SineSwiper wrote: Oh, and Zeus, you have a short attention span, too. Sometimes movies aren't going to pop out to you in only 30 minutes time. Shit, if I've watched that much of a movie, I might as well watch the rest. I think to do anything else would be to rob me of my 30 minutes. I would rather watch a whole movie and risk wasting 2 hours, than watch only 30 minutes, and not be certain that it's going to suck or actually be great.
No, man, it has zero to do with attention span (I have one of the longer ones of anyone you've met; I ain't no Ridalin baby). It's a simple choice on whether or not to spend the time on it. I'm not a fan of slow-moving films, I like plot movement or, in light of a minimal amount of that, strong character development. SOMETHING happening to keep me interested. Entertain me, inform me, make me cry, show me some crazy-ass action, make me doesn't matter, just give me a reason to keep watching. Garden State did not do this.
And it's not like I watched 5 minutes and said "this sucks ass" and stopped; I watched about a third of the film. 35 minutes and NOTHING happened. And I don't mean nothing in the Seinfeld way of nothing. I mean, there was zero character development (there's a difference between characters talking and characters developing), zero plot, zero action, zero comedy, zero emotion, zero anything. I could watch my wall and be just as entertained as watching that film.
So the choice comes down to: do I commit the next hour to this film or do I watch 3 anime episodes, 1 1/2 episodes of an hour long TV show (that ain't no typo), or play a game for an hour? Why continue with the film when I've been given zero reason to? Cellular, a brutally bad film, gave me a reason to keep watching (the whole "train wreck" idea) but Garden State didn't. So I turned off and spent my free time doing something I wanted rather than wasting an hour of my life on something I just didn't care about. There's no obligation to movies or entertainment in general. If it ain't worth it, do something else.