I seriously think that the DS has the potential to be the first system to reach the 200 million mark. Being the first to 150 million is already a foregone conclusion. 250 million? That would be roughly double.
DS 1 million+
Wii 550K
PS3 440K
Xbox 360 250K
(the official statement was "double last week, so that's the PR friendly way of saying 250K as US sales last week were probably about 125K when considering VG Chartz' North American figure of 146K).
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft report
Last year the DS was one of two systems which broke the PS2's previous record, and sold 780,000. This year's number is significantly higher, to the level of insanity. 550K is disappointing for the Wii, last year it sold 800K, so this year marks a significant drop. The Xbox 360 is also down significantly as it sold 400K last year, but PS3 is way way WAY up after selling ~100K last year and taking a distant last place.
Total sales between the four main systems equaled ~2.25 million. Not bad for the first week of the biggest sales month of the year in the US. Factoring in European sales, Wii and DS sold 350K a piece last year (~30% increase for DS and 15% increase for the Wii) and probably sold 450K and 400K this week based on that. So that would be 950K for the Wii and ~1.5 million for the DS, with Japanese figures of 140K for DS and 30K for Wii, 980K for Wii and 1.65 million for DS.
For the other systems, PS3 sold 15% higher on sales of 190K with an additional 30K from Japan for an estimate of 260K extra this week. and Xbox 360 sold 5% higher on sales of 135K with no significant Japan sales.
DS = 1.65 million
Wii = 980K
PS3 = 700K
Xbox 360 = 400K
VG Chartz should have their figures on Thursday which is where I got my data to make these estimates. But what I have posted are the numbers that I say we will see worldwide for the week, give or take 10%. I guarantee! Muahahahaha

DS 1 million+
Wii 550K
PS3 440K
Xbox 360 250K
(the official statement was "double last week, so that's the PR friendly way of saying 250K as US sales last week were probably about 125K when considering VG Chartz' North American figure of 146K).
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft report
Last year the DS was one of two systems which broke the PS2's previous record, and sold 780,000. This year's number is significantly higher, to the level of insanity. 550K is disappointing for the Wii, last year it sold 800K, so this year marks a significant drop. The Xbox 360 is also down significantly as it sold 400K last year, but PS3 is way way WAY up after selling ~100K last year and taking a distant last place.
Total sales between the four main systems equaled ~2.25 million. Not bad for the first week of the biggest sales month of the year in the US. Factoring in European sales, Wii and DS sold 350K a piece last year (~30% increase for DS and 15% increase for the Wii) and probably sold 450K and 400K this week based on that. So that would be 950K for the Wii and ~1.5 million for the DS, with Japanese figures of 140K for DS and 30K for Wii, 980K for Wii and 1.65 million for DS.
For the other systems, PS3 sold 15% higher on sales of 190K with an additional 30K from Japan for an estimate of 260K extra this week. and Xbox 360 sold 5% higher on sales of 135K with no significant Japan sales.
DS = 1.65 million
Wii = 980K
PS3 = 700K
Xbox 360 = 400K
VG Chartz should have their figures on Thursday which is where I got my data to make these estimates. But what I have posted are the numbers that I say we will see worldwide for the week, give or take 10%. I guarantee! Muahahahaha

-Insert Inspiring Quote-