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Batman Fraggin Rules!

PostPosted:Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:31 pm
by Derithian
WOOOHOOOOOOO! To those that say it would didn't. this was what I call a sexy kick ass movie that actually captured the feel of the bat. Just complete Wowness........and I've had to try and concentrate on school after that? impossible....I'm screwed

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:15 am
by SineSwiper
Jesus, I totally forgot. I've been so swamped at work. Getting a new DHCP server system and all...

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:17 am
by Derithian
still a week and a half till it comes out but let me say this.....PREVIEW SCREENINGS RULE! and the movie was fucking amazing. it's kinda funny in the NYT a guy gave it a horrible review and all the reasons he gave were what made it good. it actually finally felt like batman and really just blew my mind with how good it was

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:37 am
by Eric
Pfft, I saw the advance viewing and thought it sucked.

-Insert Flamebait, await prey.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:13 am
by Julius Seeker
I don't think anyone said it was going to suck.

Re: Batman Fraggin Rules!

PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:21 am
by Lox
Derithian wrote:WOOOHOOOOOOO! To those that say it would didn't. this was what I call a sexy kick ass movie that actually captured the feel of the bat. Just complete Wowness........and I've had to try and concentrate on school after that? impossible....I'm screwed
Just saw it for the 2nd time tonight (7:10 and 10:30 showings :)).

That movie was awesome, just incredible. There were some crazy scenes and the parts with Scarecrow were pretty intense. Bale is Batman, no question about it. Everyone else did a superb job as well.

PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:09 am
by SineSwiper
Haven't seen it yet, but they will be playing on fucking IMAX! IMAX for god's sake! I really need to see this.

PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:53 am
by Zeus
Derithian wrote:still a week and a half till it comes out but let me say this.....PREVIEW SCREENINGS RULE!
It came out on Wednesday. Well, it did here, anyways. And according to IGN, it made $15 million on it's first day, "best ever Wednesday in June for Warner". Yeah, because so many movies open on a Wednesday in June....
Seeker wrote:I don't think anyone said it was going to suck.
I said it looked like there was a very high probability it was going to suck and that I would have to be dragged to it. Well, I'm officially being dragged tonight by my wife. Stupid anniversary......

PostPosted:Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:41 am
by SineSwiper
Zeus wrote:I said it looked like there was a very high probability it was going to suck and that I would have to be dragged to it. Well, I'm officially being dragged tonight by my wife. Stupid anniversary......
Be glad you're not going to be dragged into TRAVELING PANTS!

What the fuck? That's still a stupid name for a flick. I can never get tired of saying it. Just imagine a Special Ed type voice saying "TRAVELING PANTS!", all while doing that fifth-grade retard sign of smacking the MD-striken arm on the chest.

And the movie is probably pure woman emotional bullshit with no type of plot and no fucking point. It's the type of flick where the girl tries to drag the guy into it, and 10 minutes into the movie, the guy going "Fuck it! I'll whack off instead! This is too much work!" A "Stand By Me for women"? Obviously, they didn't get the point of Stand By Me, and at least Stand By Me was written by Stephen Fucking King!

PostPosted:Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:50 am
by Ishamael
Yes, this movie kicked all kinds of ass. This is Batman. This is a guy you can really believe criminals would be shitting their pants over. No other Batman flick comes close to capturing that aspect. This one is hugely successful doing it. The first time he spoke, I was like "WHOAH!" You KNOW that when criminals see this dude, they're not thinking he's some goodie two shoes super hero who won't kill them. They're thinking he's psychopathic motherfucker who's capable of doing anything.

PostPosted:Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:35 am
by SineSwiper
I haven't seen the movie yet, but this is sort what I feel, too. Bale looks like Batman! I was watching the tail end of Batman 2, and it just looked so fucking cheesy! And casting Keaton as Batman just seems stupid, almost like the casting of Clooney. It's like, yeah, Tim Burton did cast a good Joker, but I think he could have done much better with the movie throughout.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:14 am
by Lox
Ishamael wrote:Yes, this movie kicked all kinds of ass. This is Batman. This is a guy you can really believe criminals would be shitting their pants over. No other Batman flick comes close to capturing that aspect. This one is hugely successful doing it. The first time he spoke, I was like "WHOAH!" You KNOW that when criminals see this dude, they're not thinking he's some goodie two shoes super hero who won't kill them. They're thinking he's psychopathic motherfucker who's capable of doing anything.


How did you like the part where he pulls the fat cop up into the air and interrogates him?

"I don't know. I swear to God!"

That part was so freaking awesome.

I saw the movie twice Friday night, back-to-back. :) Might see it again this week.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:03 am
by Zeus
I have to admit, it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. There was some very cool stuff. I loved Caine as Alfred and the inclusion of the father's work in the origin storyline. I warmed up a bit to the military aspects of Wayne industries as I thought they included it quite well. And the whole "become what you fear to put that fear into others" thing was great.

Liam Neeson, one of the most underrated actors around, was excellent as always, but he disappeared for FAR too long, and I think that was another factor. In the Burton ones, the villians had real presence. In this one, it was Ra Gul (don't care about the spelling) was a good guy in the beginning, you had the Scarecrow (great idea, just couldn't stand the look) and mob boss (that's been waaaaay overdone) in the middle, and then Gul comes back (and he and what he stood for were excellent). And the Holmes character was just useless.

At the end of the day, it just wasn't up there with the Burton ones (and I love Nolan's direction) mostly because it was just a setup film and really needs the sequels to mean anythihng (see Phantom Menace). But it destroyed the Shumacher ones, which were utter garbage. And I just didn't see Bale as Batman. I really don't dislike Bale - in fact, I have no opinion on his acting abilities one way or the other - but he's just not Batman to me. I just couldn't see him in that role.

Flame away :-)

PostPosted:Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:21 am
by Lox
Zeus wrote:Flame away :-)
Nah, not worth my breath. It's you afterall. :)

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:07 am
by Torgo
Disregarding the fact that the guy who kills Bruce's parents is some lowly mugger instead of the Joker (I was hoping he'd say his "Dance with the devil" line) it is definitely the best of the Batman movies. Bale is the bat! It even shows where the Joker got his ideas.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:49 am
by Lox
Torgo wrote:Disregarding the fact that the guy who kills Bruce's parents is some lowly mugger instead of the Joker (I was hoping he'd say his "Dance with the devil" line) it is definitely the best of the Batman movies. Bale is the bat! It even shows where the Joker got his ideas.
Well, that whole "the Joker killed Bruce Wayne's parents" thing was a Tim Burton addition as I recall so I much prefer them sticking closer to the comic version. Looking back, it even feels a little cheesy how Burton played that.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:04 pm
by Torgo
Ah, that I did not know. I just loved the Joker in the first film that I was hoping to see some reference to it.

Apparently this is the start of a new Batman franchise, so we might see some villains reused. Lord knows the series needs a revival. But again, I can't see anyone topping Nicholson's performance.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:46 pm
by Zeus
There's a lot of talk about the Joker getting cast in the next one. Paul Bettany (Wimbledon) is one of the leading contenders. Sadly, Hamill is not one

PostPosted:Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:17 am
by Ishamael
Lox wrote: How did you like the part where he pulls the fat cop up into the air and interrogates him?

"I don't know. I swear to God!"

That part was so freaking awesome.

I saw the movie twice Friday night, back-to-back. :) Might see it again this week.
I second your diagnosis -- awesome. And like someone else said, Bale IS Batman. It's that simple. This is a Batman with issues. Serious issues. :)

I'm going to see it again too.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:48 am
by Eric
Zeus wrote:There's a lot of talk about the Joker getting cast in the next one. Paul Bettany (Wimbledon) is one of the leading contenders. Sadly, Hamill is not one
Mark Hamil should get it on his voice work alone.

Hell Michael Rosenbaum would make a great Flash as well.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:37 am
by Eric
And yes the movie was freakin hot.

They captured every aspect of Batman.

He's a psycho with a heart.

They made Gotham a huge pool of hell.

The only thing I noticed that was suspect was that Gordon was a little more hands on then he's supposed to be since he just met the bat, but maybe that was just me.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:49 am
by Lox
Eric wrote:The only thing I noticed that was suspect was that Gordon was a little more hands on then he's supposed to be since he just met the bat, but maybe that was just me.
In Year One, Gordon actually runs the police search for Batman for a while even though he's not totally sure Batman is a problem. The commissioner wants Batman's head on a plate though. Then Gordon's wife and newborn son are put in the middle and the baby almost bites it but Batman (not in costume, mind you) saves him and gives him back to Gordon. Gordon, without his glasses, knows it's Batman but can't make out his face. And from that point on, they're seeminly comrades.

Did I get that all right? :)

PostPosted:Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:37 am
by SineSwiper
This movie makes Tim Burton's versions look like GARBAGE! Totally fucking awesome movie! I thought Scarecrow was done rather well, and I liked the cool "fear scenes", like the nightmare version of Batman.