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No Doubt....

PostPosted:Wed Sep 04, 2002 8:10 pm
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Now I can't personally claim to like them....though I did pick up their first CD way back when on a whim (like what...7 or 8 years ago?). Anyway, that's neither here nor there...

I hadn't paid any attention to them since....

Anyway, I just happened to be watching MuchMusic (poor canadian excuse for MTV) when their new video 'Underneath it all' came on..."typical shit, Gwen is looking fairly slutty"....but near the end of the video, you see her sans makeup and her typical store-bought-punk-slash-50s-glam outfit...

Holy fuck is she hot! Hot I fucking tell you! I don't think I've seen anyone hotter...

God damn! To think I've always thought she was ugly...geeze. I put her ahead of Mila Jovovich and Laetitia Casta any day...


Anyway, since this revelation has put me an inch away from falling off the non-stalker cliff...

Big smile and "thank you" for anyone that happens to find a high quality still of that part of the video...

...and $10,000 bucks to the one who brings me Gavin's far-too-lucky head...



<b>Spoiler Message:<b>
<span style="background: black; color: black;">Heh...whatever....I felt like sharing ; )</span></div>


PostPosted:Wed Sep 04, 2002 8:20 pm
by Slappy White
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>We get MuchMusic. It's got good shit.

And Gwen makes all her own clothes...</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:07 am
by Imakeholesinu
<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Yeah, some of my friends just wish she had bigger tits and she'd be perfect.</div>

MuchMusic plays Electric Circus every Friday....

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:22 am
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>I think we all fear that non-Canadians who happen to watch that garbage actually imagine that that is acutually what Canadian night-life is like...

Anyway, I meant "store bought punk" in the grander 'phoney image' sorta way...I can see the confusion considering the context I placed it in...

But I didn't know that she made her own clothes...</div>

Your friends are dumb....

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:29 am
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Heh...j/k...err...well, they might be dumb...what the fuck do I know?

Anyway, large chests just don't do it for me anymore...

I prefer a B or small C....looks a lot more elegant in clothing...less...umm...slutty.

Just a personal preference....but on my list of "things I want", breast size ranks right near the bottom.

And I agree...perfect...


<b>Spoiler Message:<b>
<span style="background: black; color: black;">Someone pipes in "Yeah, the closer a chick can pass for a young boy, the happier Kali is". In advance, "fuck off ; )"</span></div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:45 am
by G-man Joe
<div style='font: 11pt "Fine Hand"; text-align: left; '>Yeah, the closer a chick can pass for a young boy, the happier Kali is. =8^)</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:00 am
by EsquE
<div style='font: 10pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>I always thought she was hot...but now I gotta see this video...must be on VH1 because it's been almost 5 years since I turned on MTV and actually saw a music video...</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:01 am
by EsquE
<div style='font: 10pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>...and I'd be glad to bring you Gavin's head based solely on the fact that his music sucks...</div>

Download it....

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:31 am
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>You can always grab it from my FTP (root folder)...but quality is a tad better if you manage to catch it on TV...</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 3:01 am
by EsquE
<div style='font: 10pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>Bwah ha ha ha a music video...on my dial-up connection....Bwah ha ha ha....</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:16 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>She's nice, but man, Jovovich and Casta are DAAAAMN hot. Not quite as good</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:17 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>C's are great size, perfect for me.</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:21 am
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Have ya seen the video....?</div>

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:28 pm
by Tessian
<div style='font: 11pt Dominion; text-align: left; '>No Doubt's coming here to Penn State next month...I'll probably get tickets if I can find someone to join me</div>

Didn't think so...after you see it, you are allowed an opinion.....

PostPosted:Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:09 pm
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '><img src="">

Lets see if I can link this video still....</div>

PostPosted:Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:26 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>She looks much better than that pic you sent. I've seen enough of her. She's very pretty, but when you compare her to hotties like Jovovich and Casta, she's definetely second class</div>

PostPosted:Fri Sep 06, 2002 10:07 am
by Lox
<div style='font: bold 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Casta, yes. Milla...sometimes. She can look super hot sometimes and kinda weird the others. :)</div>

PostPosted:Fri Sep 06, 2002 10:56 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>That's 'cause she's not ALWAYS dolled up. When they make her look pretty (or at least try), she's damned hot</div>

PostPosted:Fri Sep 06, 2002 6:03 pm
by EsquE
<div style='font: 10pt Garamond; text-align: left; '>Finally saw it and she does look unbelievable at the end of it...nice to see her without all the goddamn eye make-up...I had to hit mute about halfway through the song though...their music is hit and miss for me...</div>

Good, someone with taste, and the sense to see the video before spewing their opinion *cough*zeus*cough*

PostPosted:Fri Sep 06, 2002 8:37 pm
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Heh...

Damn hot...

And yeah, the song sucks...I have no particular need to be told about Gavins skill in bed....and that "rasta" part is like chewing on tin foil...


<IMG SRC=""></div>

PostPosted:Sat Sep 07, 2002 12:56 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Why do I have to see her in yet another video? I've seen her in so many videos on so many shows I know what she looks like</div> are being dumb....

PostPosted:Sat Sep 07, 2002 1:54 am
by kali o.
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Stop emulating Sine by trying to have an opinion on subjects of which you are ignorant...and compunding the problem by stubbornly claiming you know enough.

My whole post was based on a small part of a single video...a video which you have not seen...

I'm proud that you have seen her in plenty of other videos and interviews...over the years, I'm sure I've caught - at least in part - every one too...

But you know what...I never posted "Shit, she's HOT!" before. There could be a reason...ya think?




Hey now, no big insults.....

PostPosted:Sat Sep 07, 2002 10:19 am
by Zeus
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>I'm not basing my opinions on little known fact here like some like to do. I've seen so much of her and always thought she was pretty. And I've seen her in so many different looks and styles that I severly doubt any new video would change my mind. It's not like I saw her in one picture or video and said "Pretty, but not as good as some" and then never saw her again. No Doubt was one of the few new bands from that time that I liked, so I made a point of seeing videos and reading articles (most mags have pics, BTW) on them.

But, if you're saying she looks THAT much better now than she did a few years ago, tell me the name of the song and I'll see if I can grab the video off Kazaa. There's no way I'm watching the junk on Much Music in hopes of catching one song. I'll let you know what my opinion is afterwards.</div>

PostPosted:Sat Sep 07, 2002 10:50 pm
by Lox
<div style='font: bold 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Well, yeah. She's still a hotty regardless. :)</div>