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Alright, my mini-review on the Two Towers theatrical edition bonus material.

PostPosted:Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:26 pm
by Julius Seeker
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>Well, it showed some stuff from The Return of the King, but it was quite possibly the biggest tease I have ever seen in a movie, for example: WE KNOW that there is going to be a huge army at the Pellenor Fields, the camera goes up to view the approaching forces of Mordor, but then quickly goes to a different scene before much is seen at all. Another time is the camera switching to a different scene just as Frodo approaches Shelob. Yet another when Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and the Elves are entering the paths of the dead. And the whole bit was about 12 minutes. I would have to say the best part of it was showing Merry and the Riders of Rohan, an amazing cavalry charge. A lot of what is seen is just behind the scenes stuff. It seems that everyone is in agreement that this upcoming movie will be better than the first two combined, far better than they could have hoped it to be.

The Extended Edition of the Two Towers preview was quite good, and I am quite certain that it will improve immensely on the film, with nearly an hour of extra footage, because it did seem as if there was a lot missing from the Theatrical version (which we have discussed to death).

There was also a special dealing with the making of the Two Towers (of course the Extended Edition bonus DVD will have about 15-20 hours worth of stuff on the making of the film, including the commentaries, which I found quite entertaining on the Fellowship DVD). Edoras was actually a full sized set, not a miniature; the actors commented that this was their favorite set. The least favorite set was Helms Deep (Though Orlando Bloom, Legolas, seemed to love it) as it was cold and wet during the filming, many were tired, and people were even catching a bit of pneumonia (which can cause an incredible amount of exhaustion). The filming of Helms Deep, which accounted for about 40 minutes of the movie (the battle itself being over 25), took 4 months, and most of it was at night, and keep in mind that the battle took place in the rain. They also spoke about the making of the movies as a whole, Dominic Monaghan (Merry) noted that he was 22 years old when they began filming the movie, and that he was 25 when they finished filming.

They also noted two very serious accidents that they had with the actors, originally they were going to film Aragorn floating down rapids, but that messed up. The rapids were way too powerful and he was pulled under, at one point he said he looked up and he was about 15 feet from the surface and thought to himself "So this is how it's going to end", but he managed to get himself to the surface. I do know that he also had teeth knocked out in sword fight scenes. They also showed Sean Astin (Sam) when he got the piece of glass through his foot, there was A LOT of blood, apparently the glass had gone clean through the sole of his foot and out the top. Now I know how damn painful getting something through your foot like that can be. When I was a kid, and building a tree fort, I jumped from the roof of it down to the ground (maybe about 10-12 feet, enough that hitting the ground always hurt anyways), only we had left a board with a spike through it, and that metal spike went clear through my foot, I could feel the cold of the steel in my foot about a second before any of the pain hit; I remember going to take a step, and my foot felt really heavy for a second, and when I felt the coldness and the sick feeling of the Spike through my foot, I realized what I had done, clean through and the tip was sticking about an inch or so out of the top of my shoe.

Other than that, I guess there's not really much to say, other than if I ever could, I would buy that whole valley of land in which the Edoras set lay, beautiful scenary, and I always loved windy locations. Also, I can't wait until the Extended Edition DVD comes out, mainly because if it is anything at all like the Fellowship Extended Edition DVD, it'll be 10 times better. The Theatrical Fellowship of the Ring DVD was really very much like a teaser to the Extended Edition.

Of course, I accidently repeated the mistake I made with the Theatrical Fellowship of the Ring DVD, and I got the fullscreen edition which really is annoying to watch on a widescreen TV.</div>