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The Passion of the Christ.  It's art.  Rambling thoughts inside...

PostPosted:Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:37 pm
by Ishamael
<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Gotta keep this short. Point blank, the Passion of the Christ is brilliant. Sure that's a word that's thrown around like
beads at Mardi Gras, but in this case, the subject earns truly it.

A Few Quick hits:

- The violence? Is it too much? This is what a Roman flogging was all about. The tools used are
historically accurate. None of this is Hollywoodinized for effect. Many people did not survive the Roman
floggings to be crucified.

- Anti-Semetic? No.

- Accuracy? Possibly the most accurate "Jesus" film to date in the sense that it weaves well with what's in the
Bible. With all Biblical movies, interpretation is important and Mel's interpretation of these events are interesting. For example, many people complain about Pontius Pilate's
portrayal in the movie, claiming he's shown as much too nice a guy compared to the Pilate from history. The same charge
is also leveled at the Biblical version incidentally.
However, I thought Mel's presentation of Pilate was masterfully handled. Pilate
is presented as a figure who's put down Jewish rebellions in the past (and thus, crucified many insurgents) and
is conflicted as what to do with Jesus because either choice (crucify or not) may result in another rebellion which
could result in his removal by the emporer of Rome. Thus, tries to satisfy the part that wants Jesus's head by flogging him,
while still placating those who support him (by initially not crucifying him). Anyway, this is an interesting interpretation of the
Pilate's motivations...

- Overall? Again, brilliant. This may go down in history as one of the greatest movies of all time, though it's too
early to make this kind of far reaching call. I want to see it a few more times to catch little details I missed.

Tons more thoughts on this film, but no time to write 'em down.</div>