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PostPosted:Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:33 pm
by SineSwiper
Okay, okay, okay... I think I've seen all that there is the see in life. I just witnessed a commericial for Lord of War, the one where they give out the quotes from people who praise the movie.

Okay, the first one was from Ebert & Roeper. Alright, that's fine... cool, they give it two thumbs up. And then I see that the next quote is from... get ready... Ain't It Cool News! What The Fuck?! And then they do ANOTHER QUOTE from AICN!

I just fucking died laughing! See, I'm dead, and this is my spirit here typing out this message. I'm dead, and it's because of laughing too hard from that commericial. You know, I've heard a lot of things about how they paid people to say quotes in the newspaper, or that one studio that kept quoting a FICTIONAL person for their good reviews. But, wow, how low can you stoop to pretend that AICN is a legitimate source of news. Next thing you know, NBC News is going to quote The Drudge Report as the honest truth. God, cats and dogs living together! It's mass hysteria!

PostPosted:Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:20 pm
by Ishamael
LOL! I've actually seen a few movies show AICN movie review quotes. The last one I specifically remember is for the second Kill Bill movie.