From other topic:
This is great. I can uninstall Transcode 360 now. It used up a lot of my system memory to be able to stream avi files to the 360 in Media Center... now I don't even need to use Media Center! Divx encoded files run flawlessly right off the dashboard. You just need to go to video in the media blade and change the source from the 360 HDD to your comp by pressing X.
Further impressions:
I greatly prefer the marketplace design. Even seems to run faster, although I did have a kind of long initial load when I connected to Live after my system rebooted so I don't know if that's going to be normal.
I think the Xbox originals is a great idea, BUT:
1) I can't think of too many Xbox games I'd replay
2) Overpriced
3) Conversion of points is still unfair to Canadians since our dollar is more or less equal now (500 points is 7.75CAD or 6.25USD). So a game at 1200 points is 18.60 here (plus tax!) or 15 in the US (no tax).
Most of the games on the list can be found in stores for $10-15 new or used, Psychonauts and Indigo Prophecy may be exceptions.
Still, very nice update. I may be playing Bioshock again to check out the new plasmids/display setting.
Addition: I remember reading something about a CNN-like 'ticker'. Also, a daily feature, including some Major Nelson jizz. Did you come across this? Maybe it's a US only thing like the video marketplace (ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!).