I got an email entailing that they are expanding the beta hours next week.... here is a replicant...
Join us in Tabula Rasa for a week of 24/7 beta access! We launched a brand new build Thursday, September 6, and would like everyone help test several important fixes. We are Focus Testing the Concordia, Torden, and Boot Camp maps. In addition, we would also like to test other "new recruit" improvements, like our new Targets of Opportunity system, as well as server stability. We've sent out over 20,000 beta invites to assist with these tasks, so be ready to help any new AFS soldiers learn the ropes. All existing characters have been wiped so that everyone can start off on the same foot. The 24/7 server access will end on September 13, 2007 so let's start testing now soldiers!
We're also planning an event for this Saturday, September 8, 2007 on the US servers from 8:00 - 10:00 PM, Central Time. It's going to be a full on war! So be sure to log in this Saturday and join the fun as we fight for the survival of the AFS!
***Please note, if you previously had a promotional beta account that has since expired, you can purchase a pre-order if you would like to participate further in the Tabula Rasa beta playsession.***
Game on!
The Tabula Rasa Team