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  • New Tea Party Album available now, The Interzone Mantras. Overall, sounds like a cross between all of their albums, it's darker, but Edges of Twilight dark, more so than Transmission. the songs have beat to them  unlike previous albums

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #47466  by Gone to Shakers
 Tue Oct 16, 2001 8:56 pm
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Interzone - This is definetly Rock, it uses a lot of instruments like most Tea Party songs. It uses mostly Western music, fast paced Electric guitar, some other string instruments.

Angels - Starts off slow with weird electronic noise, then some Eastern and Western light musical instruments, light vocals. Kind of fast paced light rock It picks up at parts. This is the type of song that would be topping the Light Rock hits charts on the radio. The beat sounds a lot like that song by Dinosaur Jr. (forget the name of the song). I can see this one being their second single from the album. Feel the Pain by Dinosaur Jr. Has a similar beat.

The Master & Margarita - Starts off with East European Gothic Instruments, then the electric guitar kicks in. The Chorus is gothic instruments. The Vocals overall sound kind of strange, they sound all electric. In the Chorus at the end, there's some sort of fast paced chanting in the background.

Apathy - This song I heard on Live on Much Music a few months ago, so I'm familiar with it. Sounds a lot like Echonoline Crush's light songs off of their latest album. It's lighter at first, and then picks up at parts. The second part of the song is heavier on the guitar.

Soulbreaking - Starts off light with RPG sounding music, then it kicks in to something that sounds like early 90's light, positive, fast paced alternative. Sounds a lot like stuff off of Trip.

Lullaby - I've heard this one a lot on the Campus Radio for the last month. I also heard it several times live before. It starts off light, with a TRIP/Edges sound too it. It starts to pick up, and then there are a few parts where the guitar picks up. Then a couple of minutes into the song it kicks into intense music with several instruments, focusing a lot on on guitar. The vocals are slow through this. There's a guitar solo at some point that sounds right out of Transmission at the end.

Must Must - Sounds a lot like Edges, this is my favorite song off the album so far.

White Water Siren - Acoustic at the beginning, another song that sounds like Edges. I like this one quite a bit too, compared to the earlier ones.

Cathartik - This song sounds like something completely new, close to Transmission, the rest of the song sounds a lot like something out of Edges. It's darker, on the same level as Edges of Twilight.

Dust to Gold - Another one that sounds like something out of the Edges of Twilight. However, the pace is definetly not the type you'd hear on Edges.

Requeim - If Psychopomp were on Edges of Twilight, it would sound something like this song I think. starts off really quiet and classical Gothic sounding instruments, pianno, and a string instrument, it still keeps the gothic sound. The vocals are light, still gothic sounding. The classical music kicks back in at a point, and then it slowly starts to pick up with some rock instruments. It picks up more and more every 15-20 seconds, and reminds me a lot of Psychopomp from Transmission in that way. It ends off with a lot of instruments being played. Then ends off on a very positive note.

Mantra - this song is long(8 minutes+), it has a lot of Arabian sounding music on it. This one is definetly Edges of Twilight sounding. My favorite song on the album. It's very flowing, uses a lot of Gothic instruments as it goes on. Some Medditeranian stuff too, they seam to link together music from many many different cultures into a single song. Some North European Classical at parts. This is definetly the best song on the album. About 5 and a half minutes through it kicks into a more repetetive and fast beat, Arabian/Western music. A good song to fit the end of album. As soon as this song began, the song "Token Eastern Song" by Nirvana came to mind.

The Interzone Mantras overall - The better songs, at least the ones more to my taste are the ones during the second half of the album, though the first ones are still fairly good, but they remind me a little too much of Trip, and have a more mainstream Rock sound to them. This album, despight my comparissons to some of their past works, is still very different from their earlier stuff. Compared to their other albums, I'd say this one could be my favorite, I definetly like it better overall than Transmission or Triptych, I'm undecided vs. Edges of Twilight, Edges of Twilight has Fire in the Head, Sister Awake, and The Bazaar, which are probably their three most well known songs (excluding Temptation from the album Transmission). It's similar to Edges of Twilight in that it will grow on you the more you listen to it. I'd say Edges of Twilight is still their best, but this is definetly their second best.</div>

 #47471  by S.Cody2
 Wed Oct 17, 2001 6:52 am
<div style='font: 14pt Plakatbau; text-align: left; '>You listen to the live album premiere Sunday evening? Of what I heard, I liked 'Requiem' the best. The band said it's for a good friend undergoing a serious trial. That's a softer way of saying cancer, these days.</div>

 #47487  by Gone to Shakers
 Thu Oct 18, 2001 11:11 am
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>That's a good song too, #11 on the album, it seams like all the best songs are towards the end</div>