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Mental vs. Seeker: FIGHT!

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 11:23 am
by Julius Seeker
Fuck the Starwars fans. They were just embarased over those characters for no good reason. I bet Freud would say it is because they are insecure about their manhood.

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 11:34 am
by Kupek
The Seeker wrote:Fuck the Starwars fans. They were just embarased over those characters for no good reason. I bet Freud would say it is because they are insecure about their manhood.
Why do you always try to justify your opinions by arguing that people who disagree with you have some psychological problems? Personally, I do find it a little silly to watch a bunch of walking teddy bears get the best of elite soliders.

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 1:09 pm
by Julius Seeker
Kupek wrote:
The Seeker wrote:Fuck the Starwars fans. They were just embarased over those characters for no good reason. I bet Freud would say it is because they are insecure about their manhood.
Why do you always try to justify your opinions by arguing that people who disagree with you have some psychological problems? Personally, I do find it a little silly to watch a bunch of walking teddy bears get the best of elite soliders.
I said I bet Freud would say that they had psychological problems. It's Starwars for gods sakes! Not something that was ever supposed to be taken seriously. Those "Elite" soldiers suck anyways, they have worse aim than Bond villains, of course a warrior tribe of Ewoks will be able to kick their asses. I do not think Ewoks are any sillier than the whole concept of light sabers and death stars.

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 1:15 pm
by Nev
Agreed with Kup about your people-bashing, Seek. I seem to remember you're a psych major or at least involved in the field - and in my opinion that is NOT the way to go towards being successful in the fields of psychology or psychiatry.

Or, to put it another way, I've dealt with at least three arrogant bastard psychiatrists who did more harm to me between them than everyone else combined. And honestly - this particular subject makes me REALLY mad - though I think the chances of it are so low as to be nonexistent, if I ever happen to meet you in person and you treat someone who professionally respects you like that, I will do everything in my power to make sure that person disregards your blatant condescension and keeps their self-respect as a human being.

I was going to say something else originally, but I think it may be good for me to develop some more patience and respect for the rights of others myself.

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 4:37 pm
by Nev
The Seeker wrote:
Lox wrote:
The Seeker wrote:Those "Elite" soldiers suck anyways, they have worse aim than Bond villains, of course a warrior tribe of Ewoks will be able to kick their asses. I do not think Ewoks are any sillier than the whole concept of light sabers and death stars.
That's just it. How the heck does the Empire keep control when the Storm Troopers can't even hit their targets or best a bunch of living Teddy Ruxpin's!
You never know, let Teddy Ruxpin grow up in a warrior tride, and give him a spear and I bet he could be fairly dangerous. Remember the Moggles? They're just little Bear creatures as well, and tough as f***!

On the Storm Troopers though, they'd been around for quite a while by the time Episode 4 came out, maybe arthritis is a common disease among clones. You never know!

Mental, lighten up a bit man! The Shrine is hardly a professional setting. It's our messageboard that we have been on for 8 years strait now, most of us. If you find my comments offensive, then I would highly recommend not watching a lot of TV, 80% of the stuff on it nowadays can be taken offensively, and most of it is a hell of a lot more offensive than anything I ever say.
I don't watch TV on a general basis (I don't even have cable or rabbit ears for my own) and no matter what the setting, I don't feel like I should have to put up with you being an arrogant shit. Sorry.

On the Star Wars ranking thing, again I feel like it's hard to rank movies against each other, but I thought the original was actually the best. I have a soft spot in my heart for VI because I loved the Ewoks, then V was cool, and you'd have to pay me to watch any of the second trilogy over again. I'm already dreading having to go see III again with my friends at E3 when they come into town, since they all want to see it and it's turned into the "get everyone together" event of this year's E3 for us. I sent out an e-mail the other day in which the title is "Star Whores" and the first sentence is "Yes, we are."

PostPosted:Tue May 10, 2005 8:28 pm
by Julius Seeker
Mental wrote:
I don't watch TV on a general basis (I don't even have cable or rabbit ears for my own) and no matter what the setting, I don't feel like I should have to put up with you being an arrogant shit. Sorry.
Am I really an arrogant shit or are you perhaps just an angry over-sensitive man?

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 12:38 am
by SineSwiper
I'd vote for arrogant shit.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 1:08 am
by Tortolia
Little from column A, little from column B.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 2:29 am
by Derithian
be glad this is our little home....any other site and you would have been banned years ago. stop being a douche.....that goes for everyone here sometimes.....we give each other shit because we've been a community together for years and we all have some modicum of respect for one another. But seriously.....everyone here can be a dick but you can be a pompous'd fit in well down here in the states....join us eh....

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 3:37 am
by kali o.
Ohhh, whaddi miss?

PS - I'm the Pysc graduate, Seek is the MD.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 6:36 am
by Julius Seeker
I'm arrogant, yeah, why not? Every guy is. As far as Derithan goes, if this was a board where the moderator would ban people for not liking other's opinions. I doubt any of us would have stuck around there for long. One reason why we are still here is because we have that freedom of expression and we use it. If anyone is going to whine about me being 'arrogant' because I have the 'audacity' to post my opinion that people are hypocrites when they say that ewoks make a movie about Storm troopers, lightsabers, and chewbaca cheesy; then perhaps they should look at your own flaws first. Derithan, calling people "douche"; anyone can do that, but usually only trailor trash and children resort to that kind of immaturity. If anyone is going to get banned at any board with a reasonable moderator, it would be you for profanity, not me for a logical opinion that happens to insult the type of person that you are.

Especially after a post that is obviously not meant to be taken 100% seriously, please, the first word in it is "fuck" I usually don't use profanity unless I am having fun. You should know this by now, I have been here 8 years. Yeah my opinion is true, but how the f*** am I supposed to know what Freud would think about Starwars fans, I was just making a bet =)

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 9:31 am
by Zeus
Not every guy is arrogant. Many may be confident of themselves, but arrogance implies a socially unacceptable method of behaviour which is based on forcefully emoting this confidence upon others.

This is why arrogance has such negative connotations but confidence is a trait to admire (or be afraid of if you have low self-esteem)

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 10:12 am
by Kupek
Since I originally pointed out Seeker's proclivity to psychologically question those that disagree with him (or just flat out insult), I'd like to make clear I did so because he has a long history of it, and I finally felt like saying something in that post. Fittingly enough, he's doing it again.

Mental picked up on it, so I'm not the only one that has noticed. I think Mental has a degree of over-sensitivity, but I still feel like I can communicate effectively with him. I long ago gave up on actually trying to communicate with Seeker.

I think the reason we all stick around here is mostly out of habit. I've been talking to you all for so long it feels wierd not to, even if I disagree with a lot (most?) of what is said.
The Seeker wrote:Derithan, calling people "douche"; anyone can do that, but usually only trailor trash and children resort to that kind of immaturity.
Seeker wins the <i>Most Unintentionally Ironic Sentence of the Day</i> award.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 2:03 pm
by Nev
The Seeker wrote:
Mental wrote:
I don't watch TV on a general basis (I don't even have cable or rabbit ears for my own) and no matter what the setting, I don't feel like I should have to put up with you being an arrogant shit. Sorry.
Am I really an arrogant shit or are you perhaps just an angry over-sensitive man?
Truthfully I probably agree with Tort to a certain extent...both. Strange as it seems to be sometimes to point out one's own flaws in America.

Yeah, I'm realizing that I tend to be angry a good bit of the time these days. Honestly, a lot of it comes out of the way my relatively young life has gone. If you knew my past, some of reasons might seem understandable. I'll go into it if you like, though I'm trying to avoid blathering my life history all over the place in my own defense any more.

As far as being oversensitive goes, it's not something I'd realized about myself and I'm grateful to you guys for allowing me the chance to see it. There are some actions and emotions by other people in life for which I do not yet have effective defenses and/or responses. I have not considered it a character flaw to care about and protect the rights of others in the way that I was trying to do initially in telling you off for dogging on people - but ultimately I suppose I can't really protect others all the time either, so it may be problematic to try. And it's not really my job either. I suppose to some extent it even stops people from learning to psychologically "defend" or stand up for themselves.

I was a REALLY sensitive kid at one point who hated getting picked on. And I managed to develop a serious dislike for the people doing the picking. It makes me sad and unhappy to see people getting damaged in that way and so I have this sort of instinctive reaction of anger when I see it going on now to others, by others - even if the subjects of the taunts or disparagement not present when someone is doing the picking. And whether or not you see yourself as simply expressing opinions when you're doing it, Seek...I think maybe getting at the root of the problem would be, it's just not funny.

Now, I know I'm guilty of picking on people as well, usually also in the name of trying to be funny, as I did when I doubted the credibility of my Star Wars screening companions when they went around collecting people's used collectible cups after the movie. And, also like you I think, I don't tend to be terribly successful in my humorous attempts when doing so. At the very least, since ultimately I can really only speak for myself with certainty, when you're bashing on people, I don't really find it humorous. But with respect to disregarding others, maybe in that respect, you and I aren't that different, Seek.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 4:13 pm
by Julius Seeker
Well Mental, in all honesty I hold no grudge, no nothing against you. I really am a good person if you try to get to know me, everyone currently here is a good person. I know it may seem like I have a negative attitude towards things, if I were speaking rather than typing, you'd hear that my negative opinions actually come with a positive tone; it's just harder to express that online, but it's impossible for me to change who I am now. I don't even want to change, I like who I am =P

For example, it's not like: Seeker barged into the conversation and in staring everyone down who disagreed with him, and in a very loud and angry tone he said "THAT game really fucking sucked!"

It's more like 'Seeker with a toothpick between his lips and decided to share his opinion on things "THAT game really fucking sucked," he said with a grin flinging the toothpick across the room and into a garbage can "three points." Anyone up for another round of beer?

I could write all of my posts in this sort of dialogue, but don't you admit that it would take an ungodly amount of time?

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 5:39 pm
by Eric
Yeah I get along with Seeker fine when we're not talking about video games. ;p

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 5:44 pm
by Nev
Okay, if we really want to make this interesting...

I'm starting to realize how frickin' backwoods you are, Seek, and what you just said doesn't really change my views on this. Disparagement delivered in a friendly tone is often harder to refute because people can do what you just did and say "Well, you know, I was really just kidding..."

Also, I disagree with the whole "good person" thing. I don't think ANY of us are good people, or bad people, for that matter. That's the kind of absolutist value judgement that really bothers me because I think it interferes with seeing people in all their various shades of grey - or I'd prefer color, tone, and highlight, if that makes any sense. Or, to say it another way, it interferes with, if not accepting, at least being able to see others as they are.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 6:13 pm
by Julius Seeker
*Smashes Eric over the head with a dumpster*

Or fighting =)

And yeah, I don't believe in bad people, just confused people.

PostPosted:Wed May 11, 2005 7:45 pm
by Nev
Huh? Your first sentence was kind of a non sequitur.

PostPosted:Thu May 12, 2005 12:27 am
by SineSwiper
Mental wrote:I'm starting to realize how frickin' backwoods you are, Seek, and what you just said doesn't really change my views on this. Disparagement delivered in a friendly tone is often harder to refute because people can do what you just did and say "Well, you know, I was really just kidding..."
I've noticed that you really don't get sarcasm, or you really don't like it.

PostPosted:Thu May 12, 2005 2:49 am
by Nev
SineSwiper wrote: I've noticed that you really don't get sarcasm, or you really don't like it.
I don't like it. I'm pretty sarcastic myself in real life and used to be even worse. But in writing for me it's different, and I don't like to be it (usually) or read it.

PostPosted:Thu May 12, 2005 7:26 am
by Eric
The Seeker wrote:*Smashes Eric over the head with a dumpster*

Or fighting =)

And yeah, I don't believe in bad people, just confused people.
If ya smelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll *Crushes Seeker with some random 400 Pound Wrestler* Whoooo!

PostPosted:Thu May 12, 2005 9:56 am
by Imakeholesinu
Just because I have brain problems doesn't mean I can't hit both of you so hard you'll fall off the internet.

PostPosted:Fri May 13, 2005 3:32 am
by SineSwiper
Heh, don't abuse that newfound saying.