue Jun 19, 2001 2:05 am
<div style='font: 11pt ; text-align: left; '>Ohhh I can wait. :P</div>

 #45182  by Torgo
 Tue Jun 19, 2001 10:19 am
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Agreed. Twas good, but don't crap your pants rushing to the multiplex.</div>

 #45183  by Gentz
 Tue Jun 19, 2001 10:46 am
<div style='font: 11pt arial; text-align: left; '>Well, it IS a kid's movie. Older folk can appreciate it, which is what makes it good, but it's still mainly a film for children</div>

 #45197  by Tessian
 Wed Jun 20, 2001 3:32 am
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>They don't make movies of this quality and wide spread variety anymore</div>