The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Kiss of the Dragon....

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #45294  by Imakeholesinu
 Mon Jun 25, 2001 9:23 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Jet Li, Bridget Fonda, explosions, Jet Li doing kick ass martial arts sequences, Jet Li blowing shit up, Bridget Fonda looking scary, Jet Li kicking the crap out of a bell boy, Jet Li owning. Actions speak louder than words.</div>

 #45297  by Lee S.
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 12:42 am
<div style='font: 9pt arial; text-align: justify; '>Jet Li certainly kicks ass, but for you to say that he's "owning" is a mockery of his skill. This pathetic nerd-ass leet speak is not to be used in association with the greats of martial arts.</div>

 #45298  by Crono
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 12:50 am
<div style='font: 12pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Well actually, the most annoying buzz word right now... is to say something is "tight." Once it got onto that stupid gaming commercial for Target, I knew it was the next incarnation of "the bomb."</div>

 #45303  by S.Cody2
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:37 am
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>Seriously. I could watch that clip of him kicking a 6-ball into some guy's head 100 times and not get bored.</div>

 #45317  by Stephen S.
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:25 pm
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Is this another one of those movies where Jet Li floats and changes directions midair while simultaneously kicking eight different people AND composing his grocery list?</div>

 #45318  by Zhuge Liang
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:41 pm
<div style='font: 14pt ; text-align: left; '>Bah, old hat Jackie Chan. Chan 0wnz j00!!</div>

 #45320  by Chockboard
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 3:23 pm
<div style='font: 10pt arial; text-align: left; '>I don't think any of us here are worthy of Jackie Chan or Jet Li owning us.</div>

 #45322  by Lee S.
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 4:04 pm
<div style='font: 9pt arial; text-align: justify; '>Jackie Chan sucks dick. Jet Li's movies are way more fun to watch.</div>

 #45327  by Stephen S.
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 8:29 pm
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>You mean the one that's obviously a fake F/X shot?</div>

 #45329  by Zhuge Liang
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 9:24 pm
<div style='font: 14pt ; text-align: left; '>no, I said JACKIE CHAN, not YOUR DAD. Biatch.</div>

 #45330  by Imakeholesinu
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 10:32 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>And so we ask Lee S., who is your daddy?</div>
 #45331  by Imakeholesinu
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 10:37 pm
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Though I'm not sure if they have a relationship goin like that in the flick. That would just drag a good action flick like this down though wouldn't you say? I mean, she looks kinda scanky in the previews, it's like, Li kicking the crap out of someone, and Fonda, half naked, tosses a grenade at someone, and that's all we see of her, other than her eyeliner dripping stumple down a warehouse hallway while an explosion goes off in the background.

Just by watching the preivew of this, I think they just threw a female role in there for the sake of having one. This movie probably could have done just as well if she wasn't in there.</div>

 #45332  by Lee S.
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 11:30 pm
<div style='font: 9pt arial; text-align: justify; '>Apparently Jackie "Likes it Up the Ass" Chan.</div>

 #45334  by Ishamael
 Tue Jun 26, 2001 11:33 pm
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>You think you can take me, don't you?</div>

 #45335  by Stephen S.
 Wed Jun 27, 2001 1:02 am
<div style='font: 9pt Arial; text-align: left; '>I'm going to take you to Retardville if you don't quit pulling this random shit from the crack of your crusty ass, which is (to paraphrase you) where my foot happens to be currently rented up.</div>

 #45348  by Ishamael
 Thu Jun 28, 2001 12:37 am
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Oooh, Mr Tough Guy is impressing me with his big words. Stop talking and start punching! I felt like picking a fight and you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, pal....</div>

 #45354  by S.Cody2
 Thu Jun 28, 2001 3:32 am
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>What isn't in martial arts movies today? Have some fun, soldier!</div>

 #45355  by S.Cody2
 Thu Jun 28, 2001 3:33 am
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>He love you long time.</div>
 #45366  by S.Cody2
 Thu Jun 28, 2001 3:43 pm
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>He also manages to walk his dog at the same time.</div>

 #45371  by SineSwiper
 Thu Jun 28, 2001 10:42 pm
<div style='font: 11pt "EngraversGothic BT", "Copperplate Gothic Light"; text-align: left; '>Oh, bull. Commericials are at least ten years behind the lingo. Shit, they still have kids saying "sike!"</div>