The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Yo Derth? You been watching JLU? Comments so's been kinda suspect.

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #60603  by Eric
 Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:30 pm
<div style='font: 11pt ; text-align: left; '>3-1 31-Jul-2004 Initiation ***1/2
This was a nice episode, Superman addressing the new League, introduction of the Green Arrow, he's a pretty cool hero, Supergirl getting the limelight, I always liked Kara. :) It was kinda short, and only really used 4 characters, but as the season goes on I'm noticing that's all they're doing every episode sooooo....again it could have been better, having the show reduced to 22 minutes per episode from 45 really hurts plot potential, but again, this was nice as an introduction episode...

3-2 07-Aug-2004 For the Man Who Has Everything ***1/2
I liked this one. Mongul was never that powerful in his first appearance on War World, in fact I wonder what happened on War World since he's still alive? Did he take over again? Well at the end it seems the league has him captured. Superman's fantasy world with Kryton surviving and him having a family etc, it's a bit stretched, you know big blue ends up with Lois, that's his love, but I guess I could understand the pain of having it and losing it in the same breathe, same with Bats, a little action here and there. It's always cool to see Superman lose it and go kinda dark on an enemy. The ending was interesting because you really have to catch it. If you listen hard you can hear screaming, evidently Mongul's little gift gives you the perfect dream world, that eventually turns into a nightmare, meaning if you don't escape it in time, you're tortured for a long long time...very nice. The time strain is noticable, it would have been nice to see Superman get captured by the alien at the beginning, in the original comic this episode was based on, I think Robin or Nightwing was there as well.

3-3 14-Aug-2004 Kid Stuff 1/2
This was a very stupid episode, Justice League as kids I can do without. It used that Teen Titans art type, if I wanted to see that I'd watch Teen Titans, which is still somewhat mature. This episode was just silly, and had no sense of urgency. Worst episode of the season.

3-4 21-Aug-2004 Hawk and Dove **1/2
If you got deeper into the whole Hawk and Dove thing you'd find them really interesting characters, in the comics dove dies and hawk loses it because there's nobody to keep his aggressive nature in check. This episode just seemed like a rehash of the first episode of the season. War, big unstoppable monster, gets stopped, etc. If you were wondering what Wonder Woman's weakness is, it's being bound by a man. I'll let your imagination run wild, but it's not exactly what you think. :)

3-5 28-Aug-2004 This Little Piggy *1/2
This was a pretty stupid episode as well. Wonder Woman gets turn into a pig? Come on were you doing this season? The only saving grace was batman singing it up. Which didn't sound half bad. heh.

3-6 04-Sep-2004 Fearful Symmetry *****
By far the best and most interesting episode of the season. You have Supergirl having nightmares, that go back to Superman's animated series for countinuality. Good Supergirl vs Supergirl action. Apparently Dr. Hamilton has turned bad, which sucked because he helped Superman so freakin much in the original series. Green Arrow is in this episode as well, adding his comments on "Dreams" heh, as well as looking over the clone of supergirl, who's obviously more mature in noticable areas. Green Arrow is not the strongest, but his comments are up there with the flash for humor. Mr. Question also makes an appearance, he tortures some poor guy with boyband music! I liked the conspiracy theories going on, the only thing that annoyed me was how short this episode was!

It just seems like they just throw you into the middle of each story. The time limitation is really hurting this series. Fearful Symmetry had some awesome stuff going on, but you won't see them expand upon it again this season most likely because this new series hits a subject moves on and you remember nothing of what just happened. It's just annoying this season how short and cheap the stories feel. I don't know the reasons for the change but they need to change it back. Seriously.</div>
 #60609  by Derithian
 Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:33 pm
<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>Episode one)enjoyable just for Green Arrow especially his look at the end when he sees dinahreally nothing spectacular. the thing that hurts this series it's it's all one part episodes...I liked JL because everything was 2-3 parts so it allowed for more story. this is more like oop problem and then a ten minute fight.....Episode one while being entertaining wasn't amazing. I give it a 7.5 and 2.5 of that is all Green Arrow.

Episode 2) This one was fantastic. They followed how the story was supposed to go dead on. This is actually the comic arc of superman everyone should read. the dream portions of the episode were bloddy fantastic and really kept it going well. This is one of the better episodes for how well it was done. although it did show one of the problems I had whisch is that in a couple of the episodes they only used the big 3 like this one. although this was definitely well done the thing it was missing was that robin is supposed to be there.

Episode 3) Fucking Hilairious. Green Lantern and Batman as kids was just golden. Every time they opened their mouth I was laughing my ass of.

Superman "What's with those 2"
GReen lantern "Man, for somebody with like 50 kinds of vision, you are so blind."

Green Lantern "Man your girlfriend is so bossy"
Batman "Shut Up"

Batman with baby etrigan "This looks lieka job for superman"

I could go on with some of the funny as hell lines from this episode....they did a fantastic job of adapting world without grownups to the television.

Episode 4) Um....yeah I'm just gonna forget I saw that. not very good at all. This episode did a horrible job at showing who hawk and dove are. The only part that was even remotely good was when Wondy was withhephaestus. Oh and by the way, that isn't her weakness. her one weakness is doubt. if she doubts the truth of something the whole concept of truth begins to crumble throughout the world. This ep was just dumb as hell and was by far the worst episode. terrible job and it's the only one I erased from my hard drive because it's terribly done.

Episode 5) I loved this episode. mainly because of the little cameos. They did a fantastic job with zatanna getting her character spot on and really it was genious. I loved the little cameos in it especially for red tornado with his robotic Sueey. I just really liked it for the cameos like Bwana Beast and them as well as how well they got zatanna's character. And agnowleged the fact that Zatanna was the first person to actually know that batman was bruce wayne plus agnoleged the fact that she was his first superherop love.

Episode 6) Best episode of the season. Green Arrow was great, Supergirl was great even though it still bothers me that they don't agnowlege that the supergirl they are using is not Kara but is Linda Danvers/Matrix and never was Kara. Kara died in the crisis and hasn't and won't come back. (YEs I am a mega nerd) Also trying to pass off power girl as a supergirl clone was kind of lame....but still kicked ass. The Question was by far the best cameo in there. I always loved The Question as he is the only person more paranoid than Green Arrow. Plus him singing the boy band song as he smashed through the window was great....hell half his lines were great and they really got his character down. Once again Ollie was great

"it's you...just a little more uh... mature"

"Yeah I had dreams last night too" as he looks over at canary...

Great episode...>Easily the best of the season so far. It was good to see an episode with none of the big 3.

The series has been great all and all staying faithfull to the comics except for that hawk and dove episode which was very sub par. The man who has everything was the most faithful of the episodes and I loved it.

The only criticizm I have is that they really need more 2 part episodes. like this latest would have made a great 2 parter. just seeing Ollie calling someone else paranoid makes me laugh my pooper off</div>