The Seeker wrote:Mental wrote:
I don't watch TV on a general basis (I don't even have cable or rabbit ears for my own) and no matter what the setting, I don't feel like I should have to put up with you being an arrogant shit. Sorry.
Am I really an arrogant shit or are you perhaps just an angry over-sensitive man?
Truthfully I probably agree with Tort to a certain extent...both. Strange as it seems to be sometimes to point out one's own flaws in America.
Yeah, I'm realizing that I tend to be angry a good bit of the time these days. Honestly, a lot of it comes out of the way my relatively young life has gone. If you knew my past, some of reasons might seem understandable. I'll go into it if you like, though I'm trying to avoid blathering my life history all over the place in my own defense any more.
As far as being oversensitive goes, it's not something I'd realized about myself and I'm grateful to you guys for allowing me the chance to see it. There are some actions and emotions by other people in life for which I do not yet have effective defenses and/or responses. I have not considered it a character flaw to care about and protect the rights of others in the way that I was trying to do initially in telling you off for dogging on people - but ultimately I suppose I can't really protect others all the time either, so it may be problematic to try. And it's not really my job either. I suppose to some extent it even stops people from learning to psychologically "defend" or stand up for themselves.
I was a REALLY sensitive kid at one point who hated getting picked on. And I managed to develop a serious dislike for the people doing the picking. It makes me sad and unhappy to see people getting damaged in that way and so I have this sort of instinctive reaction of anger when I see it going on now to others, by others - even if the subjects of the taunts or disparagement not present when someone is doing the picking. And whether or not you see yourself as simply expressing opinions when you're doing it, Seek...I think maybe getting at the root of the problem would be, it's just not funny.
Now, I know I'm guilty of picking on people as well, usually also in the name of trying to be funny, as I did when I doubted the credibility of my Star Wars screening companions when they went around collecting people's used collectible cups after the movie. And, also like you I think, I don't tend to be terribly successful in my humorous attempts when doing so. At the very least, since ultimately I can really only speak for myself with certainty, when you're bashing on people, I don't really find it humorous. But with respect to disregarding others, maybe in that respect, you and I aren't that different, Seek.