The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • My day at the 2001 warped tour

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #45292  by AnarkyThePunk
 Mon Jun 25, 2001 5:49 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Well Fresno Just had it warped tour, it was June 24, 2001.

I woke up at 9 20 that morning to get ready for the day ahead. I got dressed, brushed my Teeth, spiked my hair, put in my contacts, ect. The at 10 30 I walked over to my friends house (we were going together and he was my ride). We left his House and went to Lunch.

Arrived at the Warped tour at about 11 30. Waited in line to get in. Got in an we found some of our other friends. Watch the First band the distillers for awhile, they were ok. I am gonna skip some shit now.... Well at about 4 00 the better bands started going onto stage. Me first and the Gimme Gimme's fucking rocked. The AFI came on later they were good live but the Backup vocals wern't high enough. Rancid, Man were they great. The Vandals stole the show in my opinion, they just put on a great show and played some of there best songs. THE ATARIS, man what else can i say they are quite possibly one of the best punk bands i have seen live, almost like i was listening to the CD.

There were a lot of other bands lIke alien ant farm, and newfound glory, and Fenix TX, but in all honesty they wern't as good as i had thought they would be.

Make sure to bring money cause the have lots of great CD's for cheap i got the new AFI cd for $7 and 2 good cd samples for $5 (it has 20 bands on each CD and there great songs)

Compared to last years tour, the bands are a lot more unknown and have a much harder Punk sound, Last years tour had too much of that POP PUNK shit. Maybe even Derith would like it this year (But knowing him he'll say it was shit). (and yes Derith i am joking with you)

Oh well i think if your into Punk you'll have a blast, so i recommend that you guys check it out

BTW: remember the Sun screen, specially on the top of your head if you have spike hair or a mohawk or something like that. Cause my hair had to stay down today because i didn't =( oh yeah make sure to drink lots of water, and there is Free water at the concert, you just have to search for it. And make sure to bring money it was 3 bucks for a soda.</div>

 #45293  by Kupek
 Mon Jun 25, 2001 7:15 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Verdana, Tahoma; text-align: left; padding: 0% 10% 0% 10%; '>I'd love to see AFI, The Vandals and Me First... (they're just a fun band). The "new" (it's actually quite a few months old, but ah well) AFI album rocks.</div>

 #45305  by S.Cody2
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:40 am
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>Heh, there's always mythical 'free water' at an all day show.</div>